How to Lose 2.5 Kg of Weight in a Day: 11 Steps

How to Lose 2.5 Kg of Weight in a Day: 11 Steps
How to Lose 2.5 Kg of Weight in a Day: 11 Steps

Table of contents:


If you want to lose some weight quickly, you should do it effectively and safely, whatever your reasons. However, you can lose weight safely by removing accumulated fluid and dirt, so you will lose 2.5 kg or more in a day. However, be aware that this process cannot be safely repeated for more than a day (for example, you cannot safely lose 7.5 kg in three days), and the weight lost in a day is likely to come back quickly. It's best to maintain an ideal body weight, and weight loss should be combined with long-term lifestyle changes, such as healthy eating and exercise.


Part 1 of 3: Removing Liquid Weight

Reduce a Fever without Medication Step 7
Reduce a Fever without Medication Step 7

Step 1. Drink a lot

The body needs water in order to function. If you don't drink enough every day, your body will store excess fluid to meet your lack of consumption. If recently your water consumption is less than 1.8 liters per day, make that amount as a target.

  • Drink up to 4 liters of water.
  • Increase your water intake to 2 or 3 glasses per day if you are already drinking 2 liters.
  • Be aware that increasing your water consumption to unhealthy levels can disrupt sleep patterns, interrupt your daily schedule, or trigger discomfort.
  • Add juice and tea to your estimated consumption.
Motivate Yourself to Lose Weight Step 17
Motivate Yourself to Lose Weight Step 17

Step 2. Add physical activity

You can burn more calories and remove more fluid weight and waste from your body by exercising.

  • Walk 30 minutes during lunch time and after dinner.
  • Avoid snacks during the day; this will increase the weight so that the body does not have time to burn it in a day.
  • Do energy-intensive homework. Sweep, do not use a vacuum cleaner; move all the furniture and clean under it, scrub the banisters, and so on.
Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks Step 14
Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks Step 14

Step 3. Reduce sodium consumption

Consumption of sodium can cause excess fluid retention in the body, and also trigger bloating and discomfort. Aim to consume less than 1,500 milligrams of salt per day.

  • The easiest way to reduce sodium is to not eat processed foods. This includes cereals, baked goods, cheese, lunch meat, frozen vegetables, canned soups, canned peas or vegetables, and plain bread. Salt is a preservative (as well as a flavor enhancer), and processed foods contain a lot of salt.
  • Eat little or no processed foods, such as eggs, wild rice, quinoa, fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, garlic, salads, fresh fish, nuts and seeds without salt.
Lose 10 Pounds in 1 Week without Any Pills Step 4
Lose 10 Pounds in 1 Week without Any Pills Step 4

Step 4. Reduce consumption of flour

Like salt, flour will cause fluid retention in your body. If you reduce the consumption of flour in today's menu, the less fluid retention you consume. To reduce flour consumption, avoid foods such as:

  • Pasta and fries.
  • Bread, biscuits and cakes.
  • Rice and baked potatoes.

Part 2 of 3: Getting Rid of Heavy Dirt

Motivate Yourself to Lose Weight Step 14
Motivate Yourself to Lose Weight Step 14

Step 1. Exercise in the morning

Your metabolism and digestive system will start to work more efficiently, and will process waste out of your body faster. Focus mainly on cardio (as opposed to weight training); Activities such as running or jogging will increase your heart rate and help burn calories.

  • Walk, run, or do other cardio exercises for 20 to 30 minutes after waking up.
  • Go to the gym before work, not after.
  • Be careful not to get tired or exercise in a day to an unhealthy level. It only takes light to moderate exercise to get your digestive tract working.
Lose 5 Pounds in 2 Weeks Step 6
Lose 5 Pounds in 2 Weeks Step 6

Step 2. Have a fiber-rich breakfast

Fiber will help food move smoothly in your digestive tract, and push waste out of the colon. Choose oatmeal, whole grains, low-fat Greek yogurt, unsalted nuts, vegetable-filled omelettes, or whole fruit.

  • Breakfast within 90 minutes of waking up.
  • Aim to eat between 300 and 600 calories for breakfast.
  • We recommend consuming 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day, so increase your intake as needed to reach this level.
  • If you're looking for a healthy breakfast, try this: combine oatmeal and fruit in a smoothie. Add leafy greens to your smoothie for added nutrition.
Heal the Lungs Naturally Step 20
Heal the Lungs Naturally Step 20

Step 3. Drink a cup of coffee or tea in the morning

These natural diuretics (foods or drinks that increase urine and stool production) can help you to pass stool.

Heal the Lungs Naturally Step 6
Heal the Lungs Naturally Step 6

Step 4. Eat fruits and vegetables which are natural diuretics

Plan today's menu around foods that can help get rid of this heavy fluid and dirt.

  • Eat fruits such as melons, pineapples, and tomatoes.
  • Eat vegetables like asparagus, celery, parsley, cucumber, dill, lettuce, cabbage, carrots, and beets.
  • Drink tea made from dandelion leaves, green tea, and nettle.

Part 3 of 3: Changing the Food Menu During the Day

Count Carbs on the Atkins Diet Step 3
Count Carbs on the Atkins Diet Step 3

Step 1. Eat foods that contain probiotics

Probiotics are live yeast and bacteria commonly found in the body. Foods containing probiotics help keep digestion healthy and move digested food through the stomach and intestines.

  • A serving of Greek yogurt is very good to eat. Make sure the yogurt is low in sodium and contains active cultures.
  • You can replace yogurt with kefir. Kefir is a probiotic drink available at many grocery stores.
Lose 5 Pounds in 2 Weeks Step 7
Lose 5 Pounds in 2 Weeks Step 7

Step 2. Cut down on carbohydrates on days when you want to lose weight

This may seem counterintuitive, but carbohydrates can increase the amount of water your body stores. You can reduce your fluid weight by eating carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables that day.

  • Eat a salad instead of a sandwich.
  • Don't eat bread, pasta, or other refined grain products.
  • Research shows that sticking to a low-carb diet for just three days can help you lose a few pounds and maintain your weight better.
Count Carbs on the Atkins Diet Step 12
Count Carbs on the Atkins Diet Step 12

Step 3. Eat less throughout the day

Calories consumed earlier in the day will be burned more than consumed later, so eat more calories in the morning and afternoon.

Try halving the amount of food you eat, or at least reducing the portion sizes you eat that day


  • If you haven't managed to lose as much as 2.5 kg of fluid weight, try to sweat it out. Sit in a hot sauna or steam room for 20 minutes. (Remember, this can dehydrate you and the results are temporary.)
  • Eat healthy protein (especially egg whites, chicken breast, and fish), because these types of foods do not cause fluid retention.


  • Don't skip breakfast because you should eat three times a day. Reduce consumption of fast food, but do not eat it altogether. Once in a while it's okay to reward yourself with fast food; that way you will not eat fast food like a hungry person.
  • Some people think that not eating at all will help them lose weight, but that's not true. Quite the opposite is true. When you make your body hungry, it switches to the hunger setting, storing up all the good and bad nutrients. This is because the body does not know when it will get food intake again. If you want to lose weight, eat a healthy diet of fresh produce and protein.
