Have you ever wanted to appear as the most innocent and cute girl in the world? Read this article to find out how to be a Kawaii/ulzzang girl!
Method 1 of 3: Behave Kawaii

Step 1. Ignore race and ethnicity
Even if you're not Asian, you can still have a kawaii look. Being Kawaii is more than just race and ethnicity. Body shape doesn't matter either as many Kawaii girls are short, tall, thin, chubby, or slim!

Step 2. Adopt Kawaii girl behavior
Kawaii girls have a sweet and kind nature that everyone likes! They love to laugh, are kind to others, never fight, and are fun to hang out with! Kawaii girls always look adorable so find something you like. Hello Kitty is so cute and well-liked that you can emulate her for starters. Don't use something just because it's Kawaii, but because you really like it.
Method 2 of 3: Looking Kawaii

Step 1. Get the Kawaii look
This is where the innocent and sweet image comes from. Kawaii girls don't need to wear bright and frilly clothes that look super cute. Think floral designs, childish/elegant, seashell prints, patterned overalls, balloon shorts with bow ties, etc.
Go shopping to find the cutest clothes available. Pay attention to the color and cuteness, but don't buy if you don't like it or don't think it fits the outfit. Don't buy or choose an item just because it looks Kawaii

Step 2. Choose clothes that are bright and colorful
Put lots of key chains and items in your backpack or purse. Kid Robot has a doll that is Kawaii. Wear the right accessories and make sure your outfit looks good.
- Try looking for old clothes and pairing them with lace, ribbons, or other cute attributes.
- Many things that seem kawaii could look cooler with a few tweaks. For example, you can attach cute animal stickers to white sneakers. Try adding lace to a regular skirt.

Step 3. Put on Kawaii makeup
Use black gel and/or liquid eyeliner, cream pink blush, shimmery pink lip balm, and concealer/bright foundation. Your goal is to get a clean but innocent makeup. Try watching Jemma Kuma's makeup tutorial videos on YouTube.
Don't give off a sexy look if you want to completely follow the kawaii style. For example, don't make smoky eye makeup

Step 4. Treat nails
Look for nail tutorial videos on YouTube if you need a reference. Kawaii women often wear artificial, long, and embellished nails. This may be too much for you so choose the one that feels best. Well-manicured nails are also great and suit any look.
Try sticking stickers to your nails. Be careful not to paint over the sticker. It's a good idea to put the sticker on after the nails are dry

Step 5. Keep the eyes as large as possible
In the pictures, Kawaii girls eyes are always wide open. You can apply an ice-cold washcloth to your eyes for a few minutes, then apply pearl eyeshadow under your eyes as a crease. Big eyes are cute, but don't worry if you don't have big eyes.

Step 6. Put on a Kawaii hairdo
For hair, think of “little children”. Ponytails, side pigtails, braids, whatever elementary school kids usually wear. Don't forget to add the ribbon!
Method 3 of 3: Being Kawaii

Step 1. Be yourself
Add your own personal touch to Kawaii style using whatever you like, and create your own style.

Step 2. Try watching anime
The show is fun and engaging, and there are plenty of genres for everyone's taste. Not all anime only revolves around fighting and such. For example, try watching Peach Girl!

Step 3. Hang out with friends
Actually, the label has no effect; what matters is how much love and support you get.

Step 4. Have a Kawaii role model
Search the internet for great Kawaii girls to serve as role models. Make sure he makes good decisions, is very kind and sweet, and speaks politely. Kawaii girls never swear.
Many K-pop and J-pop artists are kawaii or wear kawaii clothes. Some seem cuter than others. You can copy this style of clothing, which will make you look even more kawaii. Try
- Use a cute smiley face, for example like this: {◕ ◕}. You can find lots of them on the internet!
- If you want to imitate other people or just be “cool”, don't bother and find your own style. I loved this style even before it became popular. If you don't like it, don't push yourself! You can even just follow the Kawaii look you like.
- Always be positive and smile.
- If you want a Kawaii female role model, look at Wendy Marvell or Levi McGarden from the Fairy Tail anime.
- Many anime have Kawaii characters. Some of them are K-on, Lucky star, Kaichou wa maid-sama and Boku wa tomodachi ga sukunai.
- Even if you've never watched Clannad, try looking for the character Nagisa Furukawa. This character is the personification of the word kawaii. He never cursed, always smiled, and was constantly trying to help others feel happy. She has a sensitive and innocent personality so she can be a good example if she wants to be kawaii.
- Even if you are Kawaii, know that there are still people who still hate you. Being Kawaii doesn't fix a bad society. You simply love your own style and ignore others who spread hate!
- Don't say " desu " after every sentence if you don't want to be labeled tacky.
- Don't change your voice just to sound cute. This will seem very unnatural and contrived. Kawaii focuses on trying to be your adorable self.