How to Freeze Water in an Instant: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Freeze Water in an Instant: 7 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Freeze Water in an Instant: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

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Did you know that you can cool water below its freezing point (0 degrees Celsius) without solidifying it? This method called instant freezing is called “supercooling” (super cooling). You can use salt, ice, and water to supercool a water bottle in an instant. The supercooled water will remain liquid until something, like a tapping motion, initiates the freezing process instantly.


Part 1 of 2: Making a Salt and Ice Water Mix

Freeze Water Instantly Step 1
Freeze Water Instantly Step 1

Step 1. Put the ice in the bucket or cooler until it is half full

The bucket or cooler should be large enough to hold water bottles without touching each other. The container should also be high enough so that the salt and ice water mixture can cover the water in the bottle.

While the bucket or cooler is empty, place water bottles in it to make sure they are of sufficient size. The water bottles will also be included after you make the salt and iced water mixture

Freeze Water Instantly Step 2
Freeze Water Instantly Step 2

Step 2. Pour in enough water so the ice cubes can still move

Slowly fill the bucket with water from the faucet or sink. Add enough so that the ice cubes can move easily, but don't float on the surface of the water. There should be more ice in the bucket or cooler than water.

Freeze Water Instantly Step 3
Freeze Water Instantly Step 3

Step 3. Add 600 grams of rock salt per 4.5 kg of ice

Gently mix the rock salt into the ice using a large spoon or spatula. Mixing should be fairly easy with the amount of water mixed with the ice.

Freeze Water Instantly Step 4
Freeze Water Instantly Step 4

Step 4. Allow the temperature to reach -3 degrees Celsius

Use a thermometer to check the temperature of the water after 30 minutes. The temperature should be below the freezing point of water.

If the water temperature is not below that temperature, add 300 grams of salt and mix well

Part 2 of 2: Freeze Water Bottles

Freeze Water Instantly Step 5
Freeze Water Instantly Step 5

Step 1. Carefully place the bottle in the ice water

When the ice water mixture is ready, put a bottle of water in it. Make sure the bottles don't touch each other as this will freeze them faster. You can use any kind of water: purified, distilled, spring water, or deionized. Do not use glass bottles as they may break.

Do not use tap water. Ice crystals can form around contaminants in tap water, which will impair the supercooling process

Freeze Water Instantly Step 6
Freeze Water Instantly Step 6

Step 2. Allow the temperature to drop to -8 degrees Celsius

Monitor the temperature of the brine with a thermometer for the next 30 minutes until it reaches this temperature. Make sure the water in the bottle is not frozen.

If the water in the bottle has frozen, let it thaw before trying again from the beginning

Freeze Water Instantly Step 7
Freeze Water Instantly Step 7

Step 3. Tap the water bottle firmly on a hard surface

You can smash it into the floor, kitchen counter, or table. Ice crystals will form at the top of the bottle and descend to the bottom. Unscrew the second water bottle, which will freeze in a similar way without needing to be tapped.

  • The movement of opening the second bottle cap is enough to drop the ice crystals.
  • If the water doesn't freeze, tap harder. If that doesn't work, return it to the ice-water mixture and refrigerate it for another 30 minutes before trying again.


It may take a few tries until the water bottle freezes instantly. If the bottled water doesn't freeze right away, try adding more salt to the ice-water mixture, or chilling the bottled water in the mixture for a longer time
