Scene children are sometimes said to always wear bright colors, have long hair with long bangs and tight bright (neon) jeans. They are the same scene as their social networking profile pages, so it's not enough to just look and style the scene, because you also have to prove your scene style on the internet. Use this wikiHow guide to learn how to become a scene kid in no time.
Method 1 of 4: Dress Scene: Girl

Step 1. Change the hairstyle
Scene style hair can be short or long, but longer hair often has added volume. Scene style hair should not be limp. This is one of the most important elements of your appearance.
- Color the hair. Dye your hair black or blonde, or maybe both: Layers of blonde hair are behind black hair. Add pink or purple embellishments to complete the look.
- Sasak and/or straighten hair. Teasing the hair (especially at the back) will add a lot of volume to the hairstyle. Straightening hair must be done by curly or wavy hair. The straighter the better.
- Don't be afraid to use hair extensions if you feel the need. Some sceneters feel that hair extensions are a must.
- Add a few embellishments such as hair bands, beret hats, or flowers, especially those with multiple colors.

Step 2. Apply makeup
Scene makeup has a bright and bold color character, contrasting with her black or dark blue eyeliner. You can apply glitter eye shadow; You can also darken the brow line. Either way, don't forget the eyeliner!
Makeup is a great opportunity to create a "feminine" look. Since the women's clothing styles are not too different from the men's, don't worry if it's a little too much here. Dramatic and bold makeup is your goal

Step 3. Wear bright and flashy clothes
Striped clothes are definitely appropriate, such as plaid, but don't let them look boring. Don't overdo it on the secondhand market (you're not a hipster), but don't shy away from it either. How many unique options you can wear:
- Black and pink striped top; a tight pink skirt with a blue scarf wrapped around the waist; ripped electric blue leggings; and pink flat shoes (ballet shoes are fine too).
- Purple leopard print top; white shorts with the strap(s) undone; black tights; and shabby white Vans slip-ons.
- A hand-printed T-shirt with the image of a musical group; purple (or black) tight jeans; the belt is surrounded by many pyramidal ridges (but this belt has been overused); and large sunglasses.

Step 4. Add the accessories
Accessories really complete the scene look, so don't forget it. Actually oversized accessories are part of this fashion style. Its various accessories include:
- Sunglasses. Choose sunglasses from the following two sizes: large and very large. In fact, bigger is better. Aviator's goggles are fine too.
- Jewellery. Bracelets, necklaces, body graffiti, and piercings are now very popular. Choose jewelry that has a edgy, ironic, or cartoonish feel to it.
- Hat. Hats look good on scene girls (but not so great for boys). Choose a big hat that doesn't really match the clothes you're wearing. If possible, choose a hat that no one else has had before.

Step 5. Buy all your clothes at stores that sell light-colored clothes and flashy items
Visit Rue 21, Banana Republic, Aeropostale, or something similar. Don't go to Hot Topic unless you're looking for music items or bright clothes. Young scene people wear bright colors and neat clothes. They don't wear black clothes or chain pockets.
Method 2 of 4: Scene Outfit: Boy

Step 1. Dress seriously
In fact, scene youth spend a lot of time perfecting their appearance. They care about fashion, and show their characteristics through clothing. They don't want to look like everyone else on the streets. Unique clothes are part of their mental image.

Step 2. Have straight hair
Hair should be perfectly straight, and perhaps in a bob. You are lucky if you have straight hair! But if not, blow-dry and brush your hair. Dry your hair after bathing so it doesn't turn frizzy. You can use a hair straightener, but most guys don't, so don't feel compelled to do so.
- Add bangs. Bangs that symbolize the scene appearance for men are layered coarse bangs. Bangs really matter. Look around you for inspiration.
- Start with natural hair colors, then color them. You can make your base hair dark or blonde or brown, so dye your entire hair dark and then cover it with a light color (could be blonde, could be silver gray, could be purple) around it.

Step 3. Wear your style of clothing carefree
You'll be dressing a lot differently than most people, so you should wear it with confidence and passion. Common clothes you will wear include:
- Tight jeans or slim jeans. Jeans are great to wear, but they have to be tight or even slim. If you can't fit in slim jeans, try tight jeans. Don't force yourself to fit in slim jeans.
- A light-colored, cartoon-style or striped t-shirt. This is your main boss. Use light colors and stripes at all times. Sometimes a checkered pattern doesn't look bad.
- Skating shoes like the Vans or Chuck slip-ons. It is better to use light colors. Chuck might be a little too much to wear at the moment, so it's best to wear Vans.

