Healthy means different things to teenage girls. It is important for you to adopt a good diet and exercise, as well as personal hygiene. Being healthy also means having a positive mental attitude, and making decisions that are safe for your body and behavior. Be a healthy, confident, well-groomed, and well-groomed teenage girl.
Method 1 of 4: Developing Healthy Habits

Step 1. Choose healthy foods
Food is fuel for the body and brain. So, choose a good fuel. Minimize foods that are high in sugar, salt and fat. Avoid fast food, fried foods, junk food off the snack shelf such as potato chips, canned and processed foods, and pastries. Increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat and fat-free dairy products, low-fat proteins such as fish, chicken, beans, legumes, and lentils. Choose healthy snacks, such as fruit, nuts, celery, or low-fat cheese.
If you don't know how to start eating healthy, talk to your doctor or nutritionist. They can create a plan that includes all the vitamins, minerals, and calories you need. You can also look at online resources like this one for guidance

Step 2. Adopt good eating habits
Apart from what you eat, the way you eat also helps you stay healthy and fit.
- Do not skip breakfast which provides the first energy for the body and helps concentration. A good breakfast includes eggs, low-fat milk, porridge, oatmeal, or whole-grain bread.
- Bring your own lunch to school so you can still eat healthy.
- Get involved when shopping and planning meals at home. You can help the whole family to eat healthy.
- Your doctor can tell you if you are at a healthy weight or not. If your doctor recommends losing weight, control your portions, that is, how much you eat at one time. Use smaller plates or bowls, have a food journal so you can keep track of portions, and fill most of the plate with fruit and vegetables.
- Make sure you are getting enough calories. The average teenage girl should consume 1,600 to 1,800 calories per day if inactive and 2,200 to 2,400 calories a day if physically active.
- Avoid extreme diets. The weight that has been successfully lost is easy to come back again, and this diet is not good for the body. Talk to your doctor before going on a diet, or if you have problems with your weight.

Step 3. Maintain a resting weight
Instead of worrying about your weight, pay attention to your Body Mass Index, or BMI. This calculation assesses whether you are healthy according to your age and height. Try using this calculator to find out what your BMI is.
A healthy teenager's BMI is between the 5th and 85th percentiles, below 5 means underweight, 85th to 95th means overweight, above 95 means obese. Check your percentile here

Step 4. Drink at least 7 glasses of water every day
Body hydration helps regulate metabolism and cleanse the body. To maintain adequate body fluids, drink at least 7 glasses every day.
- Bring a water bottle and drink it throughout the day. Make sure you drink whenever you feel thirsty.
- Drink more if the weather is hot or you are very active.
- Urine should be a clear light yellow color.
- Add flavor to plain water with a slice of lemon, lime, or other fresh fruit.

Step 5. Get 8–10 hours of sleep every night
Adequate sleep can improve attention, focus, and mood. Signs of sleep deprivation are difficulty getting up in the morning, falling asleep in class, not being able to concentrate, or feeling uneasy or depressed. Try to get more sleep by:
- Set bedtime.
- Exercise regularly (but not in the 3 hours before bed, which will keep you awake)
- Avoid caffeine after 4pm.
- Relax before bed with a warm bath or reading.
- Don't take long naps.
- Avoid staying up late, which will mess up your sleep schedule.
- Adopt good sleep habits: dim the lights to signal the brain that it's time to sleep, cool the room temperature, turn off the lights throughout the night, and wake up to a bright light.

Step 6. Exercise three to five times per week
Exercise will increase energy, improve feelings, and reduce stress. Try to exercise for 20-30 minutes, preferably up to an hour. Aerobic exercise, which gets your heart pumping and improves breathing, such as running and swimming, is good for your heart and overall health. You can also do specific exercises that target specific areas of your body, such as exercises to get strong abs or legs.
- If you think working out at the gym is boring, find creative ways. You can cycle or hike, join a fitness club, walk your pet dog, or join a sports team.
- Use your Wii or Wii Fit for indoor activities.
- Run in place or do squats while watching TV.

