How to Avoid Crime in Public: 15 Steps

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How to Avoid Crime in Public: 15 Steps
How to Avoid Crime in Public: 15 Steps

Video: How to Avoid Crime in Public: 15 Steps

Video: How to Avoid Crime in Public: 15 Steps
Video: How To Make People Respect You In Seconds 2024, October

Some forms of crime are simply impossible to prevent; but basically, there are various actions you can take to reduce your chances of becoming a target for crime in public, as well as to protect yourself if you're already under attack. Want to know more information? Read on for this article!


Part 1 of 2: Preventing Crime

Avoid Being Assaulted in the Street Step 1
Avoid Being Assaulted in the Street Step 1

Step 1. Be aware of your surroundings

Be careful, people who look busy with their cellphones are easy targets for thieves and other criminals. Make sure you always look around to be able to detect if there are suspicious people or situations that threaten your safety.

  • Every now and then, look back to make sure you're not being followed by strangers. Trust me, you can protect yourself to the maximum if you can identify the attacker as quickly as possible.
  • It's best not to look too busy reading maps or struggling with purses and bags while walking alone; it will grab all your attention and make you an easier target for criminals to attack.
  • If you're traveling to a new area, try asking or finding directions before leaving your hotel or hostel.
Avoid Being Assaulted in the Street Step 2
Avoid Being Assaulted in the Street Step 2

Step 2. Secure your belongings

Keep valuables such as wallets, cell phones and cameras in a safe place so as not to attract the attention of thieves; One example of a safe storage area is the inside of your bag. Also make sure you take it out only when needed!

You may be tempted to constantly text, play games, or read maps on your phone; but remember, cell phone theft generally occurs because the victim does these things while walking alone. If you frequently change places using public transportation, try bringing a book or magazine to keep yourself busy

Avoid Being Assaulted in the Street Step 3
Avoid Being Assaulted in the Street Step 3

Step 3. Try not to look like a tourist

Do you know why tourists are often an easy target for criminals? One of the reasons is because they often carry a lot of cash and are not familiar with the surrounding area. Therefore, do not dress too flashy; if possible, try to adopt a local style of dress so that you seem to blend in with the surroundings.

Don't walk in crowded areas while reading a map; it will confirm the fact that you are a clueless tourist. If you want to open the map, look for a private, closed place like a cafe or supermarket, instead of a crowded, crowded public place

Avoid Being Assaulted in the Street Step 4
Avoid Being Assaulted in the Street Step 4

Step 4. Stay aware

Alcohol can reduce your ability to protect yourself, even to judge which situations are good and bad. If you eat something in a public place, make sure you also never leave the food or drink unattended; nor accept food or drink from strangers!

Some sex offenders use chemical liquids that do not contain flavors or dyes to manipulate the senses of their victims. If a stranger offers you a drink, don't accept it unless you've seen the process of making it yourself

Avoid Being Assaulted in the Street Step 5
Avoid Being Assaulted in the Street Step 5

Step 5. Travel in groups

Criminals tend to prefer to attack someone who is alone, especially since there will be no one to help the victim or witness the crime. Therefore, try not to walk alone (especially at night) and make yourself an easy target for criminals. Protect yourself by asking a friend or relative to accompany you while traveling at night. If the situation doesn't allow it, it's a good idea to book a taxi to get from one place to another.

Avoid Being Assaulted in the Street Step 6
Avoid Being Assaulted in the Street Step 6

Step 6. As much as possible, stay in densely populated neighborhoods

Criminals tend to carry out attacks in areas that are dark, quiet, and off the radar of the authorities. If you have to walk alone at night, it's best to stay on the highway and avoid small streets or quiet alleys.

Avoid Being Assaulted in the Street Step 7
Avoid Being Assaulted in the Street Step 7

Step 7. Ride the bike

Thieves or sex offenders will find it more difficult to attack someone who is riding a bicycle. If possible, ride a bike instead of walking to change locations, especially if you're traveling alone.

Part 2 of 2: Reducing Attack Potential

Avoid Being Assaulted in the Street Step 8
Avoid Being Assaulted in the Street Step 8

Step 1. Know when you are in danger

If you feel you're being followed while walking alone, don't be afraid to look back as soon as possible. If possible, look people in the eye who follow you directly; this indicates that you are fully aware of what is going on and will protect yourself if attacked.