Step 4. Put on the sunglasses
Men usually wear party-inspired glasses, like those worn by Brokencyde.

Step 5. Add piercings or tattoos
Add a few tattoos or piercings in visible areas of your body to let people know you're committed and/or serious. Take note that many sceneters who like the scene style choose to use a henna tattoo or "make your own tattoo" using a permanent marker; If you are considering a tattoo, remember that tattoos are permanent and you cannot remove them easily.

Step 6. Also put on the ear gauge studs

Step 7. Buy all your clothes at stores that sell light-colored clothes and flashy items
Visit Rue 21, Banana Republic, Aeropostale, or something similar. Don't go to Hot Topic unless you're looking for music items or bright clothes. Young scene people wear bright colors and neat clothes. They don't wear black clothes or chain pockets.
Method 3 of 4: Scene Behavior

Step 1. Type the words as if you don't care
Add extra letters at the end of words. Scene kids ignore grammar or spelling rules. Use unlimited emoticons and <3 symbols. For example: D=:3 ^_^ and c:
- Some examples of how you should type:
- "ZOMG dats HxC."= "Oh my god, that's hardcore."
- "Srsly, i don't caaaare if he liks me. hes got to shutup." = " Seriously, I don't care if he likes me. He's got to shut up."

Step 2. Create the perfect scene name
The purpose of your name is to convey the message that you are scene style at a time creative. Scene-style names don't follow the usual spelling or grammar rules for names. However it follows its own rules, guidelines and/or basic behavior:
- Play phrases. Take an imaginary story like Alice in Wonderland, then twist it to convince people that you're educated "and" smart, like AllisonWonderland.
- Create alliteration. Think of an adjective related to you, for example: cool, excited, awesome. Then add the word to your name. If the word is not an alliteration, force it with a misspelled adjective, for example KherenKhairil.
- Add some X's. This is just an xXinterestingXx way to make it look more scene-style. But always equal the number of X on the left and right side of your name.
- Ignore grammar rules. Add incorrect punctuation!, avoid spacing between correct words and use uppercase and lowercase letters Alternating.

Step 3. Make friends with everyone you know
Scene children's profiles on social media are judged by the number of "friends" they have. Meaning: If you meet someone even briefly, add them. If you're in middle school with someone, add them. If you have friends in common with him, add him. If you like the same band as him, add him. If you have the same pose in his profile picture, add him. If you are from the same province as him, add him. Etc.
Flirt with everyone you're friends with. If someone adds you, be sure to thank them. Then mention in the comments a picture, a post on the wall, or in a private message that the friend is cute and you have a crush on her

Step 4. Set a "yourself" profile picture
The photo is not a photo of you, but must be "a part of you." Here are some special image tricks to get the perfect scene profile photo:
- Cut your image from a photo. There's no need to include the whole face or body, just the eyes and bangs, or just the body or mouth in the photo but other people can recognize that it's you.
- Use a mirror. You get extra scene-style value when you use your iPhone to take photos. This is to let others know that you: 1) Take a selfie of yourself, and 2) Have spent a lot of money on an expensive camera or cell phone.
- Rotate the camera/photo. Mediocre photos are not creative. Everyone snap photos like that. Rotate the camera, or move it so that other people have to struggle to recognize your hair-covered photo. This makes your profile photo much more attractive.
- Set the camera on a table, then bend down/sit in front of your computer. Are you bored and idle at the computer? Take lots of photos. This is the opposite of suggestion number 2, this time you no turn the camera.
- Don't look at the camera! Look down, look up, look left, look right, never looking at the camera.
- Hide behind your hair. Unlike other people, scene kids care about two parts of their body: eyes and hair. This should be the focal point of the image. So don't let other people's attention turn to your face.
- Filter images. Change your photos to black and white, classic fade, blur or color settings to match the feel of the scene.
- Write something on your hand. Write a quote, your name, or a heart on your hand and hold it for the camera. Everyone thought this thing was cute.
- Make creative facial poses. Smile, stick your tongue out, look like you're contemplating, get creative! Get rid of that boring smile, because everyone else smiles in the photo too!

