Want to be T-Payne? Or want to sound like Kanye on his album 808's and Heartbreaks? Want to save your life by hiding the fact that you can't sing at all? If so, you need auto-tune. Windows users can use auto-tune to improve their sound for free via Audacity-provided you also download certain plug-ins. Keep reading to find out how: Be aware that auto-tune only works with computers running the Windows operating system.
Part 1 of 2: Preparing Audacity to Start the Auto-Tune Process

Step 1. Download Audacity for free
Audacity is a computer program that can record and edit sound, as well as provide effects and tools that you can use to modify certain parts of the recordings and songs you put on them. You can download it for free on SourceForge. Note that you need a computer with a Windows operating system in order to use auto-tune in Audacity.
- Click the big green button labeled "Download." You have to wait for 5 seconds for the download process to start.
- When you are prompted to do something with the file "Audacity-win-2.1.0.exe" click "Save File." The number 2.1.0 refers to the latest version of the program, which is subject to change.
- Open the ".exe" file. If you can't find it, it's most likely located in the 'Downloads' directory.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to install Audacity on your computer.

Step 2. Download the verified "Audacity VST Enabler" plug-in
This plug-in, which you can get for free, will make it easier for you to add features related to auto-tune to the program, and is also provided free of charge by the Audacity program development team.
- Click the version of the plug-in labeled "vst-bridge-1.1.exe."
- Save the file.
- Open the file labeled ".exe"
- Follow the on-screen instructions to start installing the plug-in.
- When you are prompted to specify a "Destination Location," make sure to select "C:\Program Files (x86)\Audacity\Plug-ins" if the location is not automatically selected.

Step 3. Download GSnap, which is an effect for auto-tune
GSnap is a free effect that you can add to Audacity and it works by adjusting auto-tune. Like Audacity and VST, GSNap is available for free on this site. Although computers with Mac and Linux operating systems can use Audacity, plug-ins can't be downloaded with both systems, so auto-tune won't work.
- Click "Download GSnap (for 32-bit VST hosts)."
- Download the archived file.

Step 4. Add a GSnap to Audacity
GSnap is not a program – it's a special effect that Audacity uses to auto-tune songs. Before you can use it, you need to "teach" Audacity how to find this effect.
- Export the GSnap file as an archive by left-clicking the file and selecting "Export Zip"
- Make copies of the files in the exported archive labeled "GSnap.dll" and "GVST License."
- Open the "My Computer" window and go to "Local Disc (C:)"
- Copy both files into the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Audacity\Plug-ins" directory.

Step 5. Run Audacity to register the new effect
When the Audacity window opens, a small window asking you to "Register Effects" will appear. There will be two rows, one for VST and another for GSnap, each with a checkbox to the left of it. Make sure to check both of these boxes and click "Okay."
Part 2 of 2: Auto-Tune with Audacity

Step 1. Open a sound file or record your voice when you sing, not when you speak
You can edit any audio file you want, but you'll need to start with a simple recording if you want to learn how to auto-tune. You can open the file using the "File" → "Open" option or record your song for a few seconds using the round red "Record" button.
- Your recording must have a tone! Auto-tune uses your voice and tries to adjust parts of it to sound like a melody (like an A scale). If the recording contains your voice as you speak, which is a normal flat, pitchless voice, auto-tune cannot select a matching melody.
- You can only record if your computer has a built-in microphone. You can also buy a USB microphone if you want better sound quality.

Step 2. Highlight the section you want to auto-tune
Click and drag the cursor over the portion of the recording you want to auto-tune. The selected section will be highlighted in blue.
To be able to click and drag the cursor, you must use the "Selection Tool," which looks like a large "i". You can select this tool from the menu at the top of the screen

Step 3. Click "Effect" → "GSnap
Using the "Effect" tab at the top of the screen, scroll down until you find "GSnap." This will open an auto-tune window.

Step 4. Click "Select a Scale" and select the desired scale
Auto-tune adjusts all notes in the recording and matches them to the keys in the automatically selected scale, but if you choose the wrong key, your voice will still sound shrill. To find the key to a song, search the internet, or use your ear to find a single note that doesn't sound "discordable" and you can play throughout the song.
- Check the "Fill Threshold" button after selecting the scale.
- You can change the scale as often as you like, so don't be afraid to experiment.

Step 5. Adjust the following buttons to the auto-tune level
While you're allowed to play these keys for a unique sound, change the settings below for a classic auto-tune signature sound:
- Minimum Frequency: 40hz
- Maximum Frequency: 2000hz
- Gate: -80db
- Speed : 1
- Threshold: 100 cents
- Attack & Release: 1ms

Step 6. Click "Apply" to auto-tune your voice
Make sure the sound is still highlighted in blue. Otherwise, you can always do it again without changing the settings.

Step 7. Click the small green "Play" button to show your composition
After pressing the apply button, you can check the sound. If you don't like the results, change the settings, hit apply, and try listening to the results again. Press "close" when you are done.

Step 8. Adjust the auto-tune
Change the settings until you get the result you want, but keep these things in mind as you work on it:
- Longer "attack" and "release" times will make the sound sound natural.
- Adding vibrato will make the sound sound more natural.
- The lower the " threshold ", the more robotic your voice will sound.
- The more discordant your voice is, the more "auto-tuned" your voice will sound in the end result.