If you want to be the hottest girl at a party, know that it's impossible to do. This is because you will focus too much on what other people think of you. Instead of worrying about how you'll look compared to other people at a party, get ready to have fun. With a friendly, attractive demeanor and a good appearance, you will stand out and make a good impression.
Part 1 of 4: Stand Out

Step 1. Ask the host if he needs anything
Offer to bring anything to the party, then keep your promise. If you're known as someone who always brings good things to parties, people will be happy to know you're coming.
If the party involves food, consider making a delicious signature dish that people look forward to whenever you attend a party

Step 2. Stand in the center of the room
Once at the party, bring some friends and stand in the center of the room. This way, you will appear to be the center of attention, which will draw people in.
If you're arriving alone and don't know anyone, approach the center of the room and see if you can start chatting with someone, or join them in conversation

Step 3. Know how to join the conversation
Joining an ongoing conversation between a group of people may feel challenging. There are several ways to do this:
- Go to a group of people, listen to their conversation for a minute or two, then contribute at the right time. Come along if you can say something interesting. If you're not familiar with the topic, ask questions.
- Introduce yourself. If you do this while the other person is talking about something else, introduce yourself briefly and then return the main focus to the ongoing conversation: “Hi, I'm just introducing myself to everyone. I'm Yona. Please return to the conversation!”
- Talk to someone in the group first. If you see someone standing at the side of a large group and not really engaged in the conversation, introduce yourself and talk to them for a while before turning your attention back to the group.

Step 4. Realize when you are welcomed
You should read other people at a party, especially if you want to join in and have a chat. If you try to join a chat topic in a group, they may not be very receptive to you.
- Such a group may greet you politely and then return to their own topic without giving you a chance. If this happens, move on to another group or person. Remember, this is not personal. It could be that they are just talking about closed topics that can't be shared with new people.
- The group may also accept but not actively involve you in a topic. In this case, they are likely to make room and occasionally smile at you. If this is the case, try to contribute.

Step 5. Wear clothes that make you stand out
If you want people to notice, choose the right clothes. This could mean showing off your shoulders at a holiday party (when most people wear sweaters), or wearing a brightly colored dress in a room full of people in short black dresses.
Dress to stand out, but not to make you feel uncomfortable. It's good to try different styles, but more importantly, stay true to yourself

Step 6. Smile, but don't overdo it
Of course, you want to look friendly and approachable at a party, but smiling all the time can make you look insincere. Keep a smaller smile and keep a big smile to greet others.
Smiling big when you say hi to people will make them feel special, as if they are the reason you smile

Step 7. Be kinder through touch
Touching people's arms casually can make them feel comfortable so they like you more. Seeing you touch the person can also make others want the same attention.
- If you're not a touch person, skip this step. The most important thing is to stay true to yourself. This means, give it a try even if it feels unusual, just to see if you're comfortable doing it.
- Watch who you touch. Some people don't like to be touched. If they feel uncomfortable, don't do it again.

Step 8. Pay attention to your posture
Good standing posture means that your back is straight, your shoulders are straight, your chest is out, your stomach is flat, your legs are straight in front of you, and your hips and knees are in a neutral position.
- Good posture shows confidence. Just make sure you don't overdo it so you don't look too tense or overbearing, especially when your chin and nose are up too high.
- If possible while sitting on a bench, move one elbow so that it rests behind the bench. This will make your body lean back slightly and look more confident. The standing version is to lean on a table with one arm.

Step 9. Have open and positive body language
Avoid covering yourself by crossing your arms or holding a drink in front of your body. Drinks should be held at your sides to show your wrists and the middle of your hands so that you look open and confident.
- When talking to people, use positive, judgment-free body language: smile and keep your chin down so you don't appear to be raising it; stand at a small angle (full frontal posture may feel domineering or insulting to some); open palms; and raise an eyebrow.
- Avoid negative body language, such as leaning back lazily, crossing your arms in front of your chest, bringing your eyebrows together, or pursed lips. Playing with your hair too much will make you look anxious, which can make other people nervous too.

Step 10. Move around
Don't stay in one place for too long. Unless you're in a deep conversation, try changing your standing position every 10 to 15 minutes.
This will open up opportunities to meet new people and give admirers a chance to see you from different angles
Part 2 of 4: Be the Liked One

Step 1. Don't be a procrastinator
Don't confirm your attendance until the last minute, unless there's an important reason. Leaving a host in a dependent status is unwise, and if he's planning meals or other meals, he may not take your allotted into account.

