Acne scars on your back can make you self-conscious about your appearance, and even cause irritation and itching of the skin. If the existing acne scars are discolored skin (acne scars like this are the most common type of scars on the back), some over-the-counter skin care products can restore the condition of the skin. You can also try a variety of home remedies to get rid of all kinds of acne scars on your back. Although harmless, these home remedies are not medically proven. For scars that appear repeatedly or significantly, the best step that can be taken is to consult a dermatologist for a more precise diagnosis and treatment.
Method 1 of 3: Using Products to Treat Skin Discoloration

Step 1. Wait and let the discoloration of the skin disappear naturally
The type of acne scars that most often appear on the back are not actually scars, but are post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation or temporary skin discoloration. Usually, these pink, reddish, purplish, brown, or black acne scars (either protruding or deep into the skin) will fade on their own in about 12 months.
- If you run your finger on your back and your skin feels smooth, there's a good chance that your acne scars are post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. However, the only way to be sure is to see a dermatologist.
- Treating other types of acne scars on the back using a post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation treatment will not trigger other skin problems. However, this treatment is also unlikely to significantly improve the condition of the skin.
- Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation can also occur after the skin is cut, scraped, or has been injured. All the remedies mentioned in this method are found to be effective for such conditions or situations.

Step 2. Use an oil-free sunscreen so that acne scars don't appear darker
Discolored back acne scars usually appear darker than the surrounding skin, and exposure to sunlight can make them much darker. Therefore, if the acne scars are on the shoulders, back of the neck, and other parts of the body that are often exposed to the sun, use a broad-spectrum sunscreen so that the skin does not appear darker.
- Look for oil-free sunscreen products that are formulated for sensitive skin. Sunscreen that contains oil can actually trigger the appearance of acne.
- Protect the area with acne scars with clothing (eg by not wearing a sleeveless shirt with a low back opening) if possible. However, make sure you always wear sunscreen, even after protecting your skin with clothing.

Step 3. Increase skin cell turnover with an anti-wrinkle cream containing retinol
This substance speeds up the process of skin cell replacement so that it can reduce the appearance of wrinkles on the skin. Retinol can also speed up the replacement of discolored skin cells on the back.
Use the product as directed and focus on the discolored acne scars on the back. You may need a friend's help to apply the product to hard-to-reach areas of your back

Step 4. Ask your doctor about stain remover products containing hydroquinone
Hydroquinone accelerates the fading of scars or discolored spots on the skin. Cream products containing hydroquinone with a maximum concentration of 2% are sold freely in some countries (eg the United States). However, sometimes these products can cause irritation or even discoloration of the skin, so consult your dermatologist first.
- Use the product as directed on the package or from your doctor.
- In Europe, the use of hydroquinone is prohibited due to reactions caused to the skin, including dry skin, redness, irritation, and sometimes cracking, blistering, and bleeding.
Method 2 of 3: Trying Home Remedies

Step 1. Use tea tree oil 2-3 times a day
Mix 2-3 teaspoons (10-15 ml) of tea tree oil with 240 ml of warm water. Use a cotton swab or cotton swab to apply the mixture on the acne scars on your back, 2-3 times a day.
- Tea tree oil contains anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, making it useful as an acne scar treatment product.
- As with other home remedies, there is no (or little) medical evidence to suggest that tea tree oil can reduce the appearance of acne scars on the back.
- Also, as with other home remedies, you may find it difficult to reach your back on your own. You need someone's help to apply the mixture on the acne scars.

Step 2. Apply the baking soda paste on the acne scars for 10-15 minutes
Place a spoon or two full of baking soda in a bowl, then add enough water to form a thick paste. Use your fingers to apply the paste on the acne scars and massage gently to remove dead skin cells. Rinse your back after 10-15 minutes to remove any remaining paste.
- This step is ideal to do once a day before your shower so you can rinse your back and remove any remaining baking soda paste easily.
- Baking soda contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, and acts as an exfoliant that can reduce the appearance of acne scars on your back.

Step 3. Brew green tea and apply it on acne scars
Take 2 tablespoons (30 grams) of green tea leaves (or 2-3 tea bags) and steep them in 240 ml of hot water for 10-20 minutes. Use a cotton swab, cotton swab, or washcloth to apply the tea mixture to the acne scars on your back, 2-3 times a day.
- The antioxidant content in green tea acts as an anti-inflammatory substance that can reduce the appearance of acne scars.
- Consumption of 2-3 cups of green tea every day can also help restore the condition of acne scars on the back.

Step 4. Add ground oatmeal to the water in the soaking tub
Grind 4 tablespoons (60 grams) of plain oatmeal into a fine powder using a blender or spice grinder, then place it in a soaking tub filled with water and shake the water to prevent the oatmeal from sinking to the bottom of the tub. Soak for about 30 minutes. You can repeat this process every day.
- Alternatively, you can mix ground oatmeal with honey to make a paste, then apply it on your acne scars and let it sit for 15-20 minutes before rinsing it off.
- Oatmeal acts as an exfoliant and can reduce skin irritation and inflammation.

