Whether it's because you can't walk into a room at home without tripping over something or you just want to clean the house, tidying things up at home is a great way to feel more calm and comfortable in your room. If you want to tidy up your home, you have to separate things, rearrange the room, and maintain a comfortable and clean living environment. If you want to know how to tidy things up, just follow these easy steps.
Method 1 of 4: Making a Plan

Step 1. Find a schedule for tidying things up that suits you
If you want to tidy things up as easily as possible, then you have to figure out the best way to accomplish the goal. You can make it a goal to have intense tidying sessions over the weekend, a week, or a few weeks, or just have an hour or two each week to tidy things up. No matter how little time you have, you will be able to find a suitable tidying schedule.
- If you only have two hours each week, focus on only one part of the room at a time. Start with one room, and plan to organize wall cabinets for one week, shelves for the next, and so on. This may seem like a very long time, but if you do it in a regular way, you will be able to do it with the time you have available.
- If you're lucky enough to have a few days off in a row, then go all out to tidy up everything in your room that week. This is a tough task, but you will be able to complete it if you stay motivated.
- You can even tidy up your things if you put in just five minutes a day in the process.

Step 2. Tidy up one room at a time
When you start tidying things up, you may be tempted to get everything out of the house and take out every piece of furniture from the start. This may seem like a great idea, but it actually makes your room look so cluttered that your goals are unattainable. Better aim to tidy up one room at a time, or even one part of a room at a time.
Set reasonable goals. It's a good idea to only vacate a room or piece of furniture if you have time to separate the items in it and put everything back in its place

Step 3. Get help from others
Organizing things is a lot more fun and manageable if you get help from someone else, whether it's a roommate or a friend who wants to help you. Working with other people to tidy up the room will make the time go by much faster, and will make the whole activity more enjoyable.
- Play some music and order a pizza. Make the whole activity feel more like a party than a cleaning session.
- It's also a good thing to have other people helping you because they may have a better knowledge of what you really need. A trusted friend or family member can encourage you to throw away an object you've always kept even if it's useless.

Step 4. Get rid of items that are easy to get rid of
Once you've determined a suitable schedule, and also enlisted the help of trusted friends, you can start the process by getting rid of the things you don't need. Before you get serious and tidy up one room at a time, you'll feel better if you can get rid of some of the things that are filling the room right away. Here are a few quick and easy items to get rid of that can be a great start in tidying up a room:
- Take a big black plastic bag and fill it with old newspapers, old shoes that haven't been used in a long time, empty shampoo bottles, old letters, and all the useless stuff that looks out in the open.
- Go through the refrigerator and medicine cabinet, then throw away old and expired medicines.
- Get rid of all the flashy furniture that fills the room. If you don't like the big, ugly chair in the corner of the living room, you might find it better to just put it in the yard.
Method 2 of 4: Sorting Stuff

Step 1. Empty all items in one particular room or place
In order to organize your things in an orderly way, you have to empty everything in the room, or somewhere in the room, or even just one drawer, before you can see them all. You can put everything on the floor or on certain pieces of furniture, anywhere as long as it's a clear open area.
Prepare four different boxes (and write them accordingly): a box for items you will keep, a box for items you will keep, a box for items you will donate or sell, and a final box. for items to be disposed of

Step 2. Decide what items to keep
The first time around, it may be obvious that you want to keep everything you put out. But remind yourself that the goal of tidying things up is to get rid of all the stuff that fills the room. You should keep items that are used frequently, that are worn on the body, for cooking, or used for other household tasks.
You must retain all the items that have been used since last year. If you're really trying to tidy things up, keep things you've used in the last six months

Step 3. Decide what items to throw away
You should try to get rid of as many items as possible. If you have something you haven't used in a year, have forgotten about it completely, or can't even imagine whether it will be used in the future, then it's time to throw it away. Go through your stuff and ask yourself, "Do I really need this stuff?" If the answer is no, or if you hesitate for more than twenty seconds, it's time to throw it away.
- You can keep some treasured memorabilia, but don't overdo it. You can't keep everything, and it's best not to make excuses about why every button on a shirt and piece of cloth has a special meaning in your life.
- This is a good time to get advice from trusted friends. They may be able to be more honest and tell you that you will never need a certain item.

Step 4. Determine the items to be stored
You'll need to stock up on all the stuff you'll eventually need, and you know you won't need it for at least a few more months. Many of these items are seasonal or items for special occasions.
- Keep clothes that are seasonal. If it's dry season, you can keep a raincoat for a few months.
- Save decorations for special celebrations. Save Christmas decorations and take them out only when you need them.
- Keep camping gear, fishing rods, or things you only need when you go on vacation.

Step 5. Decide what items to sell or donate
It's a good idea to sell or donate things you don't want but are still useful to others. If you have clothes that are still in good condition, household appliances that still function well, or beautiful paintings that you don't like, then it's time to donate or sell them.
- Look for useful items that are more than one in number. If you have two coffee makers, two tea pots, or more lamps than you need, then start donating or selling them. Even if they're still good, you don't need two of the same thing.
- You can easily sell your items by placing them on the OLX Indonesia website or selling them at flea markets. You can donate unsold items.
- Selling items can make you money, but it will take time. If you don't have time to sell them, then just donate them all and you've done a good deed.

