A tight chest is uncomfortable and unpleasant, but fortunately there are many ways to loosen the mucus in the lungs and relieve chest tightness. You can gargle with salt water, inhale steam, and keep your body well hydrated. If these home remedies don't work, try using an expectorant, which you can get without a prescription. If chest tightness gets worse, go to the doctor and ask for an inhaler or other prescription medication.
Method 1 of 3: Loosening Mucus

Step 1. Breathe in the steam escaping from the hot water in a bowl, or take a long, steamy bath
The moist heat and steam can help break down and dissolve mucus in the throat and lungs. Take a hot bath or put hot water in a bowl and inhale as much steam as possible without making you cough. Breathe in the steam for at least 15-20 minutes 1-2 times a day until the symptoms subside.
- If you inhale steam from hot water in a bowl, place your face on it and place a towel over your head to prevent the steam from spreading. Hold your face there for at least 15 minutes and breathe deeply.
- You can also add a few drops of peppermint or eucalyptus essential oil to help break up mucus.

Step 2. Turn on the humidifier while you sleep at night
A humidifier will add moisture to the air, which can loosen tightness in the chest and open the airways when you inhale it into your lungs. The humidity can also open the nasal passages making it easier for you to breathe. Position the device so that the sprayed moisture is directed towards the top of the bed, about 2 to 3 meters from the head.
- The use of this humidifier will give the best results if the air in the house tends to be dry.
- If the humidifier is used every night, you will need to refill it every 3 to 4 days, or if it has run out of contents.

Step 3. Gargle with saline solution for 1 to 2 minutes to loosen tight chest
Gargling is an effective way to break down mucus in the airways. Mix half a cup (120 ml) of warm water with 1-2 tablespoons (12–25 grams) of salt. Stir this mixture until it dissolves and take one gulp. Gargle until the solution reaches your throat for about 1-2 minutes, then spit out the water.
Gargle like this 3 to 4 times a day until your chest is loose

Step 4. Apply a hot pack to your upper chest when you feel tightness
Lie down with your head elevated, then place a hot compress or cloth on your breastbone. Place a cloth under the hot compress to act as a barrier and prevent burns. Let the heat soak into the skin for 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat this procedure 2 to 3 times a day to remove as much mucus in the lungs as possible.
- Applying a hot compress or steaming hot cloth to the chest and throat can help relieve chest tightness and warm the airways externally. It can also loosen mucus, so you can expel it easily through coughing.
- You can buy hot compresses at drugstores or pharmacies.
- To make a hot, steaming cloth, moisten a towel with water, then place it in the microwave for 60 to 90 seconds.

Step 5. Massage the chest and back to loosen tightness in the chest
Place your finger on the part of the lung where it is most congested (such as in the upper chest if you have bronchitis). Ask someone else to give you a back massage if you can't reach it yourself. Alternatively, cup your hands and pat your chest to loosen tightness.
- You can also ask a friend or someone you love to pat the back at the top of your lungs with cupped hands.
- Depending on the location of the tightness, leaning forward or leaning back can help clear mucus in the lungs. For example, if the tightness is in the lungs in your lower back, adopt a downward-facing dog or child pose and ask someone else to pat your lower back.

Step 6. Elevate your head by placing 2-3 pillows while you sleep at night
With the head position remains high, the mucus in the nose and upper throat will flow towards the stomach. This can make you sleep soundly and prevent feeling too tight when you wake up. Place several pillows under the head and neck so that the head is slightly higher than the body.
You can also elevate the mattress at the head by inserting a piece of wood measuring 5 cm × 10 cm or 10 cm × 10 cm below it to permanently elevate the part

Step 7. Perform 5 to 8 controlled coughs to remove loose mucus
Sit in a chair and inhale deeply until your lungs are filled with air. Tighten your stomach muscles, then cough by contracting your stomach muscles 3 times in a row. Make a "ha" sound with every cough you make. Repeat this 4-5 times until you can have a productive cough (a cough that produces mucus).
Coughing is the body's way of expelling excess mucus from the lungs. An uncontrollable or short cough (a shallow cough that comes from the back of the throat) is unhealthy. However, a deep, controlled cough can clear mucus and reduce shortness of breath
Method 2 of 3: Prevent Chest Congestion with Food and Drink

Step 1. Consume herbal teas and other hot drinks that do not contain caffeine
Hot liquids in general can help dissolve mucus that causes chest tightness, but tea can do double duty because it contains herbs and spices that can relieve chest pain and tightness. Brew one cup of peppermint, ginger, chamomile, or rosemary tea and drink it 4-5 times a day. You can add a little honey for sweetness and strength to remove excess mucus.
Don't drink caffeinated drinks, such as green tea, black tea, or coffee. Caffeine can stimulate mucus production and make chest tightness worse

Step 2. Consume spices and spicy foods like ginger and garlic to relieve chest tightness
Some foods can help clear mucus in the chest. These foods stimulate the body to expel mucus by irritating the nasal passages so that the body will secrete mucus that is watery and easy to expel, as well as transporting other, thicker mucus. Increase your intake of spicy foods, citrus fruits, onions, garlic, and ginger to relieve chest tightness. Include these foods in your lunch and dinner for 3 to 4 days to relieve chest tightness.
- Some non-spicy foods have also been shown to cleanse the chest. Some of these foods, among others, guava, liquorice (licorice), ginseng, and pomegranate.
- Most of these spicy foods also have anti-inflammatory effects that can help relieve chest tightness, although the effects are long-term and can take months to develop.

