Acne is a skin health disorder that bothers many people of all ages starting from children, teenagers, adults, and even the elderly. The good news is, this complaint is easy to overcome because you can cure acne with home products. However, you need to consult a doctor if your acne doesn't go away, gets worse, or you experience allergies after using homemade products.
Method 1 of 5: Caring for Facial Skin

Step 1. Use a facial cleansing product that is safe for the skin
Skin stays healthy and acne-free if you wash your face daily with a non-abrasive facial cleanser. Choose alcohol-free products so as not to aggravate skin irritation. Consult a dermatologist to find out the most appropriate facial cleanser for you.
- Do not use scrubs or facial cleansers that say "astringent" because they can damage and dry out the skin.
- Some dermatologists recommend facial cleansing foams that are safe for the skin, such as Cetaphil DermaControl Foam Wash, especially if you are using a topical acne medication that dries out the skin, such as benzoyl peroxide.
- Buy a facial cleanser that does not contain soap-based ingredients. Bath soap increases the pH of the skin so that the facial skin becomes dry and becomes a medium for the development of bacteria or other microbes.

Step 2. Wet your face with lukewarm water
Open the faucet and splash water on your face. Make sure the water is lukewarm, as hot water can dry out your skin and make irritation worse.
If your skin type is oily and prone to breakouts, you may want to try various ways to have dry skin. Unfortunately, this step only exacerbates the problem as the skin tries to recover by increasing oil secretion

Step 3. Apply a skin cleansing product on your face with your fingertips
Prepare an adequate amount of cleanser on your fingertips and gently massage your face while making small circles with your fingers. Do not press when massaging the face so that the skin is not chafed or pulled.
- Don't rub your skin when you wash your face, although this method seems very useful. Scrubbing your face causes skin irritation and acne to get worse.
- When cleaning your face, do not use a washcloth, sponge, or brush to prevent irritation of the facial skin.
make it a habit to wash your hands with soap and water before applying cleansers, creams, or other products to your face. Bacteria and oil on your palms or fingers can irritate the skin and make acne worse.

Step 4. Rinse face with lukewarm water
Sprinkle lukewarm water on your face to loosen the cleanser. Use your hands to remove residue by gently wiping your face.
- Maybe you've heard the information that the facial pores close when the face is splashed with cold water. In fact, cold water tightens facial pores and reduces oil secretion, but pores do not close.
- Use cool or warm water when rinsing your face, instead of hot water to keep your face dry and irritated.

Step 5. Pat your face with a clean towel to dry your face
Just like rubbing the face with a washcloth, the skin is irritated if rubbed with a towel. After washing your face, pat your face with a dry towel to absorb the water that wets your face.
Wet towels are a great habitat for disgusting things, such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi that cause irritation or infection when they come into contact with the skin! Change towels at least once a week. While hanging, spread out a wet towel to dry completely before using it again

Step 6. Use facial moisturizer to prevent dry and irritated skin
You may not like using a moisturizer if your skin is prone to breakouts, but the problem gets worse if you don't moisturize your skin. Buy a moisturizer specifically for acne-prone skin to prevent dehydration and irritation.
- Choose a moisturizer that is not colored and perfumed. These ingredients can cause skin irritation.
- Use a moisturizer that acts as a sunscreen. For some people, acne gets worse when exposed to sunlight.
- Dermatologists recommend that you use a moisturizer that contains sunscreen specifically for acne-prone skin, such as Cetaphil DermaControl Moisturizer SPF 30. Moisturizers that contain anti-inflammatory ingredients, such as zinc or aloe vera are very useful in preventing acne.

Step 7. Wash your face up to 2 times a day or if you sweat
There is a misconception that washing your face as often as possible can prevent acne. In addition to removing the skin's natural oils, this method makes the skin dry, irritated, and even more acne prone. So, wash your face a maximum of 2 times a day, every morning and night. You also need to wash your face when you sweat to prevent breakouts.
If you apply makeup, remove cosmetics before bed. Your pores will get clogged if you go to bed without washing your face. Use a special facial cleanser to remove makeup that is safe for the skin and labeled "non-comedogenic" (does not clog facial pores)

Step 8. Use cosmetics that are safe for the skin
You can apply makeup even if you have acne, but choose cosmetics that don't trigger or aggravate acne. Buy cosmetics whose packaging says "oil free" (free of oil), "non-comedogenic" (does not cause blackheads), or "won't clog pores (does not clog facial pores). Stop using cosmetics or replace them with other products if you have acne..
- Make sure you remove makeup before going to bed, including eye makeup.
- When applying eye makeup, use a soft brush so that the eyelids are not irritated.
Method 2 of 5: Using Home Acne Remedies

Step 1. Perform a skin treatment using tea tree oil once a day to kill bacteria
Research shows that tea tree oil can treat some skin problems, such as acne. Add 2-3 drops of tea tree oil to 1 teaspoon (5 milliliters) of a solvent, such as jojoba oil, olive oil, or your favorite facial moisturizer and apply to pimples or irritated skin using your fingertips or a cotton pad.
- Tea tree oil reduces inflammation and kills acne-causing bacteria with fewer side effects than over-the-counter or prescription acne medications.
- Some people experience allergies when using tea tree oil. Before using tea tree oil on your face, do a test by applying a drop of tea tree oil on the back of your hands or feet and wait hour. If red spots appear, don't apply it to your face because you are most likely allergic or sensitive to tea tree oil.
- Tea tree oil should not be consumed as it is toxic!

