3 Ways to Breathe Deep

3 Ways to Breathe Deep
3 Ways to Breathe Deep

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Abdominal breathing, also known as diaphragmatic breathing, is the process of breathing in deeply so that your body receives enough oxygen. While short breaths can cause shortness of breath and anxiety, deep breathing will calm the heartbeat and stabilize blood pressure. This technique is great if you want to reduce tension and lower your stress level. Read Step 1 to learn more about getting into the habit of belly breathing.


Method 1 of 3: Learn Basic Abdominal Breathing Techniques

Breathe Deeply Step 1
Breathe Deeply Step 1

Step 1. Take a deep breath slowly

Let the air fill your lungs, and before your lungs are full, hold your breath for a moment, don't exhale immediately. This method, of course, requires practice, because many of us are used to taking short breaths at a fast rhythm, instead of taking long, deep breaths. Try as much as possible to inhale through the nose, because the fine hairs in the nose will filter dust and toxins from entering your lungs.

  • In carrying out daily activities, we are used to breathing at a fast rhythm and inhaling short breaths without realizing that we are breathing in this way. The stressful conditions that we face everyday interfere with our being able to breathe mindfully.
  • Breathing deeply will help you become more aware of your body. Try to feel the air enter your lungs and fill them to the brim. When you focus your mind on a deep breath, your anxiety will disappear for a while.
Breathe Deeply Step 2
Breathe Deeply Step 2

Step 2. Let your belly expand

As you inhale deeply, allow your belly to expand two to four inches. Air will flow into the diaphragm, so your stomach will expand as it fills with air. If you watch a baby sleeping, you will notice that the baby naturally breathes with belly breathing; not his chest but his stomach that rose and fell with each breath. As adults, we get used to taking short breaths and no longer using belly breaths. We tend to hold back our emotions and pull in our stomachs, making them more tense instead of letting our stomachs relax while breathing. If you learn how to breathe properly, this tension will subside.

  • Try to always lie down, stand, or sit with your back straight so you can breathe properly. It will be more difficult to take deep breaths if you are hunched over.
  • Place one hand on your stomach, and the other on your chest, while inhaling. You can tell that you are breathing deeply and correctly if when you inhale, the hand you place on your stomach is more forward than the hand on your chest.
Breathe Deeply Step 3
Breathe Deeply Step 3

Step 3. Exhale completely

Let your breath out through your mouth or nose. As you exhale, pull your stomach in toward your spine and let the air out of your lungs. After you exhale, take another deep breath through your nose and continue to breathe deeply. Try to exhale twice as long as you inhale, and exhale completely.

Breathe Deeply Step 4
Breathe Deeply Step 4

Step 4. Try to breathe in five times in a row

This method will immediately calm you down by stabilizing your heart rhythm, bringing your blood pressure back to normal, and taking your mind off stressful thoughts. Find a comfortable position and do this deep breathing exercise correctly 5 times in a row.

  • Keep in mind that your stomach will be expanding two inches or more, and that it will be in a more advanced position compared to your chest which is also expanding.
  • Once you understand how to breathe deeply, try doing it 10 or 20 times in a row. Observe how your body and mind feel when they are flooded with oxygen.
Breathe Deeply Step 5
Breathe Deeply Step 5

Step 5. Do it anytime, anywhere

Now that you know how to breathe deeply, use this technique as a powerful stress reliever whenever you feel tense or anxious. Find a quiet place, but you can also easily take five deep breaths at your desk, on the subway or even while talking on the phone. Take advantage of this method to calm yourself down whenever you need to.

  • Whenever you notice that you are taking a short breath, take a deep breath. You will immediately feel more relieved.
  • The more you practice deep breathing, the more natural it will feel. Eventually, you will be like a baby breathing deeply with every breath you take.

Method 2 of 3: Using Deep Breaths to Calm Yourself

Breathe Deeply Step 6
Breathe Deeply Step 6

Step 1. Count to four while inhaling slowly

As you inhale through your nose, count from one to four, without rushing. This counting exercise will help you catch your breath and concentrate on deep breaths. Remember to let your stomach move forward and breathe using your diaphragm.

  • This breathing exercise works like a sedative. If you are very stressed or need a quick way to cool off, find a quiet place to practice 4-7-8 breathing.
  • You can also use this breathing exercise to make it easier for you to fall asleep.
Breathe Deeply Step 7
Breathe Deeply Step 7

Step 2. Hold your breath for seven seconds

Just relax and hold, don't inhale or exhale as long as you hold it for up to seven seconds. You can count it by heart or using a clock.

Breathe Deeply Step 8
Breathe Deeply Step 8

Step 3. Exhale for eight seconds

Slowly let the air out through your mouth as you count to eight. Counting the length of time you exhale will help you ensure that the length of your breath is twice as long, as a measure that you are optimally breathing in. As you exhale, draw in your stomach to exhale as much air as you can.

Breathe Deeply Step 9
Breathe Deeply Step 9

Step 4. Repeat four breaths

Inhale again, hold it, then exhale completely. Remember to keep counting so that the 4-7-8 ratio is always the same. After four breaths, you will feel calm. Repeat this exercise for several breaths as needed.

Method 3 of 3: Doing Breathing Techniques to Increase Energy

Breathe Deeply Step 10
Breathe Deeply Step 10

Step 1. Sit in an upright position

Sit in a chair with an upright back, then straighten your back. This is the correct starting position for starting a breathing exercise called the Bellows technique, which is a combination of deep breathing and rapid breathing. Since this technique is intended to give you more energy, it's better if you do it in a sitting position rather than lying down.

Breathe Deeply Step 11
Breathe Deeply Step 11

Step 2. Start by taking several deep, long breaths

Inhale slowly and long, then exhale slowly as long as possible. Repeat at least four times, until you feel completely relaxed.

Breathe Deeply Step 12
Breathe Deeply Step 12

Step 3. Inhale and exhale through your nose quickly for 15 seconds

Close your mouth and inhale and exhale through your nose as quickly as possible, taking a quick but deep breath. This breathing should use diaphragmatic breathing, but you should inhale and exhale as quickly as you can.

  • It's best to place your hands on your stomach to ensure that your stomach moves up and down as you breathe. It's easier to do this exercise if you don't tighten your diaphragm as much as you can.
  • Keep your head, neck, and shoulders still as your stomach expands and contracts.
Breathe Deeply Step 13
Breathe Deeply Step 13

Step 4. Do 20 breaths

After resting for a while, do another 20 breaths using the same technique. Inhale and exhale through your nose, and make sure that you are breathing using your diaphragm.

Breathe Deeply Step 14
Breathe Deeply Step 14

Step 5. Do the third round of 30 breaths

This is the last part. Inhale and exhale through your nose, making sure you are breathing through your diaphragm.

Breathe Deeply Step 15
Breathe Deeply Step 15

Step 6. Take a break and then resume your activities

You will feel more energized and ready to work vigorously throughout the day. Since this technique will give you more energy, it is better not to do it at night before going to bed.

  • If you feel weak or dizzy while practicing this technique, stop immediately. If you want to try it another time, reduce the breath cycle and do as needed to complete the Bellows exercise.
  • Pregnant women, people with panic disorder, and people with injuries should not do this exercise.


  • Don't let your upper body go up or down, you only need to do exercises with your lower body.
  • Always be gentle and patient.


  • For people with asthma, this breathing exercise may be a trigger for asthma attacks.
  • If you feel dizzy or weak, it means you are breathing too fast.
