This wikiHow teaches you how to install the Gnome desktop environment on a computer running the Linux Ubuntu operating system. The latest version of Ubuntu uses Unity as its main desktop environment. Gnome allows you to use other desktop environments with different layouts, as well as features such as search optimization, better graphics rendering, and built-in Google Docs support.

Step 1. Open a Terminal window on Ubuntu
Click the Dash icon in the upper-left corner of the screen and select Terminal from the list of applications to open it.
Alternatively, press the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+T on the keyboard to open Terminal

Step 2. Type sudo apt-get update into Terminal
This command updates all repositories and ensures you have the latest versions of packages.

Step 3. Press Enter or Return on keyboard.
The command will be executed and the repository will be updated.
If prompted, enter the administrator password and press Enter or Return to continue

Step 4. Type in sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop
This command installs the complete Gnome desktop environment with standard and optimized applications for Ubuntu.
- Alternatively, you can just install Gnome Shell with the command sudo apt-get install gnome-shell.
- Gnome Shell includes only the minimal packages required for the Gnome desktop environment, and does not include the additional desktop applications and Ubuntu themes available in the full install package.
- The ubuntu-gnome-desktop feature or installation is already available in the Gnome Shell.
- To be sure, you can also combine the two commands and type sudo apt-get install gnome-shell ubuntu-gnome-desktop.

Step 5. Press Enter or Return on keyboard.
The command will be executed and the Gnome desktop environment will be installed to the computer.

Step 6. Type y into your keyboard when prompted
During the installation process, you will be asked to upgrade some packages. Type y and press Enter or Return to continue the installation.

Step 7. Select a display manager when prompted
At the end of the installation, you will be asked to select “ gdm3 " or " lightDM ” as the Gnome display manager.
- Gdm3 is Gnome 3's main desktop environment greeter. Meanwhile, LightDM is a lighter and faster version of the same greeter system.
- Use the Tab key to select an option, then press Enter or Return to confirm.

Step 8. Restart the computer
After the installation is complete, restart the computer to use the Ubuntu system with the Gnome desktop environment.