5 Ways to Help Save Planet Earth

5 Ways to Help Save Planet Earth
5 Ways to Help Save Planet Earth

Table of contents:


Are you concerned about the health of our planet, and ready to do what you can to save it? With bad news about global warming, dying oceans and endangered animals reaching us every day, it's hard to know where to start. It may seem like acting alone isn't going to make an impact, but there are actually many ways you can help. See Step 1 to learn how to change habits and share useful information with others.


Method 1 of 5: Save Water

Be Greener Step 6
Be Greener Step 6

Step 1. Save water at home

Wasting water is one of the worst ways that it affects the health of the planet. Taking steps to use less water is something you can do right away. If you live in a water-scarce area, this is even more important for your local environment. Try to do some of the things below as much as possible:

  • Check and repair water leaks. A leaky faucet can waste a lot of water.
  • Install water-saving devices in your faucets and toilets. A low-flow shower can be a great start.
  • Do not wash dishes under running water. Use a method that requires less water to clean dishes.
  • Turn off the washing machine's water supply to avoid leakage. The supply does not need to go on and on.
  • Replace the old toilet with a new toilet that uses much less water.
  • Wash clothes and dishes at full capacity in one wash. Half-wash is a waste of water.
  • Do not use too much water to irrigate the lawn.
  • Do not open the tap while brushing your teeth.
Be Greener Step 7
Be Greener Step 7

Step 2. Reduce the use of certain chemicals

Chemicals used to clean bodies, houses, cars and other items will enter drains or be absorbed into the grass, and end up in water reserves. Because people use heavy chemicals for various things, these chemicals are really damaging to waterways and life in the water. These chemicals are also not good for humans, so do what you can to reduce them. Here's how:

  • Learn alternatives to household cleaning items that don't use harmful chemicals. For example, using a solution of 1/2 vinegar and 1/2 water works the same as most commercial cleaners for basic cleaning jobs. Baking soda and salt are also inexpensive and non-toxic cleaners.
  • When there's no good alternative to a toxic item, find out the smallest amount that's most effective and clean.
  • Instead of chemical-laden shampoos and soaps, try making your own.
  • Instead of pesticides and herbicides, look for natural ways to get rid of pests and leafhoppers.
Be Greener Step 8
Be Greener Step 8

Step 3. Dispose of toxic waste in a proper manner

Paint, motor oil, ammonia, and various other chemicals should not be dumped into drains or grass. These substances will seep into the earth and end up in groundwater. Contact your local sanitation agency to find the nearest toxic waste disposal site.

Be Greener Step 9
Be Greener Step 9

Step 4. Help identify water contaminants

Efforts alone to keep water clean is limited. Companies and industries are usually the cause of water pollution. To protect the earth's waters, concerned citizens should find ways to stop pollution.

  • Join a local environmental group that works to clean up the waters in your area, be it rivers, lakes or oceans.
  • Contact your local representative to share your views on keeping waters free of hazardous chemicals.
  • Become a volunteer to help clean up the beach or riverbank.
  • Help others get involved in cleaning up your local waters.

Method 2 of 5: Maintaining Air Quality

Be Greener Step 1
Be Greener Step 1

Step 1. Reduce electricity usage

Coal and natural gas are the most common sources of energy used for electricity. The burning of these substances is a big factor in air pollution in the world. Reducing your dependence on electricity is a great way to take part in saving the planet. Here's what you can do:

  • Use solar power for home heating and water heating.
  • Turn off power tools at night and when going to work.
  • If you have central air conditioning, do not close the vents in unused rooms.
  • Lower the thermostat on the water heater to 50 degrees Celsius.
  • Turn the water heater down or off when you are away for a long time.
  • Turn off lights that are not used even to leave the room for a while.
  • Set the refrigerator temperature within a temperature range of 2-3 degrees Celsius, and the freezer temperature between 0 to -2 degrees Celsius.
  • When using the oven, do not open the door too often as this will lower the temperature by 1-2 degrees Celsius.
  • Clean the filter in the dryer after each filling to avoid using up too much energy.
  • Wash clothes in warm or cold water, not hot.
  • Turn off lights, computers and other devices when not in use.
  • Use fluorescent lights to save money and energy.
  • Plant trees to shade your home.
  • Replace old windows with energy efficient windows.
  • Set the thermostat on high in summer, and low in winter while the house is empty.
  • Insulate your home as much as possible.
Be Greener Step 2
Be Greener Step 2

Step 2. Cut down on cars and airplanes

Another major source of air pollution that leads to global warming is emissions from cars, trucks, airplanes and other vehicles. The manufacture of vehicles, their fuels, the chemicals they burn, and the construction of roads all play a role. If you can drive or fly less often, you'll be helping a lot to save the planet.