Ask the time of the person who could potentially attack you; it prevented him from attacking (especially since criminals generally prefer to attack someone who hasn't seen his face)

Avoid Being Assaulted in the Street Step 9
Avoid Being Assaulted in the Street Step 9

Step 2. Find a safe place

The first thing you need to do when a stranger is following you is to quickly find a way to get out without attacking the person. Look around to detect if there are other people around you. If there is, run to it; if not (or if the person is too far from your position), then you need to take action to counter it.

Avoid Being Assaulted in the Street Step 10
Avoid Being Assaulted in the Street Step 10

Step 3. Get people to notice you

This is a great way to frighten criminals, especially since they're bound to worry about getting caught or being noticed by the locals. Shout as loud as you can, wave your hand, or blow the whistle if you have one; most importantly, do whatever it takes to attract the attention of those around you.

  • Try shouting “Fire!”, “Help!”, or “Stop following me!” as hard as possible. If there are other people around you, they are more likely to come to you to see what's going on.
  • Shout something specific like, “Papa!” or mention someone else's name; doing so will deceive criminals and make them think that there are other people around you who are capable of realizing their crimes.
  • Shout as loudly as possible before the assailant tries to attack you, before he/she even has a chance to cover your mouth and threaten to hurt you if you scream.
Avoid Being Assaulted in the Street Step 11
Avoid Being Assaulted in the Street Step 11

Step 4. Keep as much distance as possible from the offender

Run as fast as you can to an area that feels safer; if criminals are after you, take out your wallet and throw it on the ground while running (make sure they can see what you're doing). If the perpetrator is after your money, chances are he/they will stop running and take your wallet.

Avoid Being Assaulted in the Street Step 12
Avoid Being Assaulted in the Street Step 12

Step 5. Arm yourself

If screaming and running can't stop the perpetrator from doing so, try to keep moving to a safe area. While you're at it, take out anything you can use as a weapon. If you have pepper spray with you, now is a good time to get it out! Some other objects that have the potential to be used as weapons are penknife, keys, or heavy objects such as textbooks. Hold your weapon while you continue to search for a safe location.

Sometimes, showing the perpetrator that you have a gun is enough to deter them from taking action. If you have pepper spray with you, take it out and point it at the offender saying, “Don't come any closer, I have pepper spray,” in a loud voice

Avoid Being Assaulted in the Street Step 12
Avoid Being Assaulted in the Street Step 12

Step 6. Call the police

If you have your cell phone with you, take it out immediately and call the police. Before doing so, make it clear to the perpetrator that you will call the police to scare him/her. Say, “Go! I will call the police,” out loud.

Avoid Being Assaulted in the Street Step 13
Avoid Being Assaulted in the Street Step 13

Step 7. Take the fight

If the offender manages to attack you, take whatever weapon you can use to physically harm the offender. Plug her eyes, kick her genitals, claw her skin, spray her/them with pepper spray, etc. If you're holding a heavy object like a textbook, try hitting the side of his head as hard as you can to make him faint.

Keep shouting and grabbing people's attention while you're battling bad guys. The louder you scream, the more likely it is that someone will hear you and save you

Avoid Being Assaulted in the Street Step 14
Avoid Being Assaulted in the Street Step 14

Step 8. Always report any crime to the police

Once the situation is safe, immediately report what happened to the police. By doing so, you have saved the next potential victims, you know! Explain the physical appearance, gender and style of dress of the perpetrator, as well as the location of the attack so that the authorities can track the position of the perpetrator as soon as possible.


  • If you have purchased pepper spray, make sure you learn how to use it so that it can be used effectively in emergency situations.
  • Always trust your instincts. If you feel you are in danger, chances are that it is true. For that, do whatever it takes to free yourself from the situation and don't forget to stay alert.
  • When attacked, make sure you are always calm and able to think clearly; this is important to do so that you are able to determine the best way to protect yourself in the situation.
  • Always carry a whistle and/or pepper spray with you when traveling at night; especially if you are in a crime-prone area.


  • Even if you're holding a gun, don't challenge suspicious people against you. Instead, immediately find a safe place and only use the weapon to protect yourself when attacked!
  • If you feel like you're being followed by a stranger on your way home, don't go straight home (especially if you live alone)! Instead, stop by a neighbor's house, a restaurant, or a nearby hotel; stay around other people until the situation is safe.
  • When you feel you are in danger, you have every right to panic or be overly vigilant. Don't wait to be attacked! Take precautions in advance and save yourself by running away to where it feels safe.