Step 7. Have good posture
Good posture can increase your confidence so that you can walk upright. A healthy posture also minimizes muscle tension. There are many exercises that can help.

Step 8. Protect skin from the sun
You may think that dark skin is shinier, but the sun is really bad for your skin. Sunlight can cause wrinkles and skin cancer. Wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher every time you go out, and maybe an SPF of 30 or more on the face that is usually most exposed to the sun.
- There are many moisturizing lotions that also contain SPF 15 sunscreen. This lotion can keep your skin soft and safe.
- Reapply sunscreen every 2 hours, or after sweating or swimming.
- Wear sunglasses on sunny days to protect your eyes and the skin around your eyes from UV rays.
- The method of darkening the skin with tanning beds is not recommended because it can increase the risk of cancer. The use of tanning beds in their teens also increases the risk of melanoma in later years, which is the deadliest form of skin cancer. Sprays and lotions are generally safe, but don't get them in your mouth and eyes.
- Avoid the sun when it's brightest, usually between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Method 2 of 4: Keeping Yourself Clean, Hygienic and Healthy

Step 1. Adopt a body cleansing habit
Paying attention to your appearance will make you happy with yourself, and maintaining cleanliness is very important in your developmental age. Create a routine that you stick to every day. Your routine doesn't have to be the same as your friends' routine because everyone is different.
- Take a shower every day.
- Clean hair. If your hair is oily, you may need to wash it every day or every other day. If not, you can wash your hair 2-3 times a week to keep your hair from drying out.
- Brush your teeth two to three times a day, namely after waking up, when your breath smells bad, and before going to bed at night. Also, floss every day and brush your tongue.
- Wear deodorant every day, shower after sweating, and wear clean clothes to minimize body odor. Wear clean bras and underwear every day.

Step 2. Treat acne
Keep your skin clean and healthy by treating acne on your face, chest, or back. Ask your doctor for medication if your acne is severe. Otherwise, use oil-free hypoallergenic skin care products and gentle facial cleansers every day. Wash your face in the morning and at night before going to bed.
Don't overdo your makeup when you have acne so that your pores don't clog

Step 3. Remove body hair, if desired
You are free to choose to shave your legs, armpits, and private areas. Long hair in the armpits and genital area can hold moisture and create odor, but bathing every day and making sure the area is clean and dry can prevent this problem. If you choose to shave, do it safely and hygienically.
- Use a clean, new, sharp razor and plenty of shaving gel or cream (not just soap). Shave slowly.
- Don't shave your face. Remove unwanted hair with tweezers or try bleach, cream, or wax. If you have a lot of hair on your face, see a doctor and ask about electrolysis, which can permanently remove hair.

Step 4. Face your period calmly
Maybe at this point you just got your first period, or are looking for ways to deal with cramps. Menstruation can be passed with more saliva if you are prepared and have a hygienic plan.
- Change pads every 4–8 hours, and more often if your period is heavy. On average, you need 3–6 pads per day. For heavy periods and at night, use thicker, longer pads with wings (side guards) to prevent leakage. Change pads frequently depending on whether or not your period is heavy.
- Shower regularly.
- Take note of when your next period will be and prepare a sanitary napkin. You can use the app to track your period. The average cycle is 28 days, but this varies. Track your cycle with a calendar.
- If your period lasts more than 10 days, is in severe pain that interferes with your daily activities, or your cycle is irregular, call your doctor.

Step 5. See a doctor regularly
It is important for a growing and developing teenager to see a doctor at least once a year. The doctor can perform a physical examination and ask about your health. This is a great opportunity to ask personal questions about your body.
- Ask if you need to get vaccines for smallpox, hepatitis B, measles, mumps, and rubella, meningococcal, polio, tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis, and HPV (human papilloma virus). These are routine injections, but as you get older, you have to take responsibility for your own health and make sure you're protected.
- Choose a general practitioner, a doctor you will see regularly. Consider whether you want a male or female doctor, what language skills you need, and whether the doctor specializes in working with teenagers. Find a suitable doctor by asking friends and family for recommendations, checking the doctor directory in your city, or contacting your health insurance company for a list of covered doctors.

