3 Ways to Stretch Abdominal Muscles

3 Ways to Stretch Abdominal Muscles
3 Ways to Stretch Abdominal Muscles

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When practicing stretching, the abdominal muscles are often neglected, even though stretching the abdominal muscles is beneficial in improving posture and increasing muscle flexibility. In addition to static stretching in the cobra or cat-cow posture, you can do the bridge pose and tilt to the side to practice dynamic stretching. If you have a ball for exercise, stretch your abdominal muscles by lengthening your body. Avoid injury by warming up before stretching, breathing slowly when stretching, and not stretching the same muscle group 2 days in a row.


Method 1 of 3: Performing Static Stretches


Step 1. Do the cobra posture

Lie on your stomach with your palms on the floor directly under your shoulders. Keep your lower abdomen touching the floor as you lift your upper body by pressing your palms against the floor. At this time, you can hold your head up while puffing out your chest. Hold for 20-30 seconds then lower your body slowly to rest. Do this movement 2-4 times.

  • Bend your elbows slightly so that your spine is fully arched, instead of just bending your lower back.
  • For a more effective stretch, straighten your elbows and lift your hips 5-10 centimeters off the floor in an upward facing dog posture.

Lengthen your spine as you stretch

If a back arching motion, such as the cobra posture, puts pressure, compression, or pain on your back, you may want to do a stretch that lengthens the entire spine, rather than just arching your back.

Stretch Your Abs Step 1
Stretch Your Abs Step 1

Step 2. Stretch your abdominal muscles while standing

Start this exercise by standing straight with your feet hip-width apart. Straighten your arms up as you stretch as high as you can then lean back and arch your spine to stretch your chest and abdominal muscles. Hold for 20-30 seconds and then slowly come back to your feet. Do this movement 2-4 more times.

Maintain balance as you lean back


Step 3. Do the cat-cow posture to stretch your abs and core

Kneel on the floor with your knees hip-width apart. Place your palms on the floor directly under your shoulders. Activate your abs and arch your back up like an angry cat. Bring your chin to your chest and hold for 20-30 seconds.


to do the cow posture as a continuation of the cat posture, Lift your head slowly, arch your back down, point your tailbone up.

Hold on for 20-30 seconds. Alternate cat posture and cow posture 2-4 more times.


Step 4. Stretch the left and right waist (oblique) muscles

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and slightly bend your knees. Grasp your right hip with your right hand and then straighten your left arm up. Tilt your upper body to the right without moving your hips until your left oblique muscle is stretched.

Hold for 20-30 seconds then do the same movement to stretch the right oblique muscle. Do this movement 2-4 times each side


Step 5. Do the crocodile posture by twisting the waist

Lie on your back on a yoga mat or carpet. Straighten your right leg on the floor and lift your left leg while bending your knee. Place the sole of the left foot on the outside of the right calf. Extend both arms to the sides. Turn your hips to the right and then slowly turn your head to the left.

Hold on for 5 seconds. Do this movement 5 times each side


Step 6. Perform the hip flexor stretch

Begin this exercise by extending your right leg for a lunge. Lower your left knee to the floor just below your hip while contracting your glutes. Straighten your left arm up and push your hips slightly forward. Increase the intensity of the stretch by tilting your body to the right.

Hold on for 20-30 seconds. Once back on your feet, extend your left leg into a lunge and lower your right knee to the floor. Perform this stretch 2-4 times each side

Method 2 of 3: Performing Dynamic Stretches


Step 1. Perform the bridge posture after practicing abdominal strengthening

Lie on your back on the floor with your arms at your sides, bending your knees, and placing your feet on the floor. While contracting your glutes, lift your hips off the floor so that your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Hold for 1-2 seconds then slowly lower your hips to the floor.


Do the bridge posture after practicing abdominal strengthening. In addition to stretching the abdominal muscles, this posture is a counter movement so that the body moves in the opposite direction after doing crunches or sit ups. This exercise is beneficial for balancing and stabilizing the core and spine muscles.


Step 2. Perform side-to-side stretches while standing

Start this exercise by standing straight with your feet hip-width apart and slightly bending your knees. Place your left palm behind your head and straighten your right arm by your side. Activate your core muscles and then lean your upper body to the right while letting your right arm hang down.

After surviving 2-3 seconds, slowly return to standing upright. Perform the same movement by tilting the upper body to the left. Repeat this movement 10 times each side in turn


Step 3. Stretch your abdominal muscles using a ball for exercise

Lie on your back on the ball, bending your knees and placing your palms on your stomach or chest. Slowly straighten your knees so that the ball rolls toward your buttocks while extending your arms above your head so that your body arches up and hangs over the ball so that you feel a comfortable stretch in your abdominal muscles evenly.

Hold for 2-3 seconds then return to the starting position. Do this movement 10-15 times

Method 3 of 3: Doing Safe Stretches


Step 1. Warm up 5-10 minutes before practicing stretching

Light warm-up exercises, such as brisk walking, jogging, star jumping, and other aerobic exercises are useful for increasing blood flow, making muscles ready to stretch, and preventing injury.

Make sure you stretch after your workout

Stretch Your Abs Step 11
Stretch Your Abs Step 11

Step 2. Don't rock your body while stretching

Hold on as the muscle is stretched, instead of moving back and forth or up and down. Muscles can be sprained or injured if you swing around while stretching.

Stretch Your Abs Step 12
Stretch Your Abs Step 12

Step 3. Stretch while breathing flowing

Do not hold your breath while stretching or exercising. Inhale before the muscle is stretched, exhale when the muscle is stretched, inhale when returning to the starting position.

Stretch Your Abs Step 13
Stretch Your Abs Step 13

Step 4. Stretch specific muscle groups for a few minutes 2-3 times per week

The risk of injury increases if you stretch the same muscle groups every day. Therefore, make sure you stretch a different muscle group every day. Stretch 2-3 times a week. Hold for 2-3 minutes while stretching the muscles.


If every Monday you practice stretching that focuses on the abdominal muscles, schedule Tuesday to stretch the leg muscles, Wednesday to stretch the chest, neck, and shoulders.

Stretch Your Abs Step 14
Stretch Your Abs Step 14

Step 5. Take a few minutes to stretch as you work

Sitting or doing repetitive movements for hours is bad for the body. You may not be able to do the cobra or cat-cow posture while working in the office, but the tilting stretch can be done while resting.

Be careful when stretching at work if you don't have time to warm up

Stretch Your Abs Step 15
Stretch Your Abs Step 15

Step 6. Consult a doctor if you have an injury

Many people find stretching useful when muscles are sore or sprained. However, the injured muscle is more problematic when stretched.
