Would you like to be able to walk in the woods without being heard by others, or sneak in quietly without anyone noticing? Walking quietly is an art that only takes a little time to master. See Step 1 onwards to learn more about stealth walking.
Method 1 of 3: Tread with Care

Step 1. Watch where you walk
Walking quietly will be more difficult to do when you are walking on a surface with gravel or dry leaves than walking on a smooth or dirty grass surface. In order to walk quietly, pay attention to the ground and determine which path will make the least noise. Whether you're walking indoors or outdoors, you can walk on surfaces that can help you walk silently instead of making other sounds.
- If you are walking through the woods or other outdoor areas, try walking on smooth or dirty grass. Walk on the surface of wet leaves rather than on dry, dry grass.
- When walking outdoors, look for rocks or roots as they won't make a rattling sound like leaves or twigs. Slowly step one foot over the rock or root surface to ensure that you don't make noise or shift. When you are sure, take the next leg.
- In urban areas, avoid walking paths made of wood, rocky areas, cobblestones for road construction and other objects that tend to make a sound when stepped on.
- As much as possible walk on the carpet while in the room.
- When climbing trees or ravines, pay attention to where your feet are to make the landing. Try to land with the front of your foot between the branch and the gap. If you are forced to step on the center of a branch or on the side of a cliff, do so slowly and carefully. A little pressure can uproot debris or break twigs, which would be a warning for scouts.

Step 2. Pay attention to the surrounding area
The space in which you move tends to have objects that make noise beneath the surface of your feet. As you walk quietly, pay attention to your surroundings so you can avoid stepping on anything that could reveal your secrets.
- Avoid twigs and branches that can get stuck on your clothes and break.
- Avoid gates or fences that can squeak.
- Avoid breaking through piles of wrinkled fabric.

Step 3. Walk near ground level
Walk in a slightly bent position, engaging all of your muscles as you move. This will lighten the pressure on the ground each time you make contact, so you can move more quietly. Keep your body compact and evenly distribute your weight so you don't make a fuss of your feet hitting the ground.

Step 4. Walk from heel to toe
First, place your heels on and roll your feet slowly and smoothly toward your toes on the ground. As you walk, rotate your hips slightly so that your stride is more controlled. If possible, walk with the outside of your shoe on.
- If you need to go fast, keep your body close to the surface and run heel to toe.
- As you move back, place the heart of your foot and then lower your heel to the ground.
- By running with the heart of one leg, you can help speed up your pace and maintain the silence. However, be careful because this method requires more force on your feet and bottom of the foot and more flexibility in the ankles and foot joints. It also requires more balance than normal movement and puts more stress on the smoother surface (because the load is spread over a reduced surface area).
- Landing gently. It's very difficult to run or jump without sound, but it can be done if you master the technique of landing silently. Land in a bent position without hitting the ground too hard.

Step 5. Keep your arms close together
Try not to use your arms to balance your body against a wall or the like, as you could hit something and your secret will be exposed. Better to put your arms in a position that makes you comfortable and balanced.

Step 6. Transfer most of your weight and pressure away from your feet
Of course you can't channel all the weight and pressure you have. Although this cannot theoretically be demonstrated, it can be explained as a feeling of bare feet (but not numbness) and a feeling of pressure in the head. By channeling the load and pressure onto your head, you can become aware of your surroundings and build your awareness. This is useful in a number of ways, but is especially useful when jumping. You will need to jump if there is a thick pile of dry leaves. When you jump, find a clean spot that isn't wet (e.g. a puddle) and isn't covered by dry leaves (e.g. dry grass or leaves). Land on your toes and the front of your foot. Use rubber boots as rubber can soften the sound.
Method 2 of 3: Using the Right Equipment

Step 1. Use soft footwear
The louder the footwear you use, the louder the sound. The best type of footwear to use is socks or sandals made of leather, but you can also use boots or rubber boots. Avoid boots that have hard soles, shoes with heels or with hard soles and shoes that make it difficult for you to walk. Soft and comfortable shoes are shoes that are suitable for use.
- Sweaty socks can make a sound when you walk. If there is too much sweat in your socks, use double socks to avoid making noise.
- Walking barefoot is the quietest way, but it can also be the noisiest - if you step on a sharp object and you get hurt, your cover will be blown. Also, if your feet are sweaty, your feet may stick to the floor coat and make a "peeling" sound. You can avoid the sound produced by reducing contact with the floor and walking with the outside of the heart of your foot, but be careful because this method requires more strength and balance. Determine if walking barefoot is the wisest choice for the environment you are walking in.
- Make sure that the footwear you use is completely dry; Not only can your footwear squeak, but the wet footprints on the floor can alert someone to your presence. When the footprints dry, they can leave a "trail shape" with the shape of your shoe, especially on surfaces such as concrete.