Step 6. Prepare a box with the words "temporary"
The box with the words "temporary" is a place to put things that you don't think you know whether to keep or keep. Save the item for now, then look back at it in six months, and throw it away if you don't even think about it. You may forget the box altogether, but at least all the stuff in it doesn't fill the room.
Method 3 of 4: Rearranging the Room

Step 1. Put all items back in their proper place
Taking things apart is the tricky part. Now, all you have to do is get rid of all the trash, save the things you want to keep, and donate or sell the rest. Put all the items you want to keep in their proper place, and make sure to use a good organization system that will keep them organized.
- Arrange your clothes according to how often you wear them and the type of clothes.
- Set up a filing cabinet system that will help you put all your papers in the right places.
- Buy plastic containers to help keep things in your closet.
- If you have a lot of shoes and don't know what to do with them, buy a shoe rack.
- Arrange the books on the bookshelf by type or time period, and make sure all books are stored vertically rather than just lying sideways on the bookshelf.
- Be sure to write clearly stored items so that they can be easily accessed when you need them.

Step 2. Rearrange the furniture
Get rid of unnecessary extra furniture and rearrange the furniture so that it creates as much space as possible without blocking the additional space with it, the windows can still be opened and lots of light can still enter the room, and keep things organized in a fun way. aesthetics.
- Rearranging the furniture will also make the room feel brand new, and will make you feel as if you are truly starting a new era of clutter-free living.
- Consider placing an additional mirror or two in place of the painting. This will make the walls less festive and will create the illusion of a wider room.

Step 3. Keep the table area clean and relatively empty
If you want to feel calm and relieved in a new room, then you must keep the desk area of the writing desk, kitchen table, kitchen, coffee table, and other surface areas relatively empty. Get rid of everything, and place only the things you really need on the table.
- If you remove items from the desk surface, you can keep a pen, some small office supplies, and a photo, but don't leave ten pictures, five dolls and small decorations on your work surface.
- The kitchen table should only contain items related to food, such as salt, pepper, and tablecloths. Do not use the kitchen table as a place to store school supplies or excess paper.
Method 4 of 4: Maintaining a Tidyed Home

Step 1. Take time to tidy things up on a weekly or daily basis
If you want to maintain the new and beautiful appearance of your tidied home, then you have to realize that tidying things up is only half the job. Now that your home is looking tidy, you should make a concerted effort to keep it looking tidy by taking the time to keep your room organized every day and weekend.
- Take 10 to 15 minutes to tidy up the room at the end of the day, no matter how tired you are. You can also take it as a challenge. Tell yourself that you've tidied up the room when you put ten things back in their place.
- Take at least thirty minutes to tidy up the room on the weekends. You have more time to do this on Saturday or Sunday, and can do it while watching television or chatting with friends over the phone. Tidying up a room doesn't have to feel like a chore.

Step 2. Get help from whoever you live with
Organizing things will be much easier with the help of others, and so will maintaining a tidied house. If you really want all your hard work to pay off, then you have to get the help of your roommate, spouse, kids, or whoever lives with you.
- The process will be much easier if the people you live with do it like you do. If not, then you're probably spending a lot of time just cleaning up the remnants of what he's done.
- Create rules at home that support cleanliness. For example, all dishes should be washed right after use, and certain toys should only be in certain spaces, and so on.
- If your roommate or partner is doing the same thing as you, then the two of you can take turns doing this during a small-scale nightly tidying session.

Step 3. Become an experienced customer
Being an experienced consumer will help you continue to live in a quiet and clean space. Pay attention to all the items you buy and ask yourself if they are really needed or if you don't need them at all. If you are a smart consumer, then you will not buy too many things and fill your house with them.
- Make a list before shopping. Whether you're buying wholesale or trying to add to your wardrobe, make a list of all the items you really need, so you come home with the items you're looking for and don't get caught up in a momentary urge to buy.
- If you're not sure if you should buy something, then resist the urge. See if you really want the item two or three weeks later.
- If you really need new furniture, get rid of old furniture. Don't fill the room with more furniture. If you really need a new coffee table, don't put the old coffee table in a different room, so get rid of it.
- If possible, request the bill electronically (via the Internet) so that paper bills no longer fill your room.

Step 4. Give one old item each week
This old trick will help you keep things tidy every week, and it can also be quite fun. Go through your belongings, whether it's an old shirt you've never worn, your second coffee maker, or a book you've never read, and find a friend or family member who will use it.
- If you can't think of someone who will use the item, donate it.
- If you feel ambitious to donate, you can give away two old items each week, and increase that.
- Do not buy storage space that is more expensive than the items stored. Many people buy useless things and just keep them, and later throw away the things they keep or forget what they are.
- Give yourself a few days before actually throwing things away, so you don't regret it or have to buy it again for later use.
- Plastic containers with lids are great for storing things. Plastic containers can be stacked with lids with adhesive tape to place in the warehouse.