People with psychopathic tendencies usually experience neurological disorders that can disrupt moral consciousness and reduce their ability to empathize with their surroundings. So far you've probably only known psychopathic disorders with antisocial symptoms (especially since this is the type of disorder that is most often exposed by the media). Antisocial psychopaths are described as figures who clearly live outside the moral and cultural boundaries prevailing in society. But did you know that there are also so-called prosocial psychopaths? In contrast to antisocial psychopaths, the presence of prosocial psychopaths is often difficult to detect because they still behave according to the norms and boundaries that apply in society; they also lead normal lives like other members of society. Usually, prosocial psychopaths appear in very attractive forms, but lack empathy and compassion. In addition, they can also disrupt your emotional health and financial condition if allowed into your life.
Method 1 of 2: Recognizing Through Language

Step 1. Observe the contradictions in the words
A psychopath often makes statements (or exhibits behavior) that contradict his previous words. Dishonesty and pathological lying are some of the common symptoms of psychopathy. For example, a psychopath might insult your co-worker for always showing up late for work, but a few days later he's the one doing it and not apologizing afterward.
The contradiction may not appear on the same occasion, so make sure you keep an eye on the words from time to time. If necessary, jot down any important statements that you think he will violate in the future

Step 2. Clarify the truth of the words
A psychopath likes to tell the lives of those around him excessively; for them, these people are a reflection of who they really are. A psychopath will not hesitate to lie about the people in his life; not infrequently they also lie about their children.
A psychopath tends to always give wrong or half-true information. They are not afraid to hide important information from you

Step 3. Observe if he often blames others
Usually, psychopaths are reluctant to take responsibility for their actions and words. Instead, they will blame others for their actions or words. They will only admit their guilt if there is irrefutable evidence. Even so, they still wouldn't show any remorse.
On the other hand, they also like to show off their achievements, or even claim other people's work as their own (this tendency is due to their overly high self-esteem)

Step 4. Observe if they often change the subject suddenly
One way to identify psychopaths is to observe how they communicate. In the first minute, they were busy talking about their children's birthday party; but in the next minute, they immediately changed the topic to the neighbor's dead cat. Often, their conversations are not sincere.
If you bring up a topic that could reveal their antisocial nature, observe how quickly they shift the topic. Chances are, they'll end the discussion by accusing you of being overly sensitive, crazy, or even in need of a mental health professional
Method 2 of 2: Recognizing Through Emotional Assessment

Step 1. Observe their emotional reactions to unpleasant events
The lack of empathy in a psychopath makes them often respond to bad events with flat, forced, or false.
For example, a psychopath will constantly express his disappointment in words without any emotion. A psychopath – when they hear about/experience a problem – will not make any real effort to solve the problem (regardless of how often they talk about the problem)

Step 2. Observe the symptoms of self-victimization (put yourself as a victim)
A psychopath plays with your emotions by making you feel guilty about them. Observe the symptoms in their tone of voice; Also observe if they turn to blame themselves to gain your sympathy. This is another trick they often do to avoid responsibility.
Watch out for this kind of manipulative behavior, especially if they are busy making excuses for their speech errors or carelessness

Step 3. Observe how often they ask you
If you want to identify a prosocial psychopath, pay close attention whenever they ask "how do you respond to certain emotional situations." These actions indicate that they do not know what response is normal or appropriate in a given situation, and they are trying to find “data” from elsewhere; especially since a psychopath is usually very lack of empathy.
For example, they will ask: "What would you do if you saw me hiding in the bushes in front of your apartment?" This kind of question is certainly not normal for the average person to ask

Step 4. Observe their tendency to rush into relationships with other people
If you're worried that you're (or will be) in a relationship with a psychopath, try to observe how quickly they want to get closer to you. Some of the symptoms of psychopathy that you should be aware of:
- Did you guys just know each other but he already gave you a favorite nickname?
- Does he force you to include him in the circle of people you trust?
- Does he want to start a business (or even live together) with you as soon as you meet for the first time?

Step 5. Observe how they show their concern for you
A psychopath often shows very drastic changes in attitude for no apparent reason. For example, today they look very affectionate, but the next day they won't even pick up your phone. Ask yourself this: “Does when you return to his side, you feel overexcited and intoxicated by the hormones dopamine (the "love" hormone) and endorphins?
If so, it's a sign that they have manipulated you to the point that you feel "addicted". Opium blinds your eyes to their negative behaviors; as a result, you will continue to forgive the mistakes or bad behavior they have directed at you
- Psychopaths will look for any means to enter your circle of friends; everything he does is just to get closer to you or make your friends a powerful "weapon" against you in the future.
- Psychopaths tend to target people who are kind and sincere. If they vote for you, it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you. They chose you because you have something they want (and they feel entitled to take it from you!).
- Psychopaths will usually experiment with boundaries to see if you are willing to sacrifice yourself to make other people happy. They start by asking for personal things that make you feel involved (even if you feel a little uncomfortable about it) such as, “Tomorrow morning wake me up” or “Help me find a job, please!”.
- For more information on how to identify prosocial psychopathic habits, browse the Lawson List at
- A psychopath gives you four main messages: 1. I like who you are, 2. I am just like you, 3. Your secrets are safe with me, 4. I am the perfect friend/partner for you. This is why a psychopath is usually able to get closer to his partner very quickly.
- Usually, psychopaths are great fun to work with, especially since they're always looking for new sources of entertainment and asking you to do it with them. They will take you to Dufan and say that it is a special gift for you. Whether you are there or not, they will still go there. Neurologically, a psychopath is very self-centered; so almost certainly, nothing they do is done just to make you happy.
- Don't put your full trust in it. Be wary of anyone asking you to do it; Trust is something that must be built and cultivated.
- Don't show that you know his psychopathic tendencies. Don't use that knowledge to confront them either. Doing so is like putting yourself in a tiger's cage.
- The most frequently overlooked symptom of psychopathy is a “very calm yet frightening demeanor”.
- Be careful not to get too close to their family members who look good. Psychopathic tendencies have been shown to be genetic.