3 Ways to Get Beautiful Nails

3 Ways to Get Beautiful Nails
3 Ways to Get Beautiful Nails

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Do you want beautiful looking nails that don't break easily? If you're tired of having short or broken nails, it's time for a nail makeover! First of all do proper nail care first, then you can add to its charm by lengthening and manicuring your nails. If you want to know how to change your nails from embarrassing to gorgeous, take a look at Step 1.


Method 1 of 3: Lengthening Your Nails

Get Nice Nails Step 1
Get Nice Nails Step 1

Step 1. Stop biting your nails

Biting nails makes it unable to grow strong. When you bite, you're actually pulling out the nails, something that weakens the entire nail to the nail bed. Saliva from your mouth also softens your nails, making them easier to break or damage. Nail biting is a hard habit to break, but it is one of the big steps to take to achieve beautiful nails!

  • You can buy nail care products that will prevent you from biting your nails by making them feel weird.
  • Reward yourself with a great manicure when you've managed to grow your nails out for a few weeks without biting them.
Get Nice Nails Step 2
Get Nice Nails Step 2

Step 2. Try not to use your nails as tools

Do you tend to use your fingernails to scrape stickers off bottles, open cans, or do other things? These things put pressure on the nails causing them to crack and weaken. While it's impossible to completely stop using your nails as tools - after all that's what nails were for in our bodies - being more careful about their use can help save your nails from damage.

Get Nice Nails Step 3
Get Nice Nails Step 3

Step 3. Avoid scraping the nail polish off the surface of your nails

If you have a habit of gouging your nail polish, please stop it. This damages the surface of the nail, making it brittle and easy to break. When you are done with the manicure, gently remove the existing nail polish. You will notice a big difference.

Get Nice Nails Step 4
Get Nice Nails Step 4

Step 4. Don't use abrasive products on your nails

If your nails are naturally prone to breakage, using products that are harsh on your nails will make the situation worse. For example, acetone, the substance that removes nail polish from your nails, is a very drying ingredient and can cause your nails to start chipping if you use it too often. Give your nails a few weeks to heal from the product - and they will grow back strong and shiny. Water-based nail polish is an alternative to chemical-based nail polish that is harsh and can dry out your nails.

  • Dish soap and other detergents can damage your nails. Use gloves when cleaning the house or washing dishes.

    Get Nice Nails Step 4Bullet1
    Get Nice Nails Step 4Bullet1
  • Use a moisturizing hand soap when washing your hands.

    Get Nice Nails Step 4Bullet2
    Get Nice Nails Step 4Bullet2

Step 5. Apply lotion or oil to your hands and nails

To combat dryness, apply a regular amount of lotion or oil on your hands. Almond and jojoba oils are great for nails. This will protect your nails from drying chemicals and from the extreme temperatures that usually cause damage. You can also use nail hardeners that contain vitamins. Avoid using mineral oil or baby oil, which will only coat your nails instead of moisturizing them.

If you work in the open air, applying lotion is essential. Protecting your hands and nails with gloves or gloves will also help a lot

Get Nice Nails Step 6
Get Nice Nails Step 6

Step 6. Eat nutritious food

If your food lacks certain nutrients, it will show on your nails. Malnutrition can cause nails to appear dry, jagged, or even discolored, and this leads to more damage than usual. The solution? Eat plenty of foods that depend on the vitamins and minerals your body needs to produce beautiful nails. As a bonus, a nutritious diet will work wonders on your hair too!

  • Eat a lot of protein, because it is from this substance that nails are formed. Fish, poultry, pork, spinach and beans are good sources of protein.
  • Eat foods rich in biotin, a B vitamin found in whole grains, fish, eggs and liver.
  • Take zinc and vitamin C.
  • In addition, also consume foods rich in calcium.

Method 2 of 3: Taking Care of Your Nails


Step 1. Trim your nails regularly

Every few weeks you should trim your nails using a nail clipper. If you lengthen your nails, don't forget to file the edges once a week to prevent cracking.

Don't cut your nails too short. Leave at least a line of white arches on your nails. This will make it grow stronger and result in a prettier manicure


Step 2. File your nails

Use a nail file to smooth out the rough areas at the tips of the nails. File in only one direction with light movements. Try not to make your nails too round, as you run the risk of developing ingrown nails. Using a crystal file can cause less damage than a coarser sandpaper file.