Step 6. See a gynecologist every year
The first time to see a gynecologist is between the ages of 13 and 15, or when you are already sexually active. The gynecologist will perform a physical examination of your breasts and body, and ask questions about your body and behavior. This is a great opportunity to ask your parents questions you don't want to ask, and get accurate information that your friends might not know.
- Sexually active teens should have a sexually transmitted infection test every time they see a gynecologist, or if they experience itching, discharge from the vagina, or warts in private areas.
- If you want an inexpensive option, consider visiting a family planning clinic. Family planning clinics are available in many areas, you just need to search.
- A pelvic exam will begin at age 21, or when you are sexually active. The gynecologist will also perform a pelvic exam beforehand if you have discharge from your vagina, have pain or itching around your vagina, have had your period for more than 10 days, haven't had your period by age 15, haven't had your period in one cycle, or if cramping is interfering with your daily activities..
Method 3 of 4: Maintaining Mental Health

Step 1. Have a positive attitude
Personal health and habits are beneficial to you alone, do not affect others. Don't be discouraged or think about what people think. If you are healthy, you will feel happy. Be positive and believe in yourself.
- Think positive things. What's in your head affects how you feel and how you perceive the world around you. If you make a mistake, say, "I'm only human" not "I'm a loser".
- Don't compare yourself to other people. It can make you discouraged and forget your own strengths.
- Don't believe that everyone on the internet is as happy as they appear. Sure, anyone with Facebook and Twitter seems to have a beautiful and glamorous life. Remember that everyone has problems and difficulties, and may try to appear happier than they really are.

Step 2. Express yourself creatively
You can write journals, music, art, or anything else to express yourself creatively. It helps you reduce stress, learn to appreciate positive attributes, and feel like you have something. Try different hobbies and skills, and remember that natural talent doesn't matter, it's effort that matters.
Everyone can create something creative. Learn how to play a musical instrument, draw, paint, make crafts, make something, or design a beautiful garden

Step 3. Know that you are beautiful
The way you physically view yourself and whether you find yourself attractive has a lot to do with self-esteem. A positive view of your own physique is very important as a teenager because you may feel pressured by friends or the media who are physically different from yours. Try to build a positive self-image by keeping these tips in mind:
- Remember that your body is yours no matter what form it takes. The body is a vehicle for living life. Take good care and appreciate all its uniqueness.
- Know what elements of appearance can be changed, and what can't. Let what cannot be changed. Remember that everyone has one part of the body that they don't like very much.
- Set goals to change what can be changed. If you want to lose weight, make a diet and exercise plan. If you find your hair boring, try a new cut.
- Praise yourself at least three times each day. Say something honest and fun, something you really feel.

Step 4. Develop time management skills
There's a lot you have to pay attention to, such as school, homework, friends, family, work, girlfriends, and personal time. The ability to manage your time will help you get things done and not be overwhelmed. Make the system work by trying the following ideas:
- Make a list of things to do for the week in three columns: to do, want to achieve (but can wait), and want to do (free time activities).
- Use calendar updates on your phone or Google Docs to create an easily accessible schedule.
- Break large tasks into smaller tasks. For example, cleaning the house can be broken down into cleaning toilet, tidying the room, and wash dishes.
- Prepare for tomorrow the night before. That way, you won't panic in the morning and maybe forget something.
- Arrange your things in their respective places. That way, you won't lose anything.
- Count the time to find out how long it will take to do each thing, versus how long you think it will take. Use an app like 30/30.

Step 5. Manage stress
You may be stressed when you feel panicky, tired, depressed, or guilty. Other signs of stress are headaches or stomachaches, not getting enough sleep, often thinking about negative things, not enjoying what you normally enjoy, hating other people or the tasks you have to do, or blaming other people for everything that happens to you. Minimize stress by trying some of these ideas:
- Write down anything that stresses you out. Divide into things you can control and those you can't. Accept what cannot be changed.
- Make changes if you can. If you feel you are too busy to achieve what you should be able to achieve, stop doing activities that are not important.
- Say "no" to things you don't want or don't have time to do. You are under no obligation to help others if it interferes with your own good.
- Talk to someone, such as a friend, family, or counselor. Try venting your frustrations in a diary.
- Try acupuncture, massage, relaxation techniques, or yoga. Although there is little scientific data on how teenagers use these complementary medicines, some are already seeing the benefits.