Step 3. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking water throughout the day
Drinking lots of water is very useful for relieving a tight chest, especially if the water is hot. If you drink only a small amount of liquid, the mucus in your throat and chest will freeze and thicken, making it stickier and harder to remove. Drink water throughout the day and when eating to thin the mucus in the body.
There is no definite rule regarding the number of glasses that should be drunk throughout the day. There are many factors that affect the number of glasses you should drink. Don't think too much about the numbers. If you feel thirsty, just drink

Step 4. Consume juices and sports drinks to increase electrolyte production
When sick, the body will work hard to eliminate infection, and this action can significantly deplete the electrolyte content in the body without restoring it. An effective way to add electrolytes to the body is to consume sports drinks. Consume the same amount of sports drinks as when you drink water, and aim for about a third of your daily fluid intake to come from drinks that are high in electrolytes.
- Sports drinks are also an ideal alternative if you don't really like the taste of plain water. Consuming sports drinks can keep you hydrated. It also tastes better so many people like it.
- Look for sports drinks that are low in sugar or decaffeinated.

Step 5. Avoid fatty foods that can increase mucus production
Dairy products (such as milk, butter, yogurt, and ice cream), sugar, salt, and fried foods can increase mucus production. Avoid these foods until your chest tightness is gone. Do this for about 3 to 4 days when you have chest tightness so you can breathe easier.
Also avoid pasta, bananas, cabbage, and potatoes because all these foods can trigger mucus production
Method 3 of 3: Medically Treating Chest Congestion

Step 1. Take an over-the-counter expectorant so you can cough up mucus
Expectorants are medications that break down mucus, making it easier for you to expel it from your body through coughing. Various brands of expectorants can be found in drug stores, such as Mucinex and Robitussin which contain dextromethorphan and guaifenesin. Both of these brands are very effective in inhibiting mucus production and can be obtained easily. Take the medicine according to the instructions listed on the package.
- You can take guaifenesin up to 1,200 mg a day. Take this medicine with a full glass of water.
- Expectorants are not safe for children under 6 years of age. So, ask your doctor for a safe alternative for your child.

Step 2. Use an inhaler if you have difficulty breathing due to chest tightness
Ask your doctor about an inhaler or nebulizer that can be used to treat breathing problems. This is usually accompanied by the prescription drug albuterol to loosen thick mucus in the lungs and relieve chest tightness. Try some controlled coughing after you use the inhaler as this will loosen the mucus in the lungs. Always follow the instructions on the package when using a prescription inhaler.
Inhalers are needed to treat severe chest tightness. However, if you are sick and tired of dealing with mucus, ask your doctor if you can give it a try

Step 3. Go to the doctor if the chest tightness doesn't go away within a week
If your symptoms don't go away after you try some of the methods in this article, go to your doctor and explain the severity and duration of the symptoms. Ask about antibiotic injections, nasal sprays, pills, or prescription vitamin therapy to relieve stubborn or deep chest tightness.
Also see a doctor if you experience some serious symptoms, such as fever, rash, shortness of breath, or wheezing (squeaking of breath)

Step 4. Avoid taking cough suppressants when your chest is tight
Suppressants work to minimize coughing, but unfortunately these drugs can thicken mucus in the chest. Mucus that is heavy and thick will be difficult to expel through coughing. Do not take suppressants or a combination of expectorants and suppressants because they can make chest tightness worse.
Remember, coughing is normal and healthy when you have chest tightness. So you don't need to minimize or stop it

Step 5. Avoid taking antihistamines if mucus appears when you cough
Also avoid decongestants such as Sudafed if you have a mucus cough. Both types of drugs can dry out the mucus secretions in the lungs and make it difficult for you to cough it out. Some cough medicines contain antihistamines so you should read the package carefully before taking over-the-counter cough medicines.
- A cough that loosens mucus in the chest is known as a productive cough.
- If you have a cold or flu, it's perfectly normal to have yellow or light green mucus. However, go to the doctor if the mucus is a different color.
- Do not smoke or inhale other people's secondhand smoke when you have chest tightness. The chemicals present in cigarette smoke irritate the nasal passages and produce unnecessary coughing. If you smoke and can't quit, take this opportunity to avoid tobacco while you're trying to get rid of chest tightness.
- Chest tightness can turn into pneumonia (pneumonia) if not treated immediately. Go to the doctor to make sure you don't have an infection!
- If the mucus is difficult to remove, ask someone else to pat the upper right side of your back. This clap will loosen mucus, which can eventually be expelled easily through coughing.
- Do not drive a vehicle after taking strong drugs such as Nyquil. This medicine should only be taken before bed so you can sleep well throughout the night.
- If chest tightness afflicts an infant or toddler, do not give them medication without consulting a doctor.