There's nothing quite like punch to make a party happier. Adding punch with alcohol enhances the fun even more. If you don't have these ingredients on hand yet, head to the liquor store to buy the ingredients you'll need to prepare one of these three punch: Hawaiian punch, classic sangria, alcoholic Arnold Palmer punch.
Method 1 of 3: Hawaiian Punch

Step 1. Get a Hawaiian punch drink
Hawaiian punch or equivalent fruit punch is the easiest "base" to mix. This drink covers a lot of alcohol well and still maintains a subtle taste when mixed. This drink is also very flexible and can be mixed with various types of alcohol and/or fruit juices. If you already have fruit punch and some kind of alcohol in your home, you probably don't need to go to the store anymore. However, in most cases you will need to purchase some materials.

Step 2. Choose alcohol
Hawaiian punch mixes well with any alcohol. Some types of alcohol you can try mixing include: vodka, rum, various fruit schnapps (watermelon, strawberry, peach, etc.), champagne and Southern Comfort. Remember, this is not an exact science, so play with what you like.
- You will need 2 parts alcohol versus 3 parts punch. (A big caveat to this ratio is don't use this for Everclear - 5 or 6 shots per gallon of punch is enough. More can make your guests drunk.)
- Flavors like schnapps root beer or chocolate vodka will wear off most fruit punch.

Step 3. Mix the punch in a bowl
Put lots of ice cubes in your large punch bowl. Pour the measured amount of fruit juice and alcohol into a bowl. Set for taste.

Step 4. Add some fruit garnish if desired and serve
Top your punch with lemon or lime wedges, or skewer some fruit like pineapple, watermelon, passion fruit, orange or cherry on toothpicks and place one in each glass - these will make for a delicious, alcohol-soaked snack when the punch is done.
Method 2 of 3: Classic Sangria

Step 1. Gather the ingredients
Sangria, originating in Spain, is a classic wine punch that tastes delicious and will add exotic style to your next party. This classic combination consists of grapes, cut fruit, and brandy, but you can easily leave the brandy for a quick combination at home. When pressed for time, you can forgo sweeteners and sugar and rely on the sour and fruity taste of cranberry juice to give your drink a sweet and appetizing taste. All you need to add is red wine and your favorite fruit. The best ratio consists of:
- 1 bottle of your favorite red wine. There is no need to splurge on expensive wines, as the taste of the wine will be heavily masked by the juices and fruit. White wine can be used as well, in this case the result is often called sangria blanca. White wines are usually sweeter and because of that, you can adjust the mixer for tasting.
- 1 - 2 cups chopped fresh fruit, such as oranges, lemons, limes, apples, peaches, melons, grapes. Dice the fruit into about half-inch pieces so that they mix well with the liquid and still keep their shape. Experiment with different types of fruit and how they flavor the sangria. Fresh fruit will hold up best after long periods of immersion in the liquid, retaining a slight crunch to keep the drink appealing.
- 2 mixing glasses to thin the wine. Fruit juice or any carbonated drink can work, but be careful to consider the sweetness versus the taste of the fruit and grapes.
- For a more party treat, add a carbonated drink, like 7 Up or Sprite, or sparkling water to give your drink a cozy sizzle. If you are using a carbonated drink, be sure to wait until just before serving this mixture, as the bubbles will quickly dissipate.

Step 2. Mix the ingredients
Empty the wine bottle into a large container, and add the fruit pieces. Mix in mixer to taste; it should preserve the taste of the wine, but become more or less alcoholic.

Step 3. Cool in a wine bottle or large jug and serve
Immediately before serving, add ice cubes to your wine bottle to keep the drink cold. Because of the fruit cut, your choice of container is a bit more important than the rest of the punch. A lid or other strainer will help you adjust the ratio of the ice cubes and pieces of fruit in each glass. In Spain and other parts of Europe, sangria is commonly served with a wooden spoon to help remove the fruit from the bottom of the punch bowl.
Method 3 of 3: Arnold Palmer Alcohol

Step 1. Gather the ingredients
The classic summer refresher, known as “Half & Half” in the Southern United States, was associated with 60s professional golfer Arnold Palmer. By creating a delicious combination of iced tea and lemon juice at home, he started ordering it at the bar and it became a drink. popular quickly. The Arnold Palmer alcoholic has three simple ingredients: iced tea, lemon, and bourbon. The best ratio is 4 parts tea and 4 parts lemon juice to 1 part bourbon, but this drink is very tolerant, and can be adjusted based on the number of visitors you have.

Step 2. Make the tea
Add 5 regular tea bags to 4 cups of boiling water. Let it steep for 5 minutes before removing the tea bag. If you don't want to make tea, you can buy ready-made.

Step 3. Make lemon juice
To prepare lemon juice from scratch, squeeze the juice from 8 lemons. Mix with 1 cups sugar and up to 6 cups water, adjusted to your desired level of sweetness. Refrigerate until you plan to serve it. If you don't want to make lemon juice, buy it ready-made.

Step 4. Mix the ingredients
Combine 4 cups of tea, 4 cups of lemon juice and 1 cup of bourbon in a large bowl. Adjust the ratio to suit the taste.
Cool in a wine bottle or large jug and serve. Alcoholic Arnold Palmers is best served with plenty of ice, a slice of lemon and a sprig of mint for garnish
- Add some fruity light spirits, like peach schnapps, with some heavy ones like Bacardi 151 to give your punch a taste and bite.
- If you're making iced tea and lemon juice from scratch for Arnold Palmer, double your recipe and you'll have more for non-alcoholic guests, or young party entrants!
- Clear and dark alcoholic drinks will work with fruit punch.
- Clear sodas like Sprite and Squirt add a sensation of carbonation to your punch too without changing the taste so much.
- To enhance the taste even more, add a little real juice. Something simple (like an orange) or more exotic (like a kiwi strawberry) will work well.
- Strawberry lemon juice, mint iced tea; the possibilities are endless. Almost any flavor of lemon juice works well in this recipe, but strictly avoid herbal teas.
- You can also use frozen concentrate in place of juice.
- Watch your friends. Take them in a taxi if they drink too much.
- Don't put too much alcohol in it if you don't like it.
- Drink in moderation.