Mandarin oranges are a delicious and sweet fruit that can be eaten as a snack or mixed into baked goods. If you have a lot of mandarin oranges, you don't want them to go to waste! Fortunately, there are several ways to store oranges for months so you can enjoy them for a long time.
Question 1 of 9: Can mandarin oranges be frozen whole?

Step 1. No, whole mandarin oranges don't freeze well
If the peel is still attached, the orange will likely not freeze evenly. This causes it to freeze on the outside and rot on the inside. To freeze a mandarin orange, first peel the skin.
If you want to keep them whole, place the oranges in the refrigerator or on the kitchen counter
Question 2 of 9: Can you freeze peeled mandarin oranges?

Step 1. Yes, if you place it in a freezer bag
Peel the entire orange peel, then arrange each orange slice in a single layer in a freezer bag. Before putting it in the freezer, write the current date on the bag so you don't forget its shelf life.
Try to eat mandarin oranges within 6-12 months so you can enjoy the best texture and taste
Step 2. Thaw oranges for 20-30 minutes before eating
If you want to eat frozen oranges, remove the bag from the freezer and place it on the kitchen counter at room temperature. Half an hour later, these mandarin orange slices are tender and ready to be enjoyed.
Question 3 of 9: Do frozen mandarin oranges taste good?

Step 1. It still tastes great
The freezer will keep the orange flavor and texture well so that all the good sides of the orange will not be lost. The sooner you eat it, the better the orange will taste. So, start eating your mandarin oranges.
Oranges can turn unpleasant if the storage bag is filled with air or water. So, make sure the bag is really tightly closed
Question 4 of 9: What can be done with frozen mandarin oranges?

Step 1. Eat the mandarin oranges as is
Make frozen oranges a cold snack when the weather is hot. Remove the oranges from the bag, and enjoy.
Be careful with brain freeze! Eating too much frozen oranges can cause headaches
Step 2. Make a smoothie
Mix frozen mandarin oranges with milk or yogurt for a smooth smoothie. Add blueberries, raspberries, or bananas, and sweeten them by adding a little honey. Use a blender to blend all the ingredients until the mixture is smooth.
Garnish the smoothie by sticking a mandarin orange slice on the rim of the glass
Step 3. Add frozen oranges to salads and yogurt
Cut frozen orange slices into small pieces and sprinkle them on a summer salad or yogurt parfait. Orange peels (zest) can also add flavor to food for a delicious meal in hot weather.
Question 5 of 9: How to store mandarin oranges properly?

Step 1. This depends on how long you want to keep the oranges
Unpeeled oranges can last for about a week at room temperature, whereas peeled oranges can only last about a day. If you want to store oranges for a longer period of time, you should put them in the refrigerator or freezer.
If you want to bring oranges as lunch, put them in a plastic bag and pack them with an ice pack to keep them fresh
Question 6 of 9: Can mandarin oranges be stored in the refrigerator?

Step 1. Opened oranges can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 days
Place the oranges in an airtight container and keep them cool to extend their shelf life. For the best texture and taste, eat orange slices as soon as possible.
Step 2. Whole oranges can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 months
Place the oranges in the refrigerator and leave. Grab an orange if you want a quick mid-afternoon snack, or when you want to use it for lunch.
Whole oranges do not need to be wrapped because the skin can already protect the fruit
Question 7 of 9: How to preserve mandarin oranges?

Step 1. Peel the oranges and remove the slices
Remove as many white strands as possible with fibers in the middle so that the oranges are not bitter. Remove the orange slices so you can fit more oranges into the jar.
Step 2. Put the orange slices and hot water in a jar
If you wish, you can use a syrup made of water and sugar. If you don't like it, just use hot water. Fill the jars, leaving about 1cm of space at the top.
Make sure you use special jars for preserving foods that are really clean. Otherwise, the oranges may rot
Step 3. Boil the jars with hot water for 30-35 minutes
This will seal the jar preventing the oranges from rotting. The jar must be completely submerged in water, then set the timer (timer). When the boiling process is complete, remove the jars using tongs and dry them.
You can store the jars at room temperature
Question 8 of 9: What can you do if you have a lot of mandarin oranges?

Step 1. Make orange juice
Cut the orange in half, then squeeze it with a juicer. Place freshly made orange juice in a sealed container and store for 2-3 days in the refrigerator.
Juices can be drunk as is, or mixed into smoothies and desserts
Step 2. Mix the oranges into the dessert
Some recipes that can be made with mandarin oranges include orange cake, orange cheesecake, orange jaffa cake, orange syrup cake, and orange cupcake. Put on an apron and start cultivating an abundance of oranges to make a delicious and enjoyable dish.
Since oranges have a sweet taste, you can use them as a natural sweetener to replace sugar
Step 3. Add oranges to the jelly
Peel the oranges and add them to the gelatin mixture. Place the jelly in the refrigerator for about 1 hour until it hardens. After that, you can enjoy a delicious sweet dish.
You can use orange-flavored jelly to accompany the orange slices. You can also mix it with lemon or lime jelly
Question 9 of 9: How do you know if a mandarin orange has gone bad?

Step 1. The fruit smells bad or tastes sour
When you pick it up, it may look rotten or smell rancid. When bitten, a rotten orange has an unpleasant taste.
Rotten oranges will smell or taste sweet, but disgusting. This is another sign that the oranges are rotten
Step 2. There may be black spots or mildew on the orange
If the oranges are whole, they may be stained or bruised. You may also see white fungal spots where the orange stalks are.