Step 6. Have a healthy idea of weight
"Healthy" is not the same as "thin". Adolescent obesity is a major problem in some countries, particularly the United States, but underweight and malnutrition are also unhealthy. There are many teenagers who experience eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia, or other unhealthy habits such as excessive exercise to lose weight. If you are having problems related to your body, seek help.
- Do you avoid eating even though you are hungry for fear of getting fat? Do you force yourself to vomit after eating, using laxatives, or exercising more than 5 hours a week? Have your periods stopped due to losing a lot of weight? Eating disorders are serious problems and require professional help. Adolescents with eating disorders are more likely to get sick, die from complications, or commit suicide.
- For help, talk to your doctor, family, friends, school counselor, coach, or anyone you trust. People who care about you will not judge, they just want to help you. Know the symptoms and seek support in online or local communities.

Step 7. Accept what makes you "different"
Teenagers usually begin to question their identity and sexuality. So, you are not alone. Sexual differences are not a disease. That's what you are. Accept the differences that make up yourself, seek answers to your questions, and seek support from loved ones and professional experts if necessary.
- You may find it difficult to admit that there are differences in your sexuality because of clashes of culture, norms, or a fear of other people's responses. Confess to a parent, friend, counselor, doctor, coach, or someone you trust. You will feel relieved and happy to be yourself, and can make the right choice.
- Some teens experience gender and identity issues, which is the feeling that you were born a girl, but actually feel like a boy. This is usually called transgender, or simply trans. You can work around this problem by consulting with a therapist or counselor who specializes in gender, and asking friends and family for support as you find yourself.

Step 8. Seek help if you need it
Many teens face depression, anxiety, violence, and other problems. Family problems, physical or sexual abuse, and mental health problems may make you think about hurting yourself or committing suicide. You are not alone, and things will get better.
- If you're thinking about hurting yourself, talk to someone you trust as soon as possible.
- You can also contact mental health counseling at the Ministry of Health's Directorate of Mental Health Services at the hotline number 500-454
- There are many resources on adolescent mental health available on the internet. Know exactly how you are feeling, and talk to your doctor as soon as possible.
Method 4 of 4: Have Healthy Associations

Step 1. Don't drink alcohol
Drinking alcohol at a young age can inhibit brain growth and development. Not only that, studies show that drinking a lot of alcohol has a negative impact on the health and well-being of future children. Stay away from alcohol until at least 21 years of age. This is not only to avoid legal problems, but also to give the brain a chance to fully develop.
NEVER drink and drive a car, or join a car driven by someone who drinks alcohol. If you drink, go home with a conscious person, or call a friend or parent to pick you up. Another option is a taxi

Step 2. Don't use drugs
Drugs have a negative impact on the body and mind. Marijuana interferes with memory and concentration. Sedatives such as Valium can stop breathing. Stimulants such as cocaine depress the heart and cause paranoia. Opioids such as heroin and prescription painkillers are addictive and cause drug abuse problems. Drugs may seem tempting, but they are not worth the legal, physical, and mental risk.

Step 3. Don't smoke
Cigarettes are so addictive that if you don't currently smoke, don't start. Smoking causes more preventable deaths than drugs, and once started, it's very difficult to quit. Smoking is very bad even if you are currently healthy. Cigarettes can increase the risk of asthma and lung infections, reduce the ability to exercise, damage teeth and cause bad breath, and make clothes smell like smoke.
After quitting smoking, you will immediately feel the benefits, such as increased sharpness of taste and smell, and easier breathing

Step 4. Use the internet with care
Today, everyone and everything is connected to the internet. While this is a great tool for keeping in touch with friends and keeping up with world news, the risk is always there. There are many cases of online bullying affecting young people. Also, remember that anything you put on the internet will be visible to people forever.
- Never enter personal information such as home address, BPJS number, or other personal details. Predators can take advantage of you when they find out this personal information.
- Don't post pictures of yourself doing something illegal, or anything you don't want your grandma or potential employer to see.

