Floating on your back is a great way to become more comfortable in the water and to relax with less effort. To float on your back, you must position your head, upper body, and lower body correctly. Not only can this activity be a great trick to add to your swimming habits, but it's also a key survival technique if you get carried away by the current. If you want to learn how to float on your back and enjoy your time in the water more freely, read the steps below.
Method 1 of 3: Prepare to Float with Your Back

Step 1. Get used to being in the water
In order to float on your back without panicking, you need to be calm and relaxed in the water, even if you're not a swimmer. You have to learn how to float on your back in a swimming pool, not in a choppy sea or lake. Ideally, you should be comfortable in the water and know how to swim from side to side without using assistance.
If you are floating on your back as a way of learning to swim, then you should be extra careful and stick with your trainer

Step 2. Find a trainer
Don't try floating on your own for the first time. Even if you have mastered other basic swimming techniques, if this is your first attempt, then more than just a trainer is needed. Also make sure you are in a place guarded by someone who can rescue you if needed.
The trainer will place his hands under your back and will let you adjust your body so that you are comfortable trying this technique on your own

Step 3. Try using the floating tool
Using a PFD (personal flotation device) around your arms or midsection can also make you feel comfortable in the water. If you're using a trainer but don't feel ready to try floating, try using this tool until you get used to it.

Step 4. Align your body with the surface of the water
Before you start to float, you must align your body with the water. Ideally, your body will start in a position that is almost parallel to the water or the bottom of the pool. You can also align your body and kick until your body glides naturally along the surface of the water.
As soon as your body is parallel to the surface of the water, it will be easier for you to control the rest of your body
Method 2 of 3: Organizing Your Head

Step 1. Place your ear in the water
While this may be uncomfortable at first, just lay your head down until the ears are completely submerged. If your ears are out of the water, this means that your neck is tense and it will be harder for your body to float.

Step 2. Lift your chin
As soon as your ears sink, lift your chin. You can lift your chin slightly, about an inch or two (or so) out of the water and pointing at the sky. This will help you to lay your head down and make your whole body lighter.

Step 3. Make sure the water level is in the center of the cheeks
As you submerge your ears and begin to lift your chin, make sure the water level is mid-cheek. This surface may be lower if you lift your chin higher.

Step 4. Stay balanced
Hold your head in the center so you don't tilt to the right and left. Holding your head in the center will keep your body centered as well.
Method 3 of 3: Adjusting Your Body

Step 1. Position the arms correctly
There are several ways to position your arms when you are floating on your back. If you're a beginner, you can bend your arms and place your palms on your head (like doing a sit-up), then bend your elbows to force your body up. Below are a few things you can try when positioning your arms properly:
- If you are more comfortable in the water, you can move your arms directly behind your head and mimic a diving position. This will change your floating ability and balance the weight of both feet.
- You can also move your arm immediately, even holding it a few inches away from your side.
- Whatever you do with your arms, make sure your palms are still facing the sky.

Step 2. Arch your waist slightly
This can help tilt the body forward. Just arch your upper waist a few inches forward.

Step 3. Lift your chest
As you arch your waist, lift your chest out of the water.

Step 4. Lift your stomach
You should also actively lift your stomach until the center is out of the water.

Step 5. Bend your knees
Bend your knees to slightly spread your legs. If your legs are completely straight, be prepared to sink.

Step 6. Relax your legs
Once you've bent your knees, relax your legs, leaving a few feet between them. Your feet will not float naturally. For an adult, the legs will be heavier than the upper body, so your feet will stay pointed in the water. This may be different for children, who do not have muscular legs.

Step 7. Move your feet (if needed)
If you feel your body begin to sink near your feet, kick it slightly to hold it in place to keep your body afloat. You can float on your back and kick whenever you feel your body begin to sink downwards, or you can keep kicking to avoid sinking your body.

Step 8. Make some minor adjustments
As you continue to float on your back, pay attention to your body's response and see if anything sinks. Continue with kicking if you begin to sink in the legs, and move your arms and hands if you begin to sink in the upper body. You can also try lifting your chin higher or arching your body harder to make your body lighter.
If you don't float successfully, keep trying until it does. Learning to float on your back takes time
- Make sure you can swim before trying to float. This can help you improve your balance and give you confidence if you feel like you're about to fail.
- Don't tell your friends that you want to float; Just imagine that you are floating and when your friend removes his grip from your body, you will not panic.
- Also try bending your back to find balance.
- Always relax. You can fantasize if that helps!
- Try to push your hips and keep them in the up position.
Be careful!
Don't do this in deep water if no one is near you to help.
- Learn how to swim in the bottom of the water first, as you can sink at any time and practice at a depth of 0.9 m if you are taller than 1.5 m.
- Practice with an adult near you.
- Do not practice full or almost full.
- If this is your first try, ask a trainer to help you! Don't do this alone!