3 Ways to Remove Permanent Marker Stains from Shoes

3 Ways to Remove Permanent Marker Stains from Shoes
3 Ways to Remove Permanent Marker Stains from Shoes

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Shoes are made of various materials, such as leather, nylon, polyester, and acrylic. If you want to remove permanent marker ink from your shoe fabric, use vinegar as a stain remover. On the other hand, if you want to remove stains from leather shoes, use a sunscreen product. As an alternative, cleaning products such as magic erasers can provide the right solution for removing marker stains from fabric and leather shoes.


Method 1 of 3: Using Vinegar on Fabric Shoes

Remove Permanent Marker from Your Shoes Step 1
Remove Permanent Marker from Your Shoes Step 1

Step 1. Mix the required ingredients

Make a mixture of 1 tablespoon (15 ml) vinegar, 1 tablespoon (15 ml) dish soap, and 480 ml cold water. Use a large spoon to mix the ingredients. Stir all ingredients until evenly mixed.


Step 2. Test the mixture on an inconspicuous part of the shoe

Use a clean white patch or rag to test the mixture on small, hidden areas of the shoe. Let the mixture sit for 1 minute. After that, remove the mixture using a clean cloth dampened with water. Check if the mixture causes discoloration or leaves residue or stains on the shoes. Choose a different method if you see unwanted results.

  • Alternatively, test the mixture on unused shoes before using it on the shoes you want to clean.
  • You can test the cleaning mixture on a small surface before using it on a larger surface. In this way, you can avoid unwanted effects.

Step 3. Dab the mixture on the dirty part

You can apply the mixture using a sponge, rag, or clean rag. Let the mixture sit on the soiled shoe for 30 minutes. While waiting, re-wet the stain with the mixture every five minutes.


Step 4. Rinse the stained area with cold water

Wet a clean rag or patchwork with cold water. After that, remove the cleaning mixture by wiping the stained area. Scrub and clean the shoes until the stains are lifted. Re-wet the rag if necessary.

  • Dab a dry cloth on the shoe cloth to dry it.
  • If the stain still remains, use a clean cloth to gently buff the stain with rubbing alcohol until it lifts off. Rinse the soiled area with cold water and dab a dry cloth over the area to dry it.

Method 2 of 3: Remove Marker Stains from Leather Shoes Using Sunscreen


Step 1. Remove a small amount of sunscreen on a clean washcloth

Make sure you use a white sunscreen cream, and not a tinted or spray sunscreen. Use a white patch or rag so you can see if the product lifts the skin tone.

If you apply a little sunscreen at first, your skin tone won't lift as well


Step 2. Scrub the stain in small, circular motions

Use light pressure when scrubbing the stain to prevent the skin tone from picking up. If the stain is large enough, remove the stain in small increments.

While scrubbing the stain, add back enough sunscreen


Step 3. Rinse the shoes with warm water and soap

Once the stain is removed, clean the shoe with a mild soap and water. Use a clean rag or rag to clean the stained area of the shoe. Also, use a clean, dry cloth to dry the shoes.

You may need to use leather conditioner to restore the previously stained area. Conditioner can also protect the skin from further damage

Method 3 of 3: Using the Magic Eraser to Remove Stains

Remove Permanent Marker from Your Shoes Step 8
Remove Permanent Marker from Your Shoes Step 8

Step 1. Purchase a magic eraser

You can find this product in the cleaning supplies section of a supermarket or pharmacy. A magic eraser is an excellent medium for removing permanent marker stains from fabric and leather shoes.

If the stain gets on the fabric and leather on the shoe, it's a good idea to use this product


Step 2. Wet the magic eraser

Place the product sponge under cold running water. Before use, squeeze to remove excess water. Rub the stain in small circular motions. When scrubbing the stain, use light, firm pressure.

Do not rub the shoes too vigorously. Of course, don't let your skin color lift because you're rubbing your shoes too hard


Step 3. Rinse the cleaned area with soap and water

Once the stain is removed, clean the soiled area with water and a mild soap. Use a clean cloth to rinse it off. After that, prepare a dry and clean cloth to dry the shoes.


  • There are several professional cleaning products that can remove permanent marker ink from shoes or leather items, such as Leather Magic, Ink Off, and Guardsman.
  • The sooner the stain is treated, the easier it will be to remove the stain.


  • Do not use vinegar on cotton or linen shoes.
  • Do not use polish remover or alcohol on triacetate, acetate, or rayon fabrics.
  • Do not use hairspray or nail polish remover on leather shoes.
