4 Ways to Get a Serious Response

4 Ways to Get a Serious Response
4 Ways to Get a Serious Response

Table of contents:


Are other people ignoring what you're saying and not really taking you seriously? Do you want them to treat you like an adult? Read these tips to get them to really listen to what you have to say.


Method 1 of 4: In Common Situations

Be Taken Seriously Step 1
Be Taken Seriously Step 1

Step 1. Look into the eyes of the person you are talking to

The main purpose of this method is to show them that you are serious about what you are saying, and that you are engaged in this conversation. Not only does it let them know you're talking to them, it also lets you connect with them. By looking at their faces, you can read their facial expressions to see how they react to what you say. If you don't see them, they probably won't see you either and their attention will be distracted from you.

Be Taken Seriously Step 2
Be Taken Seriously Step 2

Step 2. Speak clearly

Say what you need to say and get to the point. You need to know when you don't need to go into too much detail because it will be easier for those listening to you to pay attention if you speak more directly. Talk! Don't mumble or talk too fast/slow. Say what you want to say - just say it.

Be Taken Seriously Step 3
Be Taken Seriously Step 3

Step 3. Don't joke all the time

If the conditions are right, it's okay to joke and enjoy. But if you always make fun of everything, how can you expect that you will be taken seriously? Identify the right situations when you can joke around, but try to be more serious.

Be Taken Seriously Step 4
Be Taken Seriously Step 4

Step 4. Don't talk hyperbole

Hyperbole is used to exaggerate in order to give a dramatic impression. This style is generally used in America when giving speeches, but it is also generally known throughout the world. An example would be describing something as "very big" when it really is just a big thing. If you overuse hyperbole, people will start to think that you're always exaggerating and they won't take what you say.

Be Taken Seriously Step 5
Be Taken Seriously Step 5

Step 5. Dress up to be successful

Take care of your appearance by getting into the habit of bathing regularly, and styling your hair and clothes so that they are presentable. This will prevent you from appearing shabby, self-conscious, or looking like a slacker. You don't have to dress like you're going to a board meeting (unless you're going to a board meeting), but you should be able to show that you're trying to dress appropriately.

Be Taken Seriously Step 6
Be Taken Seriously Step 6

Step 6. Maintain a good reputation

If you want to be taken seriously, don't do things that will make other people look down on you. Stay away from drinking in public, drugs, crime, and other bad decisions. If you don't believe me, ask Anthony Weiner. You can also get into trouble if you just become a laughing stock.

Method 2 of 4: In Your Family

Be Taken Seriously Step 7
Be Taken Seriously Step 7

Step 1. Provide an explanation for each of your actions

If you really want to do something, but your family doesn't agree with you or doesn't think you're serious about this plan, you should explain to them what the real, specific reason is why you want to do it. If you can, show them why the other options would be worse.

Be Taken Seriously Step 8
Be Taken Seriously Step 8

Step 2. Work hard

Show your family that you mean it by working really hard and love what you do. This will allow you to gain more respect from them and make them want to take you seriously. They also have to SEE you working hard, so give them a chance to see what you are doing best.

Be Taken Seriously Step 9
Be Taken Seriously Step 9

Step 3. Keep your promises

If you've said before that you'd do something for your family members, keep your promise. If they see you as someone who likes to make empty promises, there's no way they're going to take you seriously.

Be Taken Seriously Step 10
Be Taken Seriously Step 10

Step 4. Tell the truth

If you always lie, don't expect people to believe you. They will not care about you because they can no longer trust that you will give them the right information. Especially your family, they will be able to tell if you are lying, so stand up for the truth so that you are not ignored.

Method 3 of 4: In a Debate

Be Taken Seriously Step 11
Be Taken Seriously Step 11

Step 1. Stay calm

When you're arguing with someone, try to stay calm and speak in an even tone. Don't get emotional. This will make you look like a person who can't think straight, or that you're reading a list of pre-arranged arguments instead of really thinking about the real issue.

Be Taken Seriously Step 12
Be Taken Seriously Step 12

Step 2. Provide evidence

Provide solid evidence (don't just rely on anecdotes!) to make your argument. Strong evidence cannot come from things that are often disputed, such as the Bible. Strong evidence must be something that no one can argue with, regardless of what they believe or how they feel about an issue. You can use less solid evidence, but it won't do much to get people to take you seriously.

Be Taken Seriously Step 13
Be Taken Seriously Step 13

Step 3. Explain your reasons

When you come to a conclusion, you must explain to the person you are arguing with what your conclusion was and how you came to this conclusion. This will show how your thought process is and allow them to understand you and your ideas better.

Be Taken Seriously Step 14
Be Taken Seriously Step 14

Step 4. Don't use erroneous logical beliefs and wrong equivalences

False logical beliefs and false equations are erroneous arguments because you see the problem in the wrong way or use evidence that you really can't prove. Try to reconsider your argument and try to see it from the other person's point of view.

  • An example of a logical fallacy is to say that if something is true in a given situation, it is always true.
  • Another example is by attacking the person and not their argument.

Method 4 of 4: At Work

Be Taken Seriously Step 15
Be Taken Seriously Step 15

Step 1. Take it seriously

If you really want people to start taking you seriously, you have to take it seriously first. Make sure that you really want to do it and try to do your best. Don't keep joking and being lazy. Instead, act as a responsible adult. Put on a firm and serious face!

Don't make yourself the butt of jokes or make yourself the subject of condescending jokes. This will make people less likely to see you as a serious person

Be Taken Seriously Step 16
Be Taken Seriously Step 16

Step 2. Be assertive

When you talk to someone, say their name, look them in the eye, and make sure they know you're talking to them and you want them to listen. Try to pay attention to what you are saying or let them know that this is important.

Be Taken Seriously Step 17
Be Taken Seriously Step 17

Step 3. Confident and able to make decisions

If you have already made a decision – carry out your decision. If you've decided you're going to do something - do it. If you've decided you want to say something - say it! Do your best and once you get started, make sure you do it through your actions. Be happy with being who you are and for what you do. If you easily give up on your decisions just because people are upsetting you and trying to bring you down, they will never take what you have to say seriously.

Be Taken Seriously Step 18
Be Taken Seriously Step 18

Step 4. Be responsible

Of course this means accepting responsibility if you've done something wrong (rather than pointing someone else at it), and you also have to take responsibility. Work more, without expecting rewards. Try to find ways to do your job better, more efficiently, or if there's a problem that no one else has found. This method will show your boss and co-workers that you are a real person at work.


  • Say what you mean and mean what you say.
  • Think about your decision before you make it.
  • Smile if necessary, but not too often. If you smile, they may not take you seriously or they will think you're lying.
  • Don't talk too much about anything.
  • It is very useful if one has a good educational background and understanding of what is being discussed.
  • Try to put yourself in other people's shoes and try to see yourself in theirs.
  • Try not to worry about what other people think.
  • Be yourself.


  • Act naturally or you'll look ridiculous for trying to sound serious.
  • Don't try to change yourself overnight.

    Personality and reputation cannot change in just a day. Make this wish a long-term plan and be proud if you see it getting better.