Step 2. Make sure your footwear is the right size
If your feet slide around in the footwear, it can cause a lot of noise, especially when your feet are sweaty. If you are wearing shoes with laces, insert the laces into your shoes. Otherwise, the laces may come out of your shoes or onto the floor as you walk.

Step 3. Wear tight, light clothing
Loose pants can touch your feet when you walk, making a lot of noise. By using tight pants, this possibility can be minimized. Wearing very fine clothing and lightweight cotton pants can also keep the sound at the lowest level.
- Tuck the shirt into your pants and tuck the ends of the pants into your shoes or socks. This will prevent your shirt or pants from packing.
- Shorts are easier to flap and make noise than trousers and you can't tuck the hem of the shorts into your socks. If you must wear shorts, try to use something like straps or an elastic band around your knees, but not too tight as they will come off.
Method 3 of 3: Keep Calm

Step 1. Prepare your body
If you have time to prepare before you find yourself in a situation that requires walking quietly, doing some preparation beforehand can allow you to reduce the sound that will be produced. For example,
- Stretch your legs before you try to move quietly. It's very common for your joints and bones to squeak on the first try. Therefore, it is a good idea to stretch your legs before you take a step. Stretching can make you feel more flexible and stop making that squeaky sound and keep your cover from blowing out.
- Don't go on an empty stomach, but don't fill your stomach too full. Your body will become heavier and produce a louder sound after you eat.
- Go to the bathroom before you try to walk quietly.

Step 2. Breathe steadily
You may want to try to hold your breath, but it is better to take slow, measured breaths from your nose. This will prevent you from inhaling and exhaling too loudly when you need air. If you feel short of breath, open your mouth wide and take deep, controlled breaths.
You may be breathing faster as the adrenaline spreads throughout your body. If that happens, stop for a moment, take a deep breath and then take a few deep, calm breaths to calm your nervousness. Make sure to breathe normally before you continue walking quietly

Step 3. Adjust the cadence of your steps
If you're following someone, you can hide the sound of your footsteps by walking in sync with the person you're following. When the person steps with their left foot, use the left foot and then repeat with the right foot. This will help you to hide the sound of footsteps that may be produced.
Be careful not to lose control when following someone - it's also important to use the right way to walk quietly. Otherwise, when someone stops suddenly and you keep going, you'll be caught

Step 4. Blend in with your surroundings
If you are moving through a tree-lined area that contains branches, bushes, dense forest or leaves, then you are unlikely to walk in silence. Move in small, irregular steps and then pause: don't move at a slow, steady, heavy rhythm.
- Imitate the sounds around you. For example, a forest may be filled with the sounds of small animals foraging for food. These animals usually move short distances, pause to smell food or predators, then continue to move a short distance.
- Take advantage of other sound sources (wind gusts, other animal movements, passing vehicles) to suppress or mask sounds.

Step 5. Stand where you need to be
If your goal is to have the ability to move without making a sound, you will often need to stand still. Stand in place and pay attention to the surrounding area before stepping back. Pay attention to objects around you that could cause you to fall or be caught.
If you're following someone or trying to be invisible, there's time to practice extreme patience. Stand still and wait for the person to pass, or wait for the situation to be safe before moving on
- Try to train your brain by testing your focus and concentration. To practice it, move your eyes constantly from one object and then move them quickly to another. Pool keepers use this method to quickly identify hazards.
- Be calm when you are following someone and that person is suspicious of you. Act in an unobtrusive manner like you don't know they're there. Panic and attracting attention is the worst thing you will ever do.
- While this isn't related to sound, pay attention to the shadows it creates when you walk straight behind someone. If there is a light source behind you, your shadow will overtake you and be easily seen by those you are following. By walking with your head down, you will reduce this risk.
- When walking through a house with wooden floors, walk against the wall to reduce the floor creaking. The same goes for walking through stairs.
- When opening the door, press the doorknob upwards to avoid the squeaking sound. Press the handle so that the bolt is pulled before pushing the door. Keep pressing the doorknob as you pass through the door, gently releasing the pressure on the handle so that the bolt snaps into place without making a sound. Then, slowly release the handle.
- Do not land your feet or shift weights on leaves or twigs while pausing. You must stop at any position when required to stop (when making contact with an obstacle in a bush or other obstruction). Landing your body or even your knees or hands for support can result in additional 'movement' as well as an unnatural "pushing, wiping and continuous" sound between small sounds and can reveal a larger weight/size than a small animal. Try to pause for a moment in a body position that is comfortable enough and can be done for a long time if you feel suspicious.
- Stay away from animals that can react to you.
- Again, although this has nothing to do with movement, if you are walking/running/crawling at night towards a group of people around a fire or other light, the halo outside the halo is the darkest