Step 2. Make people feel comfortable
Having a healthy, friendly posture, with a warm little smile on your face are all good ways to make people feel good. If you are comfortable yourself, other people will feel comfortable around you too. Here are some other things to do:
- Encourage people to talk about themselves, by asking questions and actively listening. Accept what they say with respect and without judgment, even if you disagree.
- Acknowledge all the similarities between you and the other person to build similarities. However, be careful that you don't get ahead of yourself – for example, if you both passed the same difficult test at school, don't brag about your A+.
- If you want to talk to someone you like or maybe a new person, make them feel comfortable by saying that you're about to leave the party but want to say hello. If he knows you're leaving soon, he'll be less nervous about talking too long, and more likely to have a conversation.

Step 3. Be consistent
If people know you're always fun, they're more likely to approach you at parties. Close friends will already know who you are, but strangers won't fully understand this, so make sure to keep your spirits up at a party.
Have you ever stopped visiting a restaurant because the quality of the food was inconsistent? When the food is delicious it is delicious, but when it is not good, it tastes bad. Because of this inconsistency, you find it useless to go there anymore. The same is true with people and personalities

Step 4. Be an active listener
When people are talking, don't interrupt. While listening to them, nod your head and make short comments (such as “yes” or “go on”) that show you are listening. When finished, review what they said and ask questions.
When the other person is speaking, resist the urge to think about what you are going to say next. Try to stay focused on what the person in front of you is saying

Step 5. Ask for opinions and opinions
A good way to develop a bond with someone is to ask for their opinion and opinions, then listen without judgment about what they have to say. Ask follow-up questions.
- If someone says something you don't agree with, try not to immediately feel insulted or argue. Instead, let him know that you never thought of it that way, and ask him to explain further.
- If he or she expresses an offensive opinion, consider whether you should share this fact with the person. Chances are, if he insults someone, changing his mind is a difficult thing to do and probably not worth the time it takes. Look for a polite reason to leave.

Step 6. Ask for suggestions
Attracting the attention of someone with a certain skill set is a way of showing respect and winning their trust. If you know someone like this, with experiences that interest you, ask for advice.
- Just make sure that your questions are genuine. Don't make it seem like you're just asking to create a conversation.
- For example, don't ask the doctor you met at the party about a personal illness. The doctor did not attend the party for work. However, you can ask how they deal with complicated patients and how difficult their medical school is, especially if you want to consult at a separate appointment time.

Step 7. Forget the ego
Put personal thoughts and needs aside when listening to others. Resist the urge to correct others even if you think they are wrong, and don't stand out by telling personal stories. This will only make you look as if you want to compete with them, making you look bad, even if they are wrong.

Step 8. Offer genuine compliments
You may like the dress someone is wearing or the haircut. Tell him this! Just make sure you're honest about it.

Step 9. Be the best version of yourself
If you're usually not very good at carrying yourself in social situations, you may feel like you have to act like someone else to be able to have fun at a party. Don't think like this; but suppose you are acting to present the best version of yourself.
Practicing a new skill can make you feel a little uncomfortable. You may even feel like you're faking it, but keep trying. Over time, these abilities will become natural to you, and you'll be glad you took the time to practice them
Part 3 of 4: Being Attractive

Step 1. Be positive
If you always look pathetic, people won't want to talk to you. Try to be positive and friendly, especially when talking to people you don't really know.
Avoid over-complaining or gossiping negatively about anyone. People who listen are more likely to associate complaints with you than with the ones you complain about

Step 2. Ask questions
This has to do with being a good listener. You can be the center of attention without letting everyone else get tired of listening. Listen to them too. Ask questions about their words.
- Encouraging people to talk about themselves will make them feel special. He's also more likely to remember your conversations as engaging.
- When you run out of things to talk about, try asking someone about a hobby they enjoy or what they do these days.
- If you know a little about the subject he or she is talking about, share your personal experience without interrupting and trying to outdo the person. If you don't know anything, ask a question.

Step 3. Prepare some good stories
Choose a story that entertains people and practice it to make sure listeners don't get bored when you're trying to remember details or don't speak fluently.
- Some experts suggest preparing three good stories. Just make sure you rotate it every now and then so people don't catch the same story over and over again.
- Tailor your story to your audience. The stories you share at career-oriented parties should be different than those you tell at parties full of close friends. The ideal story topic is about people.

