3 Ways to Stretch Romboid Muscles

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3 Ways to Stretch Romboid Muscles
3 Ways to Stretch Romboid Muscles

Video: 3 Ways to Stretch Romboid Muscles

Video: 3 Ways to Stretch Romboid Muscles
Video: Daily Habits of Happy People: How to Be Happy (3/3) 2024, October

The rhomboid muscles are in the upper back between the spine and the shoulder blades. This muscle functions to elevate and rotate the shoulder blades or pull the shoulder blades closer to the spine to maintain good posture. Weak or stiff rhomboid muscles make the body bend or the area between the shoulder blades feels painful. Stretching and strengthening the rhomboid muscles is useful for increasing shoulder flexibility, joint mobility, and improving posture.


Method 1 of 3: Overcome Romboid Muscle Stiffness

Stretch Rhomboids Step 1
Stretch Rhomboids Step 1

Step 1. Perform the pectoral muscle stretch

Stand in the corner of the room or near the door frame and place your palms on the wall or door frame slightly higher than your head. While breathing deeply, slowly move forward until the front side of the shoulder is stretched. Hold for 15-30 seconds while breathing deeply and then relax the arms and shoulders that were just stretched.

  • Do this movement 3 times while holding for 15-30 seconds each repetition of the movement.
  • If the pectoral major muscles are weak, the shoulders will arch forward and the upper body hunched over, putting a strain on the rhomboid muscles.
Stretch Rhomboids Step 2
Stretch Rhomboids Step 2

Step 2. Perform neck and upper back stretches

Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart. Extend both arms forward at shoulder height and intertwine the fingers with the right palm over the left palm. Lean forward while stretching your arms as far as possible so that your shoulder blades are away from each other then slowly bring your chin to your chest. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds while breathing deeply.

After doing this stretch 2-4 times, interlace your fingers with your left palm over your right palm and then do the same movement 2-4 times

Stretch Rhomboids Step 3
Stretch Rhomboids Step 3

Step 3. Perform the rhomboid muscle stretch

Prepare a chair that sits at knee height and then sit slightly forward while placing your feet on the floor and bending your knees 90 °. Spread your feet slightly wider than your hips. Lean forward and grab your left ankle with your right hand. Hold your right upper arm near your elbow with your left hand and gently pull it until the muscle between your spine and right shoulder blade is comfortably stretched.

Hold in this position for 15 seconds while breathing deeply. Perform this stretch 2-3 times to balance both sides of the body

Stretch Rhomboids Step 4
Stretch Rhomboids Step 4

Step 4. Perform neck stretches and rotations

To stretch your neck muscles, hold your head up and bring your right ear close to your right shoulder. After holding for 15-30 seconds, tilt your head to the left. To perform a neck rotation, hold your head up, then turn your head to the right. Hold for 15-30 seconds then turn your head to the left.

  • Do this movement 2-4 times on each side. Increased neck strength and mobility will reduce pressure and stiffness in the rhomboid muscles.
  • Neck stretches and rotations can be done while sitting or standing. If done while sitting, use a chair that has a flat seat so that you can sit up straight with your feet on the floor with good posture.
Stretch Rhomboids Step 5
Stretch Rhomboids Step 5

Step 5. Contract the rhomboid muscles by bringing the shoulder blades closer together

While sitting or standing straight, straighten your arms at your sides, then bring your shoulder blades close to your spine. Hold for 5 seconds then relax your back.

Perform this movement 2 sets of 15 times per set while breathing deeply calmly and regularly. Do not hold your breath as you bring your shoulder blades closer together

Method 2 of 3: Improve Shoulder Flexibility and Mobility

Stretch Rhomboids Step 6
Stretch Rhomboids Step 6

Step 1. Perform arm extensions while leaning against the wall

Stand straight with your back to the wall and touch your heels to the wall. Extend your arms out to the sides at shoulder height with the backs of your hands touching the wall. Bend your elbows 90° and straighten your arms up while keeping them in contact with the wall.

  • Do this movement 2 sets of 5-10 times per set. Straighten your arms as high as you can as long as you don't feel pain while touching your forearms, elbows, and backs of your hands against the wall.
  • If your shoulders are flexible enough, you can put your palms together above your head while touching your forearms, elbows, and backs of your hands against the wall.
Stretch Rhomboids Step 7
Stretch Rhomboids Step 7

Step 2. Perform the rotator cuff stretch (the muscle and tendon that surrounds the shoulder joint) by bringing your arms close to your chest

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and bring one arm to your chest while pulling your shoulder blades against your spine. Hold for 30 seconds while breathing deeply.