Step 5. Apply aloe vera gel on the acne scars on your back
You can buy 100% aloe vera gel from the store or, even better, extract the juice from the aloe vera plant by opening the fresh leaves. Apply the gel on the acne scars using your fingers, twice a day.
- Aloe vera can smooth the skin, reduce irritation, encourage skin cell development, and act as an antifungal agent.
- While it's not absolutely guaranteed, you can see progress in a few days or a few weeks.
Method 3 of 3: Getting Dermatological Treatment

Step 1. Give your dermatologist a chance to diagnose the type of acne scars you have on your back
Not all acne scars on the back are the same, and different types of acne scars, different treatments that need to be given. Visit a dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis of the type of acne scars on your back, as well as the recommended forms of treatment. Some of the most common types of acne scars include:
- “Pick” or ice-pick acne scars: These scars are small and deep (get into the skin).
- Boxcar acne scars: These scars are deep circles or ovals, with raised “walls” or sides.
- Rolling acne scars: These scars are bumpy, with not-so-defined edges or sides.
- Hypertrophic acne scars: These scars appear to protrude from the surface of the skin.
- Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation: These scars do not protrude or penetrate into the skin, and are not technically classified as “acne scars”. However, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is the most common type of acne "scar" on the back. The hyperpigmented area may be pink or appear reddish, purplish, brown, or black.

Step 2. Get laser treatment for ice-pick or boxcar acne scars
Ablative laser treatment works to remove the top layer of skin, thereby encouraging the development of new tissue, without leaving scars. Many dermatologists offer this treatment. In addition, this treatment is also relatively fast and does not cause pain. However, you will experience redness on the treated area for (at least) 2 weeks to possibly several months.
- Nonablative laser treatments will not remove the top layer of skin, but promote the formation of new skin-tightening collagen beneath the skin layer. This method can be done quickly, is painless, and doesn't leave any redness behind. However, this treatment is only effective for hyperpigmentation or very small acne scars.
- The skin takes weeks to months to regenerate without acne scars or scars. Therefore, this method is not a quick fix or treatment that you can take.

Step 3. Go for a punch excision, elevation, or grafting procedure for deep acne scars
All of these punch or pressure techniques use equipment with the same mechanism as a small cookie cutter. This tool pushes (lifts) the acne scar tissue, then the part that was previously affected by the acne scar will be sutured. The stitches on the skin will fade over time.
- The punch grafting procedure involves the removal of skin tissue (usually from behind the ear) to replace the skin tissue that was removed from a very large area of acne scar.
- Although you will get suture scars during the acne scar removal procedure, they will usually disappear within a few months. In addition, a dermatologist can provide dermabrasion treatments to speed up the process of fading sutures.

Step 4. Go for a skin filler injection procedure to quickly remove deep acne scars
In this procedure or treatment, the dermatologist will inject a substance (usually bovine collagen or fat from other parts of the body) under deep acne scars so that the scars are lifted to the surface of the skin. However, this step is temporary and needs to be repeated every few months if you want to get sustainable results.
Using skin fillers is a great quick fix technique if you want to reduce the appearance of acne scars on your back as soon as possible

Step 5. Find out if bumpy acne scars can be removed using a subcutaneous incision
A subcutaneous incision (or subsection) is cut parallel to the surface of the skin, rather than being cut into the skin. This process cuts the bands of tissue that hold the skin together so that areas of acne scars can be pushed up to the surface of the skin and flattened.
- This treatment is suitable for rolling acne scars that cause a bumpy texture on the skin.
- Dermatologists can perform this procedure quickly using local anesthesia.
- You can immediately see the results of the treatment with this procedure, but you may experience itching and a small scar at the incision area.

Step 6. Use steroid creams or injections for prominent acne scars
Steroids, either in the form of injections or topical creams, can reduce the appearance of hypertrophic (protruding) acne scars and “lower” them to the surface of the skin. Dermatologists can give one or more steroid injections in the clinic. The doctor may also prescribe a steroid cream to apply to the problem area every day for a few hours before the area is cleaned of cream.
- Steroid treatments can take several months to be effective.
- If you are given a steroid cream by a doctor, follow the directions for use exactly.

Step 7. Try dermabrasion or microdermabrasion for discolored acne scars
Dermabrasion is performed under local anesthesia in a dermatologist's office or clinic, and uses a small wire brush to remove the top layer of skin. This procedure can remove hyperpigmented (discolored) acne scars, as well as small ice-pick and boxcar acne scars. You will experience a mild stinging of the treated skin for a few days, as well as redness for a few weeks after the treatment.
- The microdermabrasion procedure is more like a sanding technique and only affects the top layer of skin. Therefore, this procedure is only effective for acne scars that have discolored. Microdermabrasion can be done in beauty spas and medical offices/clinics, and usually requires several treatments to be effective.
- You need to wait at least a few weeks for the redness on your skin to disappear before seeing positive results from the procedure.