Step 4. Speak concisely and directly
Whenever you speak, remember that people's concentration abilities are getting lower and lower these days. Therefore, try to comment and tell stories briefly and to the point.
- If no one asks what you have to say, it means they may be bored with your story.
- If you generally enjoy talking and realize you're doing it at a party, stop and watch your listeners react to make sure they still understand you.
- If the listener starts to look uncomfortable or bored (by looking at their watch or cell phone, for example, or looking around the room), stop and apologize for being too talkative. Ask questions about him.

Step 5. Be a charismatic speaker
Studies show that body language, emotions, and voice are far more influential than the words you speak. For this reason, you should practice your public speaking and body language skills.
Speak with passion. This doesn't mean you have to shout or speak out loud. However, this means that you have to emphasize words with gestures and change the pitch of your voice

Step 6. Collect interesting life experiences
To be an attractive person, do interesting things too. Follow your passions, take up hobbies, and engage with people who excite and inspire you.
Part 4 of 4: Look Your Best

Step 1. Be hygienic
Take a shower, wash your hair, brush your teeth, trim and file your nails, and put on deodorant. Unless you have a certain medical condition, good personal hygiene will help keep you smelling good.
- Several medical conditions can cause people to smell bad even when they are hygienic. If you may be suffering from this condition, see a doctor.
- Consider whitening toothpaste when brushing your teeth. People with shining white teeth are usually considered more attractive than those with dull teeth.

Step 2. Maintain a healthy diet
If you drink enough water and eat healthy, unprocessed foods, the results will show in your appearance. Unless you suffer from certain medical conditions, a healthy diet will keep your skin, hair and body looking fit.
- Remember that there are many types of healthy body types. Eating a healthy diet doesn't mean you'll be thin if you're big, but it will keep you feeling healthy and energized. You'll also be able to do things that keep your body lean and in shape.
- You may be tempted to stop eating or reduce portions to lose weight, but be kind to yourself and avoid these things. Both are not only extremely dangerous; but it also creates emotional stress.
- If you think you may have an eating disorder, there are many tricks to getting help. Search the internet or consult a doctor to learn more about sources of help in your area.

Step 3. Set the hairstyle
Find a hairstyle that suits your face shape and outfit. If you're wearing casual clothes, stick to a casual hairstyle as well; if you want to look more formal, choose a more formal hairstyle too.
In the end, how to style hair depends on personal taste. Wearing a new style is a great way to make sure you're noticed at a party, especially if it's completely different from your usual hairstyle

Step 4. Make up your face
You don't have to dress up to look beautiful, but it's fun to enhance your natural look. If you don't want to go overboard, try adding shine to your skin and slathering it on with mascara and nude lipstick.
If you want to go a little more dramatic – for example, with a smokey eye or red lipstick – make sure your make-up matches your outfit. Don't look like Morticia Addams in blue jeans and a white t-shirt (although this may be funny)

Step 5. Have healthy looking soft lips
Studies show that lips are the most attractive part of a woman's body, especially when they are red.

Step 6. Wear clothes that suit your body type
The best clothing options will depend on your body type – for example, if you are smaller at the top and larger at the bottom (a peach shape), wearing clothes that accentuate your shoulders will help to make this body look more balanced.

Step 7. Put on the accessories
Accessories are a great way to add flair to your wardrobe, especially if you can't afford to buy new clothes all the time. You can also appear more radiant with accessories.
For example, you could decorate a little black dress with colored earrings and a bracelet, then accentuate the accent by wearing the same colored shoes
- What's more important than having lots of people like you is that you have to like yourself. So, never do anything that compromises personal beliefs about what is right and wrong.
- Everything in this article will help make you someone others like at a party. However, if you keep worrying about being the hottest girl to attend the party, you are likely to fail. Focus on having fun and stop comparing yourself to other people.
- Don't accept drinks from people you don't know and don't leave your drinks in vain. This applies to any type of drink – be it alcohol or even just a glass of water. People may put drugs in it that puts you in danger. Always watch your drink.
- If you're old enough to drink alcohol, make sure you don't overdo it. Getting drunk and acting recklessly won't make you look cool.
- If you use whitening toothpaste to whiten your teeth, be aware that it can damage the enamel. If you're not sure about the right toothpaste, ask your dentist for advice.