How to Stop Itchy Gums (with Pictures)

How to Stop Itchy Gums (with Pictures)
How to Stop Itchy Gums (with Pictures)

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Itchy gums can be very annoying, especially if the cause is unknown. Various oral conditions, such as allergies, gum disease, and even dry mouth, can cause itchy gums. Stop itchy gums with home remedies that can reduce inflammation and consult a dentist to confirm the diagnosis and cure the disease/condition of the mouth.


Part 1 of 2: With Home Remedies

Stop Itchy Gums Step 1
Stop Itchy Gums Step 1

Step 1. Gargle with cold water

Gargling with cold water helps relieve inflammation and swelling and removes dirt that causes itchy gums.

Use filtered/bottled water to rinse your mouth. The tap water in your home may contain something that triggers an allergic reaction and causes your gums to itch

Stop Itchy Gums Step 2
Stop Itchy Gums Step 2

Step 2. Swallow the ice cubes

The cold temperature of the ice cubes can relieve inflammation and numb the itching and pain.

  • Suck on ice lolly or other frozen food if you don't like ice cubes.
  • Swallow the ice cubes until it melts so that the oral cavity remains hydrated and the gums are no longer itchy.
Stop Itchy Gums Step 3
Stop Itchy Gums Step 3

Step 3. Gargle with a saline solution

Depending on the cause of itchy gums, gargling with a saline solution may help. Gargle with a saline solution until the gums are no longer itchy.

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of salt in 240 ml of warm water. Swish the solution, especially on the gum area, for about 30 seconds, then spit it out.
  • The saline solution should not be swallowed. In addition, this method should not be used for more than 7-10 days.
Stop Itchy Gums Step 4
Stop Itchy Gums Step 4

Step 4. Gargle with a hydrogen peroxide solution

Mix hydrogen peroxide with water. This solution can relieve inflammation and itching.>

  • Mix equal amounts of 3% hydrogen peroxide with water.
  • Gargle the hydrogen peroxide solution for 15-30 seconds, then spit it out.
  • This method should not be used for more than 10 days.
Stop Itchy Gums Step 5
Stop Itchy Gums Step 5

Step 5. Use a baking soda paste

Mix baking soda with water until it forms a paste, then apply it on the gums. Baking soda paste can help treat bacterial infections that cause itchy gums.

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with a few drops of filtered/bottled water, which is added gradually (a little at a time), until it becomes a thick paste.
  • Mix the baking soda solution with hydrogen peroxide to make it more effective.
Stop Itchy Gums Step 6
Stop Itchy Gums Step 6

Step 6. Apply aloe vera sap

Recent research has shown that aloe vera sap can help reduce inflammation caused by oral diseases/conditions. Apply aloe vera sap on the itchy gums to relieve the condition. Aloe vera products that can be used to help stop itchy gums are available in various forms:

  • Toothpaste and mouthwash
  • Gel, which can be dissolved in water and drunk or applied directly to the gums
  • Topical spray
  • Liquid, which can be gargled
Stop Itchy Gums Step 7
Stop Itchy Gums Step 7

Step 7. Limit consumption of spicy and sour foods

Limit foods and drinks that can exacerbate inflammation or itching of the gums. Limit or completely stop the consumption of acidic and spicy foods as well as the use of tobacco.

  • Find the foods and drinks that trigger and aggravate your itchy gums. If so, your itchy gums may be caused by an allergic reaction to the food or drink.
  • Eat foods that don't make itchy gums worse. Yogurt and ice cream, for example, can cool and soothe your gums.
  • Foods and drinks such as tomatoes, lemons, orange juice, and coffee can exacerbate inflammation and itching of the gums.
  • Do not use tobacco products because tobacco can cause and aggravate itchy gums.
Stop Itchy Gums Step 8
Stop Itchy Gums Step 8

Step 8. Relieve stress

Research has shown that psychological stress can trigger and exacerbate periodontal disease. Relieves stress can help heal itchy gums.

  • As much as possible, stay away from situations that can cause stress.
  • Exercise and light activities can relieve stress.

Part 2 of 2: With Medical Treatment

Stop Itchy Gums Step 9
Stop Itchy Gums Step 9

Step 1. Consult a dentist

If itchy gums do not improve after 7-10 days of home remedies, consult a dentist. Your dentist can find the cause of itchy gums and recommend appropriate treatment methods.

  • Itchy gums can be caused by infection (bacteria, fungi, or viruses), malnutrition, ill-fitting dentures, bruxism, allergic reactions, stress, or periodontal disease.
  • Consult a dentist as soon as possible. Some oral diseases/conditions do not cause any changes to the gums and mouth.
  • Inform your dentist about when symptoms first appeared, what treatment methods have been used, and anything that relieves or worsens symptoms.
  • Inform the dentist about all the diseases you are experiencing and the medications you are taking.
Stop Itchy Gums Step 10
Stop Itchy Gums Step 10

Step 2. Get tested to confirm the diagnosis

If your gums are itchy, your dentist will likely order tests and tests to detect gingivitis, a mild gum disease that can have a variety of causes. After determining the cause of your itchy gums, your dentist can recommend the most suitable treatment method to treat the condition.

  • Dentists confirm the diagnosis of gingivitis or other causes of itchy gums by examining the teeth, gums, and oral cavity. Your dentist will likely check to see if you have symptoms of gingivitis (red, swollen, and bleeding gums) in your gums.
  • The dentist may also make a referral to another doctor, such as an internist or allergy specialist, to make sure that itchy gums are not caused by another disease.
Stop Itchy Gums Step 11
Stop Itchy Gums Step 11

Step 3. Follow the treatment method

Depending on the final diagnosis, the dentist may prescribe an effective medication to relieve itchy gums. Treatment methods or medications to treat medical conditions or oral diseases that cause itchy gums may also be needed.

Stop Itchy Gums Step 12
Stop Itchy Gums Step 12

Step 4. Have a professional dental and oral cleaning procedure

Itchy gums and gingivitis are often caused by plaque and tartar buildup. Dental and oral cleaning procedures performed by dentists are effective in removing plaque and tartar deposits and improving overall oral and dental health. The dentist may perform one of the following procedures to thoroughly clean the teeth and mouth:

  • Scaling. In this procedure, the dentist removes tartar deposits that are above or below the gum line.
  • Root planing. In this procedure, the dentist removes the rough or infected part of the tooth.
  • Lasers can also be used to remove tartar deposits, even with less pain and bleeding than scaling and root planing.
Stop Itchy Gums Step 13
Stop Itchy Gums Step 13

Step 5. If undergoing a scaling or root planing procedure, get a treatment method in the form of an antiseptic insert

After a scaling or root planing procedure, the dentist may insert an antiseptic medication into the gum pocket. This method helps speed up the healing process of gum disease. Medications that the dentist can insert into the gum pocket include:

  • Antiseptic drugs, such as chlorhexidine, in the form of chips. This medicine is inserted into the gum pocket after the root planing procedure.
  • Antibiotic drugs, such as minocycline, which are in the form of microspheres. This medicine is inserted into the gum pocket after a scaling or root planing procedure.
Stop Itchy Gums Step 14
Stop Itchy Gums Step 14

Step 6. Take oral antibiotics

After (or even without) undergoing a professional dental and oral cleaning procedure, the dentist may prescribe an antibiotic medication, such as doxycycline. Antibiotics can cure stubborn inflammation and prevent tooth decay.

Stop Itchy Gums Step 15
Stop Itchy Gums Step 15

Step 7. Take an oral antihistamine

Antihistamines can neutralize allergens and relieve itchy gums caused by an allergic reaction. Take antihistamines as needed. Examples of oral antihistamines that may help:

  • Chlorpheniramine is sold in doses of 2 mg and 4 mg. A dose of 4 mg can be taken every 4-6 hours. This drug should not be taken more than 24 mg per day.
  • Diphenhydramine is sold in doses of 25 mg and 50 mg. A dose of 25 mg can be taken every 4-6 hours. This drug should not be taken more than 300 mg per day.
Stop Itchy Gums Step 16
Stop Itchy Gums Step 16

Step 8. Use a lozenge or throat spray

Swallow or spray an oral analgesic. Lozenges and throat sprays contain mild analgesics so they can be used to help soothe itchy gums.

  • Swallow the lozenge or use a throat spray every 2-3 hours or as directed by your dentist or the directions on the package.
  • Kulumlah lozenge throat until it runs out. Chewing or swallowing lozenge can cause a numb throat and difficulty swallowing.
Stop Itchy Gums Step 17
Stop Itchy Gums Step 17

Step 9. Use an antibiotic mouthwash

Antiseptic mouthwash containing chlorhexidine is effective for disinfecting the mouth and relieving itching of the gums. Gargle with this mouthwash at least twice daily.

Gargle 15 ml of mouthwash all over your mouth for 15-20 seconds, then spit it out

Stop Itchy Gums Step 18
Stop Itchy Gums Step 18

Step 10. Undergo periodontal surgery

If your gums are itchy as a result of severe gum disease, surgery may be necessary. Consider this method if you are diagnosed with advanced periodontal disease. The following two surgical procedures may be required:

  • Gum surgery (flap surgery). In this procedure, the dentist removes the gums, removes plaque, and then sews up the gums so they fit snugly against the teeth.
  • Bone and tissue grafts. In this procedure, the dentist replaces bone damaged by severe gum disease.


  • Check with the dentist every six months to maintain healthy teeth and gums and reduce the risk of various gum diseases.
  • To maintain oral health, drink lots of water, apply a balanced nutritious diet, and increase your vitamin C intake.