Step 5. List as many musical groups as possible in the music section
If you've heard a song from the group, add them. This is important to show off your taste in music and your broad musical knowledge. The more music you put in, the more scene you'll look.
Be interested in bands that are not well known and not yet popular. Just like hipsters, scene kids admire the idea of liking an uncool band. This means they are at the forefront, a trendsetter. If you have to resurrect a once-famous band that has fallen into unpopularity, no problem

Step 6. Go to lots of "music shows"
Musical performances are important for the scene child. Go to any music show you can. If there's a concert 97 km away, try to go. Update your status to let people know you're really there. Don't forget to take lots of photos as proof. Every photo must come from the stage and the crowd. It doesn't matter if you actually look there.

Step 7. Update your status
Keep your status up to date to let people know that you're bored, or what's bothering you, or you feel like chatting, or that you're heading to an event. Other people are friends with you because they want to see your statuses.

Step 8. Do the scene stance
The right scene attitude will help you a lot to step in and make yourself a true scene. Because you dress as you please, you are bound to be scorned by many, especially the older ones. Ignore this. Scene kids aren't interested in being understood by any haters, let alone adults (even if you're not rebellious). To master this attitude:
- Be cheerful. You are who you are, and you know it. You are happy with yourself, so you wear your identity with confidence and style.
- Don't be rude. Scenesters never want to argue like hipsters do. Whether it's your parents or your peers, you try to be fun and easy-going, even if they are sarcastic.
Method 4 of 4: Music

