To walk with God means to walk in faith and union with God for the rest of your life. Then, most importantly, you will walk in the right direction by always focusing on God and following His leading.
Part 1 of 3: Understanding the Basic Understanding of Walking with God

Step 1. Imagine that you are physically walking with someone
In order to understand what it means to walk with God spiritually, start by imagining you are walking with a friend or family member, and then try to take these words literally. Ask yourself how do you interact with the person you are with, what do you expect from this person, how do you talk to and behave with him or her?
When you walk with someone, you are both going in the same direction. Both of your steps are equally fast and one person will not leave the other. You will talk to each other and keep an eye on each other. In essence, there is always harmony, unity and togetherness between the two of you during the journey

Step 2. Look for examples of people who have walked with God
In the Bible, there are several stories of men and women who lived obediently to God, but in order to understand what it means to walk with God, look for examples that specifically use the phrase “walk with God.”
- Enoch is a man who is first mentioned in Scripture as one who walked with God, and because of this, the story of Enoch is the most common example used to explain this concept. Quoted from the Scriptures, "And Enoch walked with God another three hundred years, after he begot Methuselah, and he begot sons and daughters. So Enoch was three hundred and sixty-five years old. And Enoch walked with God., then he is no more, because God has taken him up." (Genesis 5:22–24).
- The essence of the verse above is that Enoch always lived in close fellowship with God, so close that God raised Enoch to heaven on the last day of his life on this earth. Although this verse does not say that everyone who walks with God will be taken up to heaven without having to face death, it does affirm that living with God will open the way that leads to it.
Part 2 of 3: Focusing on God

Step 1. Ignore distractions
Before you can focus on God, you must be able to ignore all the worldly things that can distract you from your relationship with God. These distractions are not necessarily “sins,” but are basically all things that you intentionally or subconsciously prioritize above God.
- Think again about walking with friends. If your friend is constantly on his cell phone and doesn't care about you, your trip will be very unpleasant, and you can't really walk "together" in the true sense of the word. Likewise, distractions that become your focus so that you are not able to focus on God will make you unable to experience the real journey with God.
- The sins you allow to cling will be easy distractions, but this is not the only thing you should pay attention to. Even things that are considered useful can also be harmful distractions if you're not vigilant. For example, working hard and making money to support your family is a good thing. But if you become so obsessed with work and money that you neglect your family and your relationship with God, you have allowed this to be a distraction.

Step 2. Read the Scriptures
The Christian view believes that the Bible is the Word of God. The Scriptures may not give you specific instructions about the direction your life will take, but they do provide a good picture of what God wants for and from human life.
Since God never asks anyone to do anything that goes against the Scriptures, you can get guidance so that you don't go wrong by trying to understand everything the Scriptures teach

Step 3. Pray
Prayer will keep the believer in close personal contact with God. Prayers of thanksgiving, praise, and prayers of supplication are all good. The most important thing to pray for is what is in your own heart.
Think again about the way you behave when you walk with a friend. You may walk in silence at times, but usually the two of you will talk, laugh, and cry together. Prayer is a way for believers to talk, laugh, and cry with God

Step 4. Meditate
Meditation can be a difficult concept to grasp, but at its core, meditation means feeling God's presence and contemplating God's creation.
- Meditation in this modern era is usually done by practicing breathing, chanting mantras, and other exercises aimed at calming the mind. Although these practices do not have the same meaning as spiritual meditation, many believers are able to see that these practices in meditation can calm the mind from distractions, so that they are better able to focus completely on God.
- However, if the standard practices in meditation don't suit you, do whatever you can to free yourself from the distractions that can arise in your daily life and set aside special time to meditate on God. Listen to music, take a walk in the park near your home, and so on.

Step 5. Pay attention to instructions from God
Even though at times God feels distant or silent, there are times when God may interrupt things that are routinely done in a way that is significant enough to change the course of a person's life. The signs of these clues are sometimes quite obvious. So keep your eyes and heart open so you can tell the difference.
Ponder the story of Isaac and Rebekah. Abraham's servant went to find a prospective bride among Abraham's family in his homeland. God led this servant to the well, and while she was praying to find the right girl, Rebekah came and offered her and her camels a drink, which was a sign that she was the chosen girl. This meeting was too important to be considered a coincidence. Instead, clues brought Rebekah to the well at the right time and guided her to the most appropriate course of action. (Genesis 24:15-20)
Part 3 of 3: Following God's Lead

Step 1. Analyze your every move
Reflect on the way you are living your life right now. Ask yourself what aspects of your life are in line with God's will and which aspects are moving away from God's way.
- Take a moment to sit down and reflect on your journey so far. Recall a time when you experienced living “in harmony” with God. Your daily life at that time feels like your time walking with God. Then try to recall a time when you felt lost, lost, or far from God. Ask yourself if you've been doing things that distanced you from God, even if only because you didn't make time for prayer, church, or meditation. Those days may be times when you stop walking or take the wrong direction on your journey.
- Look for examples of behaviors you have engaged in while you were walking with God in the past, and try your best to avoid behaviors that have led you astray.

Step 2. Obey God's commandments
Try to watch your every step so you can keep walking with God. To keep your steps in God, you must act according to God's will and obey the commandments God has given to all mankind.
- Part of this process is obeying what God has commanded about moral behavior. Although there are people who find this commandment to be restrictive, after all, it will keep people's lives safe and spiritually connected to God.
- Another important aspect of obeying God's commandments is in loving, loving God, loving others, and even loving yourself. Shape your life as God showed and keep showing love for human life.

Step 3. Seek guidance from the Holy Spirit
While some ways can be learned from Scripture and church traditions, other ways to walk with God are more personal. In order to know these ways, pray that you understand what the steps are.
- Children rely heavily on their caregivers to guide them to walk safely and correctly. They may think they know it all, but there comes a time when they realize that they should listen to the guidance given by their parents, grandparents, and others, instead of sticking with the stubbornness that will lead them to failure. problem or danger.
- Likewise, believers must ultimately rely on the Holy Spirit to guide them on a positive spiritual journey.

Step 4. Be patient
The answer to your prayer or the solution to a difficult situation may not come as quickly as you would like. But in order to keep walking with God, there are times when you have to slow down your pace and walk in the rhythm of God's steps.
In the end, God will guide you to where you should be, when you should be there. You may want to get there right away, but if you want to walk with God, you have to trust that God has set a more appropriate time than you want, if the two are not the same

Step 5. Walk with others on the same path
While you may have loved ones with different faiths, you should make friends with anyone who serves God as you do. These people can support you in your daily life, and you can support them too.
- Other believers can also keep you from fulfilling your commitments to walk with God.
- Remember that God often uses other people in your life to guide your steps.

Step 6. Keep going
Regardless of how many times you stumble and fall, you have to rid yourself of the lingering dust and move on again. God will not forsake you, even if at times you lose your sight of choosing the path you should take.