One of the worst things about acne is that even though it has healed, the scars still remain. There are three ways you can do to handle it. You can cover it up with camouflage makeup, try natural remedies, or be treated medically.
Method 1 of 3: Using Camouflage Makeup

Step 1. Purchase color-correcting cosmetics
You can buy them in the cosmetics section of stores, pharmacies, or order them online. For best results, these cosmetics should:
- Protects skin from further damage with the presence of sunscreen
- It is hypoallergenic, so it won't cause an allergic reaction
- It is non-comedogenic so it won't clog pores and cause breakouts

Step 2. Use color theory to hide acne scars
Take a closer look at the pimple in bright light, examine its color, and how it differs from the surrounding skin tone. You can make it less noticeable by using the opposite cosmetic color.
- For example, you can neutralize a red pimple with a touch of green, hide a purple spot with a little yellow, or make a prominent pimple look smoother by covering it slightly darker than the surrounding skin. This will make the acne scars less conspicuous.
- Good brands to cover acne scars are: Concealer Wheel from Kryolan and Even Better Concealer from Clinique.

Step 3. Find out which type of foundation is best for your skin
Foundation will improve the appearance of the skin so that it looks smoother.
- Use an oil-based foundation if your skin type is dry. However, oil-based foundations can make acne breakouts worse.
- If you have oily skin that is prone to breakouts, you may be better off using an oil-free foundation.
- Water-based foundations are usually a safe choice for all skin types.
- If you have a lot of acne scars, you can try a waterless foundation that lasts a long time and is used to cover acne scars perfectly.
- The color of the foundation must match the color of the skin because if it doesn't match it can make the makeup look thick. You can buy foundation in a pre-existing color or foundation in a custom blended color made at the cosmetics counter of a convenience store.

Step 4. Use foundation by applying and blending it
Once you've finished applying it, it's impossible to know the beginning and the end of the foundation. Use this method with:
- Apply a single point of foundation on the cheeks, forehead, nose, and chin.
- Blend the foundation onto the skin using your fingers. Rubbing it in a circular motion works very well.
- Apply foundation up to the hairline and under the jaw.
- Smooth the fine lines of foundation with a sponge.
- Allow the foundation to stick for 5 minutes.

Step 5. Use a non-watering foundation if the pimple needs to be completely covered throughout the day
A foundation like this feels smooth and shiny and requires a few extra steps:
- Warm the foundation in your hand to make it easier to apply. This will soften the foundation, making it easier to apply.
- After applying foundation, apply loose powder using a brush. This will make your appearance look natural.
- You cannot clean this foundation with water. To clean it must use a special cream. You can buy this cream along with the make-up.

Step 6. Highlight the best parts of the face
Taking the time to look for the best parts of your face will give you confidence as you go about your day. Foundations provide a smooth, blemish-free surface so you can accentuate your natural beauty with lipstick, blusher, eye shadow, and eyeshadow.
- Use lipstick to produce a strong and healthy color on the lips. You can use different colors depending on whether you're going out on the town at night or to the office.
- Make your eyes really stand out by adding eyeshadow, shadow under your lashes, and mascara. People usually look other people in the eye. Make your eyes look impressive.
- Add a little blush along the cheekbones for a healthy, bright glow.
- Talk to your doctor to make sure that your makeup doesn't interfere with the healing of your acne scars.
Method 2 of 3: Try Natural Remedies

Step 1. Lighten acne scars with lemon juice
Lemon juice is acidic and can help dark acne scars become less noticeable. Lemon juice also has many vitamins that will help the skin recover. However, lemon juice also makes you more sensitive to sunlight. Make sure to rinse with water before leaving the house. You can apply lemon juice directly to acne scars quickly and easily every day:
- Squeeze a fresh lemon. You only need a few teaspoons.
- Use a cotton swab to apply it directly to the scar. Be careful not to touch the surrounding healthy skin.
- Let it dry before rinsing.
- If you don't have lemon, you can use other acidic ingredients like apple cider vinegar or lime.