Step 5. Report bullying
Bullying can happen to anyone, in person or via the internet. Whatever type of bullying you experience, report it immediately. Some teens are so depressed by bullying that they hurt themselves, or take it out on others. It shouldn't be like that. Report to your parents or school authorities if anyone:
- Spreading lies or untrue rumors about you.
- Hurt you physically.
- Make fun of or call you harsh language.
- Make negative comments about your gender, genre, race, religion, sexual orientation, or physical limitations.
- Calls, texts, or approaches you repeatedly after you ask him to stop (this is called stalking, you can report it to the police).

Step 6. Get sex education
Discuss this topic openly and honestly with a parent, doctor, or other adult who is knowledgeable and you trust. You don't know if what your friends say about sex is true. Before thinking about sex, look for accurate information.
- Sex can cause unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, hepatitis B, herpes, human papilloma virus (HPV), syphilis, and HIV/AIDS. Some of these diseases are treatable, but others (such as herpes, HPV, and HIV) are lifelong. HPV can cause warts and cervical cancer, while HIV/AIDS shortens life expectancy and makes sufferers very sick.
- Consider your own feelings about sex as well as your principles. Why do you want to have sex? Why do you want to wait? Think about your religious and cultural views, your self-esteem, and your readiness to face the responsibilities of having sex.

Step 7. Decide when you are ready to hook up
This “ready” time varies from person to person. There are those who want to wait until adulthood or after marriage, there are also those who feel comfortable when they feel the relationship is ready. You shouldn't feel pressured, bullied, or manipulated into a relationship, and don't do it because someone else is doing it. You may be able to judge that the relationship is ready if:
- You and your partner trust each other and can be honest with each other.
- You are comfortable talking about feelings, and the risks of sex such as sexually transmitted infections.
- You and your partner have received sex education and can prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections with condoms or other methods of contraception.
- You and your partner respect each other's needs regarding the use of shields, and don't get in touch until you're both ready.

Step 8. Don't be pressured
Never allow yourself to be forced to have sex, use drugs or alcohol, or do anything illegal. If someone is pressuring you, try responding in the following ways (applies to sex, drinking, drugs, and any other appropriate situation):
- All do it!: "I don't care. I'm not them. And not everyone does!”
- If you love me, you will want to sleep with me.: "If you love me, you won't pressure me to do something I don't want to."
- If you don't want to sleep with me, we break up.: "If being your boyfriend means I have to sleep with you, I don't want to be your girlfriend anymore."

Step 9. Practice safe sex if you've decided
The only way to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections is to refrain from having sex at all. However, once you've made up your mind, minimize the risk by using contraception and barrier methods to protect yourself. There are many contraceptive options, from pills, IUDs, hormonal rings, birth control patches, injections, and implants. The best way to choose a contraceptive method is to talk to a gynecologist. Be aware that this method no prevent sexually transmitted infections.
- Use a new condom every time you have sex, and a new condom in alternating vaginal, anal, and oral action. Condoms are only efficient when used correctly, don't expire, don't leak, and are removed the right way. Try using a condom with a reservoir tip.
- Oral sex also carries a risk of sexually transmitted infections. So, use barrier methods when coming into contact with other people's bodily fluids, such as dental dams, condoms, or plastic.
- The “pull” method is not effective at preventing pregnancy, nor is the “calendar method” for intercourse outside of the fertile window. Both methods still carry a high risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.
- Get the HPV vaccine. The approved vaccines for adolescent girls are Cervarix, Gardasil, and Gardasil 9. You must get these vaccines between the ages of 9 and 14 years, 6 months later, and before having vaginal, anal, or oral sex.
- If the condom leaks or there is an emergency, use emergency contraception to prevent pregnancy. “Plan B” or “morning pill” should NOT be used as the primary method of contraception. This is only for emergency situations after other methods have failed. You can get these pills at pharmacies. Drink it as soon as possible.