  • Walk or bike instead of driving, if you can. Find a bike lane in your city and use it!
  • Sharing a vehicle or riding to work if cycling or walking is not possible.
  • Report a smoked vehicle to your local air agency.
  • Take good care of your vehicle. Buy radial tires and make sure they keep the air in your vehicle. Paint with a brush to minimize emissions.
Celebrate Earth Day Step 14
Celebrate Earth Day Step 14

Step 3. Buy local goods

Buying local goods fights air pollution in two ways. You don't have to go far to get what you need, and the products don't have to be delivered all the way to you. Making smart choices about where your food, clothes and other belongings come from can help reduce air pollution.

  • Shop at the farmer's market and buy produce as close to your home as possible.
  • When shopping online, pay attention to how far your order has to travel to get to you. Try to find items that don't need to be shipped long distances.
  • Pay attention to where your clothes, electronics, furniture, and other items are made. As much as possible, buy items made in your area.
Be Greener Step 15
Be Greener Step 15

Step 4. Eat locally sourced vegetables and meat

The practice of industrial farming can not only harm livestock, it can also harm the planet. Factory farms produce a lot of air and water pollution. You can act on this matter personally by doing the following:

  • Eat more vegetables. This simple change is one way to not use the factory livestock industry.
  • Question the origin of the meat.
  • Just buy local meat from small farms.
Be Greener Step 14
Be Greener Step 14

Step 5. Become an air pollution activist

Find local groups fighting air pollution, and find ways to get involved. By educating yourself and others about the problem, you can have a bigger impact than just changing your personal lifestyle.

  • Join a group that grows trees to help clean the air.
  • Become a cycling activist. Strive to have safe lanes in your city.
  • Contact your local government representative to talk about specific issues in your area. If a factory emits pollution into the air, for example, be politically active to stop it.

Method 3 of 5: Protecting Soil Health

Help Save Whales Step 13
Help Save Whales Step 13

Step 1. Reduce waste

Everything you throw away ends up in landfills. In addition, all types of waste, whether plastic, paper, metal, and others, may be made through processes that are not environmentally friendly so that they can damage the health of the soil. By reducing waste, you can reduce your impact. Try making the following changes:

  • Buy products you can use again. Use glass containers instead of weak plastic, for example.
  • Don't use plastic bags - use cloth.
  • Take care of products that last, instead of buying new.
  • Avoid products with multiple layers of packaging if one coat is sufficient. About 33% of our disposal is packaged.
  • Use reusable plates and utensils, not throw away. Use reusable food wrap, not aluminum sheet.
  • Purchase rechargeable batteries for frequently used tools.
  • Print on both sides of the paper.
  • Reuse items such as envelopes, files and paper clips.
  • Use email instead of paper correspondence.
  • Use paper that can be recycled.
  • Patching clothes instead of buying new clothes.
  • Buy used furniture - there are advantages to second hand and cheaper than new furniture.
Cook Fiddleheads Step 10
Cook Fiddleheads Step 10

Step 2. Make your own stuff

When you cook yourself from raw ingredients or mix up your cleaning supplies, you naturally reduce waste. Disposable food packages, shampoo bottles and the like can greatly increase waste! Here are some things you can make yourself:

  • Food. If you're really ambitious, grow your own! If not, do what you can to improve foods that you make yourself from raw ingredients. Buy a lot of ingredients at once to save on packaging.
  • Body care. Shampoo, conditioner, lotion, toothpaste - the like, you can do! Try changing a few things first, then try to make most of the ones you use yourself. Tips & Warnings Coconut oil is a great substitute for lotions, conditioners and facial cleansers.
  • Cleaning products. Everything from window cleaners to oven cleaners can be made using natural ingredients.
Celebrate Earth Day Step 22
Celebrate Earth Day Step 22

Step 3. Compost

This is a great way to reduce waste and improve the health of the soil you are stepping on at the same time. Instead of throwing your leftovers in the trash, compost them in a container. After taking care of it for a few weeks, you will get soil that is rich in nutrients that you can sprinkle on the grass or use for your vegetable garden. The land around you will be healthier and more vibrant from your efforts.

Use Your Compost Step 7
Use Your Compost Step 7

Step 4. Plant trees, don't cut them down

Trees protect the soil from erosion, and are an integral part of the ecosystem. By saving trees you will protect not only the soil, but also the water and air. If you have space in the back of your yard, consider planting trees to pay for the future of your neighborhood.

  • Research to find out which tree species are most beneficial to the environment you live in. Plant local species.
  • Intend to plant a tree that will grow tall and provide shade.
Get Rid of House and Garden Pests Step 9
Get Rid of House and Garden Pests Step 9

Step 5. Efforts to stop deforestation and mining

These practices clear the land until it is no longer healthy enough for flora and fauna. Join a group working to protect land-destroying industrial practices.