Step 1. Listen to the scene music
Music scenes include Dot Dot Curve, Brokencyde, Owl City, Blood on the Dance Floor, Millionaires, Scene Kidz, Breathe Carolina, 3!OH3, Family Force 5, I Set My Friends on Fire and Jeffree Star.
- Besides music like 3!OH3 or Breathe Carolina, listen to the electronicore genre as well. Electronicore blends electro-pop with melodic metalcore and more. Listen to Attack! Attack, I See Stars, Memphis May Fire, Enter Shikari, Woe is Me, Capture the Crown, Make Me Famous and Abandon All Ships. You can also hear bands like Pierce the Veil. It is also advisable to listen to electropop and dance-pop. Even these artists and bands sometimes mention that pop musicians are influential, or even appear on a compilation line called "Punk Goes Pop". Listen to Katy Perry, Carly Rae Jepsen or Nicki Minaj songs. You can also listen to dubstep and house/techo/dance genres and so on, such as Skrillex, Knife Party and deadmau5.
- There are many musical groups or artists that are misunderstood as a scene style. For example, many people think deathcore is a scene style. This is wrong. Deathcore is a mix of death metal (Cannibal Corpse, Suffocation, Brain Drill, Dying Fetus) and metalcore (Hatebreed, Converge, While She Sleeps) genres. Metalcore combines metal music with hardcore beatdown (Death Before Dishonor, Madball, Comback Kid). Metal, death metal and hardcore punk there is not any to do with the style of the scene. Many think this way because of the appearance of several deathcore bands. Music groups that carry the deathcore genre, such as Rose Funeral, Oceano, The Red Chord or Despised Icon. Here are some other bands that are misinterpreted as a scene style:
- Hollywood Undead – Definitely rap rock
- Asking Alexandria - Metalcore/synthcore
- iwrestledabearonce - Experimental mathcore
- Falling in Reverse - Glam metal/easycore
- The Devil Wears Prada – Melodic metalcore
- Suicide Silence - deathcore
- Black Veil Brides - Glam rock
- Of Mice & Men - Metalcore
- All Time Low - Pop rock
- Paramore - Emo pop
- Remember: This is just a guide!, do not take it literally. The true scene child has a unique style. You will be branded a copycat if you just stick to this guide. Have your own style. This article is just a little guide on getting started with scene styles. Create your own scene style!
- Be aware that some people will hate you.
- Make friends with other people who are also scene style (and make sure that they are not imitators). If you're the only one who looks like a scene in the gang, chances are you'll be seen as a copycat. However, DO NOT cut off friendships in favor of a new gang; this is wrong. And don't get me wrong that you can only unite yourself with the other scene kids; try to make friends with people from different gangs/styles/backgrounds.
- Make sure you are very careful with your hair. Use heat protection spray on your hair before straightening or curling it. Don't shampoo too often or regularly, or your hair will likely deteriorate over time. It's a good idea to buy a lot of hair spray.
- Make your bedroom look scene. Look for Wikihow articles that explain how to turn a room into a scene style, one that will make your friends feel at home!
- Understand how to name the right genre of music; Realize that just because a certain band has screams/groans, does NOT make it screamo. Get to know many genres of music to avoid embarrassing situations. Music groups like Alexandria and Of Mice & Men are not the post-hardcore genre. The genre is carried by music groups such as The Used, The Sleeping, Fugazi, Gray Matter, Hot Water Music, Soulside, The Blood Brothers, At the Drive-In, Senses Fail and Small Brown Bike. Music groups such as Asking Alexandria, Escape the Fate, August Burns Red, Sleeping With Sirens, and so on are not hardcore groups. Hardcore is a genre for musical groups such as The Promise Ring, Sunny Day Real Estate and Hawthorne Heights.
- Don't throw away all your neat clothes! You can use long-sleeved shirts, plain t-shirts and dress shirts for layers.
- Get inspired by famous idols praised by the scene. Some scene children get ideas from Kiki Kannibal, Jeffree Star, Blair Ravish, Geoffrey Paris, Matthew Lush, Audrey Kitching, Hannah Beth, Kayvon Zand, Brandon Hilton.
- Don't lie about what you like and don't like. If you've never/almost never listened to a certain band (or you just don't like it), don't lie and say you've heard of it just because it's scene style; no one likes liars. If you buy a band T-shirt or say you favorite a band, you should be able to memorize at least three of their songs.
- Don't imitate others. The risks that may occur are 1.) Making other people angry. 2.) Makes you look fake and (definitely) a copycat. 3.) Doing useless things. Creative is one of the main keywords for scene style. If you don't want to be creative or expressive, why do you want scene style?
- Get ready to be hated. Some people out there are against scene kids and will berate and even hit you just for walking in their neighborhood. This depends on the area where you live. And definitely don't attack them back, just protect yourself. But chances are you'll only be seen as funny or get bad comments, so don't worry too much about this, just be aware of the risks.
- Do not try hard to follow the style of the scene. Scene is a subculture, and each subculture has its own aesthetic, whether it suits you or not. You don't have to try to be scene if you're not really interested. Those who are really scene style don't have to try to follow it, because they already have their own scene style. If this style doesn't appeal to you, don't follow it. If the music doesn't appeal to you, don't listen to it. Striving to be a part of any subculture is what a copycat does. Be yourself, don't try to make yourself comfortable with any subculture, be a part of a subculture if it suits you.
- There is a difference between emo and scene. Emo is a genre of music that refers to musical groups such as Dashboard Confessional, The Used, Thursday, Cap 'N Jazz and Saosin. Emo fans are called "emos". Emo fashion is hair bangs, but usually jet black. Emo is also seen wearing tight jeans and a prominent belt decoration, and a band-printed T-shirt. Scene clothing (usually) has lighter and colored hair, bright jeans (neon), brightly colored hooded jackets, and ear gauges.
- Don't be arrogant, arrogant, rude or pretentious to anyone, regardless of whether they are part of the scene style or not. Confidence is the key, not arrogance. Other people will just find you annoying, and won't see the real you.
- Don't confuse the scene with the scenester. Scenesters are those who try very hard to fit social, artistic, or musical or subcultural stereotypes, are more or less imitators. Meanwhile, scene children have their own unique subculture that emphasizes creativity and uniqueness.
The first and foremost guideline is to maintain the state of your scene with DO NOT call yourself a scene kid!
This is an irreversible mistake if you do; You will forever be known as a copycat, and no other true scene kid will ever take you seriously. Be careful. If someone calls you a scene kid in sarcasm, don't mock or defend yourself; ignore it.
- Don't take this scene problem too seriously.
- Don't dye or brush your hair too often or it could be damaged. If you ignore this, your hair can become thin and damaged. To help your hair stay healthy, use hair conditioner regularly."
- Don't buy a lot of clothes from Hot Topic; This shop mostly sells black clothes. Scene children wear bright colors and usually mix and match between neat clothes, emo, socialite style, and so on.
- Besides, it's VERY important to stay true to yourself. Naming yourself only as a scene is a big mistake. Be true to yourself and be yourself; be unique. The most important thing about being part of the scene culture is personality. Even if it's listed in the "Style Guide," don't try to be like someone else you're not.
- Know when to use intentional misspellings. Deliberately wrong spelling and grammar is unacceptable for things like schoolwork or official documents.