Step 2. Use a face mask made of pure honey and cinnamon 2 times a week to relieve inflammation and kill bacteria
A mixture of honey and cinnamon extract is useful for killing acne-causing bacteria. In addition, cinnamon contains inflammatory substances that make the skin feel comfortable and reduce red spots. This mask can replace tea tree oil if you are allergic or don't like the smell of cinnamon. You can treat your face with a homemade mask or ask a dermatologist about anti-acne products that use these ingredients.
- Alternatively, prepare a face mask by adding 2-3 drops of cinnamon essential oil to 5 teaspoons (25 milliliters) of a solvent oil, such as jojoba oil or olive oil, add honey and mix well.
- Before applying a mask of honey and cinnamon on the pimple, dab a little under the chin. Wait about hour to confirm the reaction. If you have allergies, do not apply to pimples.

Step 3. Apply green tea lotion 2 times a day to reduce inflammation and prevent acne
Green tea contains polyphenols, which are natural chemical compounds that can reduce inflammation, kill bacteria, and reduce the secretion of natural facial oils! Apply a lotion containing 2% green tea extract 2 times a day to relax facial skin and prevent acne.
Green tea lotion can cause mild irritation, causing the skin to feel hot or itchy, but the skin will feel comfortable again if you get used to using this lotion. Stop using the lotion and consult a doctor if the complaints do not go away 2-3 days after you use green tea lotion regularly

Step 4. Remove scars by applying onion extract once a day
Pimples and acne scars are both stressful and embarrassing, but these problems can be treated with herbal remedies! Apply a gel or cream containing onion extract once a day on the acne scars so that the scars are soft and not visible. Read the instructions for use carefully to find out the correct dosage.
Onion gel can be irritating. So, do a test by applying a small amount of gel on your hands or behind your ears before using it on your face
Method 3 of 5: Following a Diet to Reduce Acne

Step 1. Drink plenty of water throughout the day
Water plays an important role in maintaining healthy skin. Lack of water makes the skin dry, even oily. Dehydrated skin is prone to irritation and breakouts. Therefore, make it a habit to drink at least 2 liters of water a day and every time you feel thirsty.
Enough water consumption can be determined by looking at the color of urine. If the color is similar to water, the need for water is fulfilled. If it is yellow, drink more water throughout the day

Step 2. Eat healthy fats with every meal
Many people think that fatty foods cause acne, but certain types of fat are beneficial in preventing acne. Eat foods that contain lots of omega 3 fatty acids to reduce inflammation and prevent acne.
Meet the need for healthy fats by eating fatty fish (such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna), nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils (such as olive oil and flaxseed)

Step 3. Eat fat-free protein sources
Researchers state that people who follow a diet high in fat-free protein rarely break out. Get in the habit of eating useful protein sources, such as poultry breast meat, fish, egg whites, legumes, and peas.
Milk and various dairy products contain a lot of protein, but for some people, the protein from milk triggers acne. Stop consuming milk for a few weeks and then observe its effect on acne

Step 4. Eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible every day
In addition to reducing acne, you can maintain your health by eating lots of fruits and vegetables with each meal. Meet the needs of vitamins and minerals to maintain healthy skin by eating fruits and vegetables of various colors.
Lack of vitamin A, vitamin E, and zinc can cause acne. Avoid this by eating fruits and vegetables high in nutrients, such as dark green vegetables, carrots, pumpkin, various berries, mangoes, avocados, mushrooms, and garlic

Step 5. Avoid nutrient-dense foods that are added to oil or sugar
Acne gets worse if you eat sugar, refined carbohydrates, and oily foods. Adopt a healthy diet with a balanced menu consisting of fat-free protein sources, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Do not consume nutritional foods and drinks, for example:
- Baked sugary food
- Candy
- Soda and sugary drinks
- Fast food and greasy fried food
- Fatty salty snacks, such as potato chips
Method 4 of 5: Changing Your Lifestyle