Method 4 of 5: Protecting Animals

Make a Tropical Style Garden Step 9
Make a Tropical Style Garden Step 9

Step 1. Make your home a sanctuary for wild animals

All kinds of animals, from birds, deer and insects have lost some of their habitats due to human development. Chances are you've seen birds bathing in oil-tainted water and deer stray on the outskirts of town because they're running out of places to roam. If you have enough space, try to let animals that may need help. You can make your property friendly in the following ways:

  • Plant bushes, flowers and trees that are attractive to wildlife.
  • Install bird feeders and bird baths filled with food and clean water.
  • Let live snakes, spiders, bees, bats and other useful animals. Having these animals around means your ecosystem is healthy.
  • Install a honeycomb if there is enough space.
  • Use aromatic herbs instead of camphor.
  • Do not use harmful chemical pesticides.
  • Use humane snares instead of rat and insect poison.
  • Use an electric or manual lawn mower instead of one that requires fuel.
Become a Vegetarian Step 4
Become a Vegetarian Step 4

Step 2. Try a vegetarian, pescetarian, or vegan diet

In addition to respecting animals, this diet can also reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Did you know that 3 billion animals are killed in the livestock industry every day around the world? The easiest way to honor animals around the world is by following a meat-free diet.

Choose certified humane certified eggs or organic eggs. Make sure the eggs you buy have the Certified Humane stamp on the packaging. This stamp is a square that reads "Certified Humane" in blueprint. In addition, there is a green hill logo at the bottom that reads "Raised and Handled" in white print. These certified egg brands include Nellie's and Vital Farms. Eggs like this are generally available at large department stores or specialty organic grocery stores

Catch Monster Catfish Step 3
Catch Monster Catfish Step 3

Step 3. Eat sustainably caught fish

The oceans are being depleted of large fish populations due to overfishing and pollution. Up to 90 percent of the ocean's large fish are now gone. You can contribute to protecting marine life by eating only fish that are in season and that are caught using sustainable practices.

Help Endangered Animals Step 9
Help Endangered Animals Step 9

Step 4. Respect animals

Many animals are considered pests but are not harmful. Other animals that live in the wild are usually not seen by humans so we tend to forget their needs. With dozens of animal species going extinct every day, they need all the help they can get. Try to be more attentive in the following ways:

  • Let animals like squirrels live, don't be snared and killed. They may be a bit of a nuisance in your garden, but they have a role to play in your local ecosystem.
  • Do not disturb wild places such as forests, beaches, swamps and other places where animals live. When you visit these places, stay in the lane so you don't unknowingly damage the animal habitat.
Change an Outdoor Cat Into an Indoor Cat Step 4
Change an Outdoor Cat Into an Indoor Cat Step 4

Step 5. Watch your pet

If you have a cat who is out of the house a lot, try to keep an eye on him at all times. This means, if you are indoors, your cat should be in the house too. If you leave the house, you can take her out too. Pay attention to the location of your pet cat, as this furry friend of yours is a major cause of death for small animals.. Of course, cats killing mice, birds, etc., are natural. So don't punish your cat if he does. However, make an effort to pay more attention to the life of the small animals in the area where you live, especially if there are animals that are in danger of extinction.

  • You can also help prevent cats from killing other animals by volunteering at an animal shelter to reduce cats wandering the streets.
  • Never punish a cat for killing another animal as this is part of its natural instinct.
  • If your cat likes to go out, find out how to make him feel more at home indoors.
Help Endangered Animals Step 1
Help Endangered Animals Step 1

Step 6. Work to protect animal habitats

Whether there's a particular type of animal you want to protect, or you'd rather work for the safety of all the endangered animals on earth, there are animal rights groups that can take your time and effort.

Method 5 of 5: Save Energy

Save Electricity at Home Step 4
Save Electricity at Home Step 4

Step 1. Use a solar powered lawn light

These lights are equipped with rechargeable batteries that are charged during the day by sunlight.

Save Electricity at Home Step 12
Save Electricity at Home Step 12

Step 2. Use the sun to heat the hot water

Look for and consult staff with local hardware stores because these tools are more readily available than most people imagine.

Save Electricity at Home Step 5
Save Electricity at Home Step 5

Step 3. For the bathroom, install a low-power motion sensor light at night

Bright light will only wake you up. On the other hand, low lamp power is great for saving energy.

Celebrate Earth Day Step 25
Celebrate Earth Day Step 25

Step 4. Install the shower water recycler

This water will be filtered and fill your toilet for flushing.

Be a Popular and Pretty Girl at School Step 3
Be a Popular and Pretty Girl at School Step 3

Step 5. Save energy in schools

School buildings and equipment take up a lot of energy, and there are many ways to help reduce it. One of them is putting up a sign to turn off the lights when not in use, holding discussions to save energy together, and finding ways to reduce the use of air conditioning, etc.


  • Depending on your age and experience, talk to an adult to help you recycle. Make this a family project.
  • When you recycle, you help save humanity.
  • You can make good stuff while recycling if you have artistic skills/talents.
  • You can earn money recycling when you hand over cans from home or find a place for people to throw trash, if these options are available in your area.
  • Take your bottles to a local recycling center. You will earn a little money, and you may not expect it.
  • Take bottles to the bottle bank, use garden prunes for compost, recycle paper and get everyone (friends and family) to help!
