Clear slime (sometimes called 'liquid glass slime') is a creative variation of slime. Its transparent color makes it a fun toy, especially if you add decorations! If you want to make a different variety of slime than usual, this clear slime can be a fun alternative to regular white glue.
Clear Slime with Borax
- 1/2 cup (120 ml) clear glue
- 1 cup (240 ml) hot water, plus 2 tablespoons (30 ml) room temperature water
- 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 ml) borax
Clear Slime Without Borax
- 100 ml clear glue
- 200 ml of hot water, plus 60 ml of room temperature water
- 30 ml salt solution
- 6 grams of baking soda
Method 1 of 2: Make Clear Slime with Borax

Step 1. Make a borax solution
In a small bowl, dissolve the borax in hot water until it dissolves completely and the water becomes clear. Set aside.

Step 2. Put the clear glue in another bowl

Step 3. Mix a tablespoon of water into the glue

Step 4. Add 3 teaspoons of borax solution to the glue
Mix until smooth, your slime should start to clump and stick to the mixer.

Step 5. Add enough borax solution
Just add a teaspoon (5 ml) at a time - too much borax will make the slime tough.

Step 6. Start kneading the slime by hand
If the slime is too sticky, add more borax solution, if it's too stiff, add glue.

Step 7. Ready to play
Store in a plastic bag or airtight container when you're done playing.
The longer you keep it in the container, the clearer the slime will become
Method 2 of 2: Make Clear Slime without Borax

Step 1. Mix hot water and baking soda
Place the baking soda and hot water in a bowl and mix well until the baking soda is completely dissolved. Set aside to cool.

Step 2. Pour the clear glue in another bowl

Step 3. Add room temperature water to the bowl

Step 4. Add the salt solution

Step 5. Mix everything
When you're done mixing it, the mixture should be thick in texture but still runny.

Step 6. Pour the baking soda solution into the glue mixture
Make sure the water is cold as you will be putting your hands in the mixture. You certainly do not want your hands blistered.

Step 7. Stir the baking soda solution with your hands
If you don't want your hands to get wet, use a tool to stir the slime.

Step 8. Pour the baking soda solution into another container
If you want, you can use the container you used to make the baking soda solution to store the baking soda solution.

Step 9. Play with your clear slime
Take it from the container and play with pulling, kneading and squeezing it. Store in a plastic bag or airtight container when you're done playing.
- Try putting small toys, glitter, or beads in the slime to get creative with your clear slime.
- If you play it often, air bubbles will form in the slime. This is natural, although it will slightly change the clarity of the slime.
- Leave the clear slime for 2 or 3 days to let the air bubbles disappear. If it still looks cloudy, wait a few more days. Make sure you store it in an airtight container.