  • Do this movement 3 times with your right hand and 3 times with your left.
  • The rotator cuff stretch increases shoulder flexibility and reduces rhomboid muscle stiffness.
Stretch Rhomboids Step 8
Stretch Rhomboids Step 8

Step 3. Do a circular motion of the shoulders while resting on the palms of the hands and knees

Do a table posture while placing both palms directly under the shoulders and both knees directly under the hipbones. Straighten your elbows and bring your shoulders to your ears. Rotate your shoulders back, down, then forward so that they form a circle.

  • Rotate both shoulders simultaneously from front to back 5 times then rotate from back to front 5 times.
  • After rotating both shoulders simultaneously, perform the same movement by rotating one shoulder at a time without moving the other shoulder.
Stretch Rhomboids Step 9
Stretch Rhomboids Step 9

Step 4. Perform the rotator cuff stretch while forming an L with both arms

Lie on your stomach while straightening one arm in front of your chest with your palm facing up and straightening the other arm next to your ear. Relax your shoulder muscles so that you can lower your chest to the floor as low as possible, but not to the point of pain. Hold for 30 seconds and then slowly return to lying on your back.

  • Repeat this movement to stretch the right shoulder 10 times and the left shoulder 10 times.
  • This exercise may feel uncomfortable at first. Adjust your posture and arms until you find a comfortable position. For example, if you extend your left arm in front of your chest, it will be easier to do the exercise while bending your right knee to support your body while relaxing your hips.
Stretch Rhomboids Step 10
Stretch Rhomboids Step 10

Step 5. Stretch your chest muscles while intertwining your fingers on your lower back

This exercise can be done while sitting on the floor or in a chair without a backrest. Interlace your fingers across your lower back, straighten your elbows, then slowly pull your shoulders back. Hold for 15-30 seconds and then relax.

  • Do this movement 5 times while holding for 15-30 seconds and breathing deeply. Don't hold your breath while stretching your chest muscles.
  • In addition to straightening the shoulders, stretching the chest and shoulder muscles is useful for improving posture.
  • During the exercise, sit as comfortably as possible with the hips on both sides of the same height and good posture.

Method 3 of 3: Improve Posture

Stretch Rhomboids Step 11
Stretch Rhomboids Step 11

Step 1. Straighten your hunched shoulders by holding your elbows on your back to stretch

While sitting or standing, roll your shoulders back while bringing your shoulder blades closer to your spine. Straighten your arms back and hold your right elbow with your left hand and your left elbow with your right hand as if you were sitting on your back. Inflate your chest while pulling your shoulders back and bringing your shoulder blades together. Hold while breathing deeply for 3-5 breaths.

  • Change hand position. Hold your left elbow with your right hand and your right elbow with your left hand. Hold while breathing deeply 3-5 times. Do this exercise 2-4 times to balance each side of the body.
  • You can hold your wrist or forearm if you have difficulty holding your elbow because your shoulder is flexed or painful.
Stretch Rhomboids Step 12
Stretch Rhomboids Step 12

Step 2. Stretch your chest muscles in a T posture

Lie on your back on the floor with both feet on the floor. Straighten your arms out to the sides perpendicular to your body and place them on the floor. Relax your body while breathing deeply for 10 minutes.

You can lie on a rolled up towel or styrofoam tube. Make sure the towel roll or tube is long enough to support your back from your head to your lower back

Stretch Rhomboids Step 13
Stretch Rhomboids Step 13

Step 3. Do the plank posture for strengthen core muscles.

Lie on your stomach on the floor and support your body with your toes and elbows while placing your forearms on the floor. Make sure your elbows are directly under your shoulders. Hold for 5-10 seconds while breathing deeply and then lower yourself to the floor to rest.

  • If you've never practiced plank posture before, do this movement 8-10 times. Hold on longer and do more reps after a few workouts.
  • Strengthening this muscle is beneficial in improving posture and reducing stress on the rhomboid muscles.
Stretch Rhomboids Step 14
Stretch Rhomboids Step 14

Step 4. Do the bridge posture to strengthen your lower back and core muscles

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet shoulder-width apart on the floor. Straighten your arms at your sides with your palms facing down. Slowly lift your hips while activating your core muscles until your body forms a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. Lower yourself to the floor to rest.

  • Do this movement 8-10 times while breathing deeply. Don't hold your breath while practicing.
  • Practice to the best of your ability. Don't lift your hips too high if you feel pain or discomfort. You can lift your hips as high as you can when you're ready. Do not push yourself.
  • After lifting your hips, hold on for 5-10 seconds, then slowly lower yourself to the floor. Hold on longer and do more reps after a few workouts.


  • Take the time to consult a health professional before starting a new physical exercise program, especially if you are recovering from an injury or are recovering.
  • Stop the movement if stretching triggers pain. This exercise should stretch the muscles a little, but not be painful.