Step 1. Do stress relief activities to prevent breakouts
Although it has not been scientifically proven, stress can make the problem worse if you have acne! When experiencing stress, overcome it by doing activities that make you feel calm and comfortable so that the skin relaxes again and acne does not get worse, for example by:
- Practice yoga
- meditate
- Walk in the park
- Listen to quiet music
- Enjoying a hobby or making art
- Spending time with family, friends or pets

Step 2. Get in the habit of sleeping at least 7-9 hours every day
Although there is no proven correlation between sleep and acne, many doctors support the view that lack of sleep can trigger stress and lower the body's immunity to infection. This condition makes acne worse and has a bad impact on the skin. Make sure you get about 8 hours of sleep every night to keep your skin healthy and acne free.
- Teenagers need 8-10 hours of sleep every night. Get in the habit of going to bed at the same time and getting up at the same time so you can stick to a consistent sleep schedule.
- If you have trouble falling asleep, relax before going to bed at night, for example by meditating, reading a book, or taking a warm bath before bed. Turn off the luminous screen at least 1 hour before bed because the light rays make the brain not in a state ready to sleep.

Step 3. Clean your face after exercising
Although acne may increase after exercise, don't let this prevent you from enjoying a healthy life by exercising regularly. Take a shower and wash your face with products that are safe for the skin after exercising. Thus, sweat, oil, and dirt do not clog the pores of the face and the skin is free of irritation.
- When exercising, pat a clean, soft dry towel on your face to dry the sweat, but don't rub it, as this can irritate your skin.
- If you haven't had time to shower yet, take the time to change wet clothes with clean, dry clothes as soon as possible after exercising to prevent breakouts. Wear clean clothes if you want to exercise because dirty clothes are a source of bacteria and skin irritants.
- Before using exercise equipment in the gym, clean it first with a disinfectant wipe to remove oil and bacteria left by others to prevent acne and skin irritation.
Method 5 of 5: Undergoing Medical Therapy

Step 1. Talk to your doctor if your acne doesn't go away after you use home remedies
Usually, acne heals within a few weeks of being treated. You will reap the benefits if you treat acne with home remedies on a regular basis. However, this therapy is not necessarily effective for everyone because the triggers of acne are very diverse. If the results are not what you expected, see your doctor for a prescription medication according to your needs.
- Although acne is reduced after being treated for a few days, severe acne only heals after being treated for 4-8 weeks.
- Keep a record of all the products and medications you've used so you can tell your doctor which therapies aren't effective. Bring the bottle or packaging with you when you see a doctor.

Step 2. See a dermatologist if your face is full of pimples
Over-the-counter medications cannot treat severe acne. Dermatologists can explain how to effectively treat acne and prescribe effective and effective medications to treat acne triggers.
Sometimes, acne is caused by hormones, inflammation, or bacteria in the pores of the skin. Dermatologists can prescribe medications to treat acne triggers that don't go away with home remedies

Step 3. Ask your doctor about options for taking medication
If home remedies don't work, you may need to take medication as prescribed by your doctor. However, doctor's medication is needed if the acne does not heal or fills the face. Usually, doctors prescribe one or more of the following medications:
- Topical cream. In most cases, these medications contain retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, antibiotics, or salicylic acid.
- Antibiotics to kill acne-causing bacteria and reduce inflammation.
- Family planning pills. For female patients, doctors may suggest taking birth control pills if acne is triggered by hormones.
- Isotretinoin as oral therapy if other drugs are not effective and acne is getting worse so that it interferes with daily activities.

Step 4. Undergo medical therapy to treat the skin according to the doctor's advice
In addition to taking medication, your dermatologist may suggest that you undergo therapy at the clinic to restore your skin's condition. Although it feels uncomfortable, this therapy does not cause pain. Ask a dermatologist about the following treatment options:
- Laser or light therapy to kill the pripionibacterium acnes bacteria which is useful in curing acne.
- Skin exfoliation uses chemical compounds to peel the outer layer of the skin so that the face is fresher and free of acne.
- Surgery to cure acne by removing fluid or injecting medication into pimples that do not heal by other means.

Step 5. Overcome as soon as possible if allergy symptoms appear after you use / consume acne medication
Red spots or irritation that occur after using acne medications are common, but some people experience severe side effects. Although this reaction is rare, see your doctor immediately if you experience any of the following symptoms:
- Hard to breathe
- Swelling of the face, eyes, lips, or tongue
- Throat narrowed
- Feeling faint
Don't give up if some of the methods above don't work. The causes of acne are very diverse and everyone's skin condition is different. Do several methods until you find the most appropriate
- Take time to consult a doctor or dermatologist before applying the instructions in this article. If you have a skin problem that needs specific treatment, one or more of the methods above may not work for you.
- Maybe you've received information that acne can be cured by applying lemon juice on the face. Research shows that lemon extract contains antibacterial substances that can kill germs that cause acne. However, lemon juice can damage and irritate the skin, making acne worse.