Don't think in a back and forth motion. This will weaken your nails and tear the fibers. Instead, file only in one direction, being careful not to press too hard


Step 3. Soak your nails

This will soften the nails so you can push back your cuticles and file them. Soak nails in warm water. If you want you can add a little oil to help soften the nails and cuticles. Be careful not to do this too often, wet nails will widen and shrivel when dry, and this can cause cracks over time.


Step 4. Smooth your nails

Use a nail buffer to buff or smooth the surface of your nail. Start with the roughest side of the buffer, then move to the finer side. Your nails will be shiny when you're done.


Step 5. Push back your cuticles

Use a cuticle pusher to push the cuticles back toward the nail bed. Don't push the cuticles too much, and be careful not to tear or damage them. Never cut your cuticles with a cuticle cutter; this leaves open sores in the nail bed, putting you at risk for infection.

Get Nice Nails Step 12
Get Nice Nails Step 12

Step 6. Take care of the nails

Once your nails have reached your desired length, simply file or trim them occasionally to keep them in shape and prevent them from growing too long.

Method 3 of 3: Paint Your Nails


Step 1. Start with the base layer

Get a bottle of clear or natural-colored nail varnish and coat each fingernail with the polish. Alternatively, if you have nails that are brittle, break easily or are weak, you can use a nail hardener instead of clear varnish. Allow it to dry completely before continuing.


Step 2. Paint your nails with nail polish

Choose a paint color you like and carefully apply it to each nail. Using the right painting technique will help your nails look like they were painted by a professional. Here's how to do it:

  • Dip the brush into the bottle and brush it over the lip of the bottle so you have a small drop of nail polish on the tip of the brush. Too much paint will lead to messy results.
  • Paint in vertical strokes down the center of the first nail - usually your thumb nail. Start at the bottom and work your way up to the tips of the nails.
  • Paint with the next stroke on the left side, and another on the right side. Dip the brush again if necessary. Blend in with more vertical strokes.
  • Continue with your other nails until they are all colored.

Step 3. Apply a second layer

Depending on the color of nail polish you're using, you may want to apply a second coat of paint to make the color really stand out. Make sure the first coat of paint is completely dry first.


Step 4. Add a final layer

Once the nail polish is completely dry, add another coat of clear polish. This coat will lock in your manicure so it doesn't chip for a week or two.


Step 5. Remove the nail polish when it's time

When the nail varnish starts to peel off helplessly, use a gentle nail polish remover to clean it. Make sure the cleanser does not contain acetone and is very gentle. Instead of acetone, look for a nail polish remover that contains ethyl acetate. If you're using a water-based nail polish, keep in mind that conventional nail polish remover won't work. You should buy a nail polish remover that is made for water-based nail polish. Be careful when cleaning nail polish, harsh scrubbing will damage the nails.

It's a good idea to give your nails a break after removing the polish. Wait a week or two before repainting your nails


  • Instead of using a metal nail file, use an emery board file because it's better for your nails and works just as well. Crystal files are also gentle on your nails and can be washed and reused.
  • Eating foods rich in vitamin K, such as high-fat pasteurized milk or leafy green vegetables, will help your nails grow faster and stronger.
  • Use a hand and nail cream every night, making sure you rub it in and around your nails to keep them moisturized and strong.
  • Don't bite your nails. If the nails grow too long, simply trim them with nail clippers. Do not bite your nails because it will damage your nails.
  • If you want you can use a four-sided nail buffer block. The first side is for emery boards, the second side smooths the deep ridges, the second side smooths the finer serrations and the fourth will make the nails look shinier. Never use a buffer block more than twice a month as it will thin and damage your nails. If you have very brittle nails, it's best not to buff them until they are stronger.
  • Instead of using your nails as tools, take a moment to find the right tool. This step saves your nails from getting chipped and damaged.
  • Take the time to care for your nails.
  • Be careful when opening a can of soda, if you have long nails try to open the can with the side of your finger, not your fingernail.


  • Don't file your nails in a back and forth motion; miser in one direction only.
  • If you're planning on growing your nails, don't forget to use a nail brush to scrub the underside of the nail plate to keep it clean. Nail brushes are available in many stores. Not washing your nails properly can make them a breeding ground for bacteria.
  • Never drink nail polish or nail polish, and never inhale the fumes.
