How to Measure Fundal Height: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Measure Fundal Height: 15 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Measure Fundal Height: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

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When a woman is pregnant, one of the ways she and her doctor check her pregnancy (normal or not) is to determine the development of the uterus (womb). This can be done in 1 of 3 ways: by sonogram, by palpation (palpation) of the uterus, and by measuring something called 'fundal height' - especially the distance between the pubic bone and the top of the uterus. To learn how to check fundal height (or how to do it yourself), see step one below to get started.


Method 1 of 2: Check Your Fundal Height at the Doctor

Measure Fundal Height Step 1
Measure Fundal Height Step 1

Step 1. Make an appointment with your doctor or health care provider

Although measuring fundal height doesn't take long, you usually need to see a doctor.

Visiting a doctor also has the benefit of so you can immediately discuss the results of the fundal height examination with your doctor, maybe there is something unusual

Measure Fundal Height Step 2
Measure Fundal Height Step 2

Step 2. Empty the bladder before the examination

Depending on your gestational age, your doctor may ask you to empty your bladder.

The reason is that starting at 17 weeks of gestation, a full bladder can cause the fundal height measurement to be off by a few inches

Measure Fundal Height Step 3
Measure Fundal Height Step 3

Step 3. Change your clothes to hospital patient clothes

Fundal height measurements must be made with sufficient precision – a discrepancy of one or two centimeters can make the difference between 'normal' and 'abnormal' results.

Clothing, belts, and so on can cause slight differences in your fundal height, so they are usually removed before the measurement. Changing to hospital patient gowns minimizes the chance of inaccurate results and makes it easier for your doctor to reach all the areas needed for a good fundal height measurement

Measure Fundal Height Step 4
Measure Fundal Height Step 4

Step 4. Lie down on the examination table

The doctor will ask you to lie in a semi-supine position (this is enough to lie down with your head slightly elevated). This semi-supine position makes it easy for the doctor to feel your uterus by palpating the skin around the belly button.

Measure Fundal Height Step 5
Measure Fundal Height Step 5

Step 5. Remain lying down and breathing normally while the doctor palpates the uterus

Before taking the actual measurements, the doctor or nurse or midwife will palpate your uterus to determine the size, position and presentation of the baby.

The doctor, nurse and/or midwife will also check the volume of amniotic fluid and also try to determine the uterine fundus - the tip/point above your abdomen, where the 'top' of the uterus can be felt

Measure Fundal Height Step 6
Measure Fundal Height Step 6

Step 6. Let the doctor measure your fundal height

After palpation, the doctor will take a metric measurement (to determine size) at the top of the uterus (or fundus), then stretch it along the top of the uterus, measuring along the longitudinal axis/plane.

  • This means the doctor will measure from the highest end of the uterus to the top of the pubic symphysis (the area below your belly button where your pubic bone begins). Your doctor will record your fundal height measurement in centimeters and include it in your chart.
  • As a very general rule, a woman's fundal height should be between 1 and 3 centimeters of gestational age in weeks. For example, for a woman who is 20 weeks pregnant, the estimated fundal height is between 17-23 cm.
Measure Fundal Height Step 7
Measure Fundal Height Step 7

Step 7. Put on your clothes again then discuss the measurement results with the doctor

After giving you time to change, the doctor will come back and talk to you. At this point, if your fundal height measurement is abnormal, you may discuss the possibility of additional tests.

Measure Fundal Height Step 8
Measure Fundal Height Step 8

Step 8. If your fundal height measurement is abnormal, schedule an appointment/recheck

If your measurement results are not within the normal range for your date or forecast, this is not necessarily a cause for concern. However, your doctor will usually ask you to do a sonogram to find out why your measurements are outside the normal range.

