If you've ever had a fight, you've probably thought about all kinds of things. "Can he defend himself?" "Does he have a gun?" There is one thing I often worry about in situations like this. “Is my attack strong enough to finish this fight and win it?” Believe it or not, I've even had a bad dream of being attacked by someone and my opponent didn't feel the blow I was taking at all. So I want to know how to make my punches strong. This is what I found.
Method 1 of 3: Mastering the Punching Technique

Step 1. Master the technique to get a stronger punch
Have you ever seen a golfer hit a tee shot with poor technique? Have you seen Major League players hit home runs with poor technique? Have you seen swimmers swimming fast using poor technique? So are we. Correct punching technique not only makes your fists stronger; your fists will be more efficient, meaning less energy is spent.

Step 2. Position your feet properly
Your feet support your weight. Your feet keep you balanced, but allow you to transfer energy from your lower body to your upper body, bypassing your fists. Here are some tips that you can use when moving your legs.
- Position your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. When in doubt, position it a little further.
- Lift your back leg on tiptoe, and hold that position. Don't let your feet rest on the floor.
- Point your toes toward your fists. Aiming your foot off the target will reduce punching power.
- Bend your knees. When punching, extend your knees for added strength.

Step 3. Move your back and body to generate power
Try it: hitting an object without moving your hips or body. Not a strong fist, right? Now try to move your hips and torso as you punch. At least his strength would be twice as strong as the first fist. Think about it: professional golfers, tennis players, and baseball players all use their hips and bodies to generate more power. There's no reason you shouldn't do it either.
Use your hips to rotate your body back. Think of it like preparing to fire a gun. Then shoot at the target while moving your body in the same direction

Step 4. Make sure to exhale before you punch
Exhaling, will help activate the muscles when punching. If you're having trouble exhaling before you punch, try making a sound when you punch. Martial athletes often use this technique: making sure to exhale as you move.

Step 5. Tilt your head slightly upwards, lower your chin, and look at your target as you punch
Lean and lower your head a little so you don't get hit back; if you just stay still will be easy to hit. Keep your eyes on your target to aim your fist. This is a natural way of targeting your hand.

Step 6. Correct your hand movements
In addition to the power expended from your hips, correct hand movement technique is very important in an effective punch. Here are some tips you can use to ensure that you use all of your hand power.
- Relax your hands until they hit your opponent. As soon as you feel contact with your opponent, tighten your fists. The relaxed hand will move faster, and the strengthened hand will definitely be stronger.
- Fist straight with your hand, don't bend it. You may feel the urge to bend your arms when you punch, but don't do it; Remember that boxing power comes from the hips and body, not from the path of your fist.
- Don't pull your hands back before punching. This is also known as "telegraphing" or showing your opponent that you are going to punch.

Step 7. Navigate to the area that will hurt the most
If you're going to aim your fist, it's best to aim at the right part - the one that will do the most damage
- Chin
- forehead
- Solar plexus
- Ribs

Step 8. Learn other martial arts techniques
Boxing and martial arts are a great combination to help speed up your movement while increasing your flexibility and strength.
Method 2 of 3: Strengthening Muscles

Step 1. One way to increase punching power is to use a punching bag
Wear one that is not too hard, but not too light that you can bounce off easily. It's a situation like "Goldilocks And The Three Bears": not too much, not too little, use the right fit.

Step 2. When you get a punching bag, start practicing
Use the tips above to improve your technique, and practice those moves with a punching bag. Remember to really use your hips with each punch.

Step 3. Start using dumbbells while practicing boxing
Don't use dumbbells that are heavy for you to lift. Start with 2.5 kg or 5 kg, or even 7.5 kg if you are used to lifting weights.

Step 4. Practice the jab into the air with dumbbells
Punching with dumbbells will increase your speed and the resistance of your shoulders and also increase the strength of your boxing.
- Start with 12-15 reps of the punch with one hand, then switch to the other. Try to punch 10 sets for each hand; do this every day.
- Remember not to over-train one hand, but not to over-train the other. If one of your hands is clearly weaker, focus on training that hand. In a fight, smart opponents will try to take advantage of your weak parts. Having no weaknesses will make you a stronger fighter.
- Gradually increase the weight as you get used to the lighter weight. Increasing the weight will make your hands stronger and faster.
- Never punch a punching bag with dumbbells in hand. Only jab into the air with weights in your hands.
Method 3 of 3: Shadow Boxing
Shadow boxing can increase your boxing speed. The faster your fist, the stronger the power.

Step 1. Try to punch as fast as you can a few times
Try 5 minutes and 2 minutes rest. Repeat 5 times at a time.

Step 2. Use various boxing techniques as practice
For example, straight boxing, uppercut, jab, and hook.
- You can increase the weight of the dumbbells if your workout feels lacking. If you can punch in the air using 5 or 7.5 kg of extra weight, and don't feel like a strenuous workout, you might already be able to break someone's teeth in one punch. So there's no need to keep increasing the load unless you plan on punching steel vehicles.
- If you swim try to punch in the water, your fists will get stronger and faster little by little.
- Be sure to warm up/stretch the muscles to be trained to avoid cramps.
- Hold your fist tight at the last moment
- Know your strengths. You will punch harder, so don't hit your friend with the same force as you are training, your friend will get hurt and you will lose a friend
- Remember: do not punch anything with dumbbells
- Hold the dumbbells tightly so they don't slip out of your hands and get thrown toward expensive objects. Use gloves if your hands are sweaty, so the dumbbells are not slippery.
- Remember too do not stretch your arms straight because it can hurt your elbows.