How to Tune a Mandolin: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Tune a Mandolin: 14 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Tune a Mandolin: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


An old joke: If you've been playing the mandolin for 30 years, you've spent 15 years tuning and another 15 playing discord. While it's true that the mandolin isn't the easiest instrument in the world to play beautifully, it is something that can be done with the right guidance. By learning the basics of tuning a stringed instrument, and playing your instrument properly, you'll be able to play like Bill Monroe or David Grisman in no time. See Step 1 for more information.


Part 1 of 3: Tuning Basics

Tune a Mandolin Step 1
Tune a Mandolin Step 1

Step 1. Tune like a fiddle

The mandolin is traditionally tuned G-D-A-E, from low to high, with each pair of strings tuned to the same note. In other words, the instrument is tuned G-G-D-D-A-A-E-E, paying attention to each string. When you hold the mandolin properly, the highest pair of strings (E) should be closest to the floor.

If you play guitar, it can also help to think of it as the lowest four string guitar (E-A-D-G), but upside down. It can also help you identify the placement of your fingers when you're just starting to play an instrument

Tune a Mandolin Step 2
Tune a Mandolin Step 2

Step 2. Find the correct tuner for each string

On most mandolins, the tuning for the two G strings and the two D strings will be on the side of your head (headstock) closest to you, while the tuning for both A and E strings will be on the side of your head closest to the floor, respectively..

When you're tuning, you'll generally want to tune in a clockwise pattern on the tuning, around the head, and continuing down the instrument with increasing notes

Tune a Mandolin Step 3
Tune a Mandolin Step 3

Step 3. Tune each string individually and both strings together

What makes tuning a mandolin more difficult than tuning a violin, of course, is that it has 8 strings instead of 4, which means you have to be accurate or the instrument will fall out. It can be difficult to know which string is out of tune when you are strumming both strings at the same time.

Use rest strokes (where you dampen each string with a pluck or pick after playing) to isolate each note individually as you tune. This will result in a clearer tone on the electronic tuning, or whatever other tuning method you use

Tune a Mandolin Step 4
Tune a Mandolin Step 4

Step 4. Tune up, not down

As with any stringed instrument, you generally want to tune from moles to sharps, tuning the strings up in pitch, not down from a high note to a precise note. This is because you want to adjust the tension of the string with the tuning peg, not move the tension away from the tuning. When you tune down, you run the risk of letting the tension slide the tuning pegs as you play, making the strings sound mole. This is especially true with new strings.

Tune a Mandolin Step 5
Tune a Mandolin Step 5

Step 5. Use the new strings

Worn or rusted strings can easily sound out of place and irritate your fingers as you study. Make sure you change your strings regularly to keep your instrument in tune. You don't need to change it every night unless you're Tim O'Brien, but consider changing it every 4-6 weeks for moderate to heavy use.

Tune a Mandolin Step 6
Tune a Mandolin Step 6

Step 6. Make the tuning average, then align

Tuning immediately after attaching new strings to a mandolin can be frustrating, as the strings will sound out of place after only a few minutes. After installing the new strings, each string puts a lot of weight per square inch of tension on the neck, and the wood will flex slightly. You need to account for this by bringing the strings closer to the correct pitch, then letting the instrument rest for a while before tuning. You'll tune notes faster and more accurately this way.

Part 2 of 3: Using the Electronic Tuner

Tune a Mandolin Step 7
Tune a Mandolin Step 7

Step 1. Get a good quality electric tuner

The most accurate and efficient way to tune your mandolin is to purchase an electronic tuner made for this purpose. A violin tuner or an electronic tuner made for the mandolin, both are just right for your purpose.

  • Chromatic tuners that attach to the heads of various acoustic instruments are the recommended tuner if you'll be tuning regularly during practice sessions and performances. You can leave it stuck on your instrument, so it's ready to tune in a moment. Tuners can cost anything from Rp. 130,000 to Rp. 390,000.
  • An online tuner is also available, which plays notes for you to imitate, but this is a less accurate way of doing it than with a tuner that picks up the sound. If you're looking to save money, consider downloading a free tuning smartphone app, which tends to be fairly high quality and inexpensive as well as free.
Tune a Mandolin Step 8
Tune a Mandolin Step 8

Step 2. Turn on the tuner and make sure the tuner picks up sound

If the tuner has adjustment features for different musical instruments, set it to a mandolin or violin, and find a quiet room to tune in that will be free of noise that would affect the success of the tuner.

Tune a Mandolin Step 9
Tune a Mandolin Step 9

Step 3. Play each string individually

Tighten the appropriate tuner until you get the strings relatively close. The pitch doesn't have to be precise just yet, as you'll repeat it once you've adjusted it. Continue tuning each string, tightening the tuning pegs and bringing the tension closer, looking at the tuner up close.

Repeat tuning and readjusting, tuning the pitch of each string as closely as possible. Look at the tuner to see the mark. Most of the tuners give an indication of whether a note is sharp or soft, and most turn green or flash when you hit the right note

Tune a Mandolin Step 10
Tune a Mandolin Step 10

Step 4. Use your eyes and ears

Now go back to testing the strings and play two sets on each to make sure the notes sound just right. Pluck the two G strings and listen. It can be tempting to hang on to your tuner, but you should use your ears too. The tuner is not a perfect instrument, and each musical instrument has its own quirks and quirks. Listen carefully to the double strings to see if the strings need further adjustment.

Part 3 of 3: Using Other Ways and Friends

Tune a Mandolin Step 11
Tune a Mandolin Step 11

Step 1. Learn to tune the mandolin with the mandolin itself

While it's important to get each note in sync in terms of pitch, it's not necessary unless you want to play with other people. You'll also need to tune the mandolin with the instrument itself, to make sure you can play and practice in a way that sounds good. You may not always have a tuner nearby, so this is an important skill to learn.

Practice checking your harmonics and intervals by playing notes on the 12th fret to make sure the notes are in tune in the higher octaves. Check and recheck

Tune a Mandolin Step 12
Tune a Mandolin Step 12

Step 2. Use the seventh fret

Adjust the two E strings until they are in sync with each other, then hit the A string fret on the 7th fret and make that string sound the same as the first string played "open" or without the fret. Continue moving down the neck, doing the same with the other strings.

Tune a Mandolin Step 13
Tune a Mandolin Step 13

Step 3. Tune in with another musical instrument

Use a piano, guitar or banjo in tune to tune. Have your partner play each note individually (GDAE - you'll have to memorize them!) and take your time to get them in sync. This is an important skill to develop in training your ear, helping you to recognize microtones and cracks and moles. You will be a better player if you can recognize when you are in tune and discordant with your ears.

Tune a Mandolin Step 14
Tune a Mandolin Step 14

Step 4. Learn some other friends to expand your repertoire

The only difference between a fiddle and a fiddle is the way it is tuned, in most circumstances. Most mandolin players learn to play an instrument by tuning it into GDAE, but that doesn't mean you have to play it all the time. Some American folk musicians even call it an "Eye-line" mate to give the impression that it is a fancy and official mate. Learn some other friends and start playing around with new ways of fingering the same old chords. This can be insightful. Try:

  • Sawmill mate (GDGD)
  • G open
  • Irish Friends (GDAD)


  • Choose a good tuner.
  • Remember to tune regularly – discordant instruments will ruin the song.