  • This can be for a variety of reasons - some are completely harmless, others deserve attention (but not necessarily catastrophic).
  • The following are common causes of abnormal uterine height:
  • Tall and thin or short and fat
  • Full bladder
  • Having twins, triplets, etc.
  • Abnormally slow or fast fetal growth
  • Too little or too much amniotic fluid
  • Uterine fibroids (uterine tumors)
  • A breech baby (having an inverted position) or other unusual position in the womb

Method 2 of 2: Self-Measure Your Uterine Height

Measure Fundal Height Step 9
Measure Fundal Height Step 9

Step 1. Empty your bladder and take off your clothes

It is not difficult to measure your fundal height yourself. To begin, empty your bladder and then remove your clothing as you would for a fundal height check at the doctor's office/clinic. If you prefer, you can wear a loose-fitting gown or similar clothing (such as a very loose t-shirt) in place of the hospital patient's clothes.

Since most people are not medically trained in fundal height measurement procedures and because, as noted above, abnormal fundal height can be due to various causes, it is very important to remember “don't make/make any medical decisions based on the results of your fundal height examination. do it yourself." If you have an abnormal result, proceed to confirm it with a trained doctor, nurse or midwife

Measure Fundal Height Step 10
Measure Fundal Height Step 10

Step 2. Take a measuring tape

A flexible tape measure (usually used for sewing) works well because it adapts to the curve of the stomach for a more accurate measurement. However, in a pinch, a ruler or even your finger can be used as a measuring tool. Usually, fundal height is measured in centimeters, but if your instrument is in inches, use this conversion factor 1 inch = 2.54 cm.

Measure Fundal Height Step 11
Measure Fundal Height Step 11

Step 3. Lie down

Hard surfaces (such as the floor) work well - soft surfaces (such as a mattress) can cause your posture to 'submerge' into the surface. If you want, feel free to put a pillow under your head.

Measure Fundal Height Step 12
Measure Fundal Height Step 12

Step 4. Find your pubic bone

The pubic symphysis (pubic bone) is small, shaped like a hill on the front of the body, just above the pubic area. Feel the top of the pubic bone just below your belly button - usually, this bone is near the top where your pubic hair grows. The pubic bone is often covered in a layer of subcutaneous fat (under the skin) which can make it a bit difficult to find - you may need to press your skin gently with your finger to feel it.

Measure Fundal Height Step 13
Measure Fundal Height Step 13

Step 5. Find your fundus

Then, locate your fundus (the 'top' part of the uterus) by feeling near your belly button. Relax your abdominal muscles as you gently massage the area above and below your belly button. Feel the faint 'hill' under the skin - this is your fundus.

Generally, before 20 weeks of gestation, the fundus will be below the navel, while after 20 weeks, the fundus will be above it

Measure Fundal Height Step 14
Measure Fundal Height Step 14

Step 6. Measure from your pubic bone to the fundus

Once you've found both the pubic bone and the fundus, it's time to measure. Hold the 0 on the tape measure at the top of the pubic bone, then carefully extend (stretch) it through the pubis, up and following the curve of the abdomen, then to the fundus. Record the measurement results (in cm). Generally, the fundal height should be between 1-4 cm of the baby's gestational age in weeks. For example, 20 weeks pregnant should have a fundal height of 16-24 cm.

If you don't have a measuring tape or ruler handy, use the old, traditional method of using your fingers. The fundal height of one finger is approximately the equivalent of one week of gestation. For 15 weeks gestation, your fundal height is approximately 15 fingers long

Measure Fundal Height Step 15
Measure Fundal Height Step 15

Step 7. If your fundal height seems abnormal, call your doctor

As stated above, there are many factors that cause a woman's fundal height to fall within the normal range of 1-4 cm from the baby's gestational age in weeks. Some causes are harmless, while others require little attention. If it seems that you are getting a fundal height measurement that is outside the expected range, contact your doctor for an accurate fundal height measurement and, if necessary, follow up or continue with additional tests.


  • You can do this at home, but it may not be an accurate measurement.
  • Make sure you ask your doctor any questions or concerns.
  • If you need to eat something before seeing the doctor, make sure to eat a 'light' meal. Pressure on palpation may cause nausea or vomiting.