Step 2. Cool the skin with aloe vera
Aloe vera will help nourish the skin and speed healing. Aloe vera is great for the whole skin, not just acne scars. You can apply it in two days:
- Use a ready-to-use aloe vera mixture according to the directions on the package. You can buy aloe vera gel without a prescription at drug stores.
- If you have an aloe vera plant in your home, break off the leaves. Cut the leaf lengthwise in half and open it to reveal the sticky gel inside. Apply this gel to the skin and allow it to absorb.

Step 3. Apply tea tree oil on the red pimple marks
The tea tree oil will help clear up any residual infection that is causing the redness of the scar.
- Make a solution with a ratio of 5 percent tea tree oil and 95 percent water. You can make a solution consisting of 1 part tea tree oil and 19 parts water.
- Use a cotton swab to apply this mixture on the acne scars. Rinse after it dries.
- If you have sensitive skin, this mixture can be diluted again.

Step 4. Exfoliate with baking soda
This will shed the top layer of skin and help restore it. You can make a baking soda-based scrubber as follows:
- Add baking soda to a tablespoon of water until it forms a thick paste.
- Gently rub it on the acne scars. Let this mixture wash away dead skin cells and impurities that could hinder healing.
- Rinse off the paste mixture and moisturize the skin with a non-greasy moisturizer.

Step 5. Heal acne scars with vitamin E oil
Vitamin E will make the skin healthy, moist, and supple. Vitamin E also accelerates skin healing and repair.
- You can buy vitamin E oil without a prescription at your local drugstore. If you don't have vitamin E oil in a small bottle, you can also buy it in capsule form and open it to get the oil.
- Wash your face with warm water to open the pores.
- Rub vitamin E oil directly on the acne scars and massage until the oil absorbs.
- Do it 1-2 times a day.
Method 3 of 3: Hiding Acne Scars with Medical Treatment

Step 1. Try a new surface shaping action with the laser
The use of this procedure is effective for treating less severe scars. There are two types of this action:
- Ablative laser action, in which the laser removes the layer of skin around the acne scars to make them appear smoother. The doctor will numb the skin or give a sedative injection first. Side effects that may occur are itching, redness, swelling, infection, dark or light skin, and scars.
- A nonablative laser procedure, in which a laser is used to make the body produce collagen and repair the areas where acne scars are present. This action does not remove the skin layer. The doctor will cool the scarred area first, possibly with a cryogenic spray. Side effects can also make the skin darken, develop herpes infection, rapid swelling, and redness. Scar formation is rare.

Step 2. Use the punching technique to remove acne scars
This method can be used for acne scars with small holes or round craters. Depending on the shape of the acne scars, your doctor may recommend:
- Hole closure, where the doctor removes acne scars that look like holes. The area is then closed so that it will be flat.
- Elevation of the hole, where the doctor will change the crater-shaped acne scars to be less deep, so they are not too visible.
- Hole transplant. This technique is used for deep acne scars. After removing the acne scars, the doctor fills the hole with skin taken from behind the ear. This can cause swelling, redness, and bruising.

Step 3. Treat the area that has large round acne scars with the subcision technique
Round acne scars look like rough areas of skin because the deeper layers leave scars. If you undergo this procedure, your doctor will remove the skin over the pimple to stimulate blood clotting, healing, and new skin formation. Additional actions on areas treated with subcision are:
- Laser action
- Dermabrasion, in which the doctor uses a wire brush to remove the top layer of skin. This is done by giving a sedative injection or an anesthetic injection. After that, the skin becomes bright pink in color for several months. It may itch when it heals. Side effects are the risk of infection, skin discoloration, and scar formation.

Step 4. Seek support if medical measures don't help
Acne scars can cause excessive shyness, stress, and depression, especially for teens. If you're struggling with acne scars, seek social support. You can try:
- Online resources, such as support groups and forums
- See a counselor
- Talk to trusted friends and family members
- Consult your doctor before starting any home remedies to make sure they are right for you. Many home remedies can interfere with other treatments or cause side effects.
- It is very important to consult a doctor when dealing with teenagers or if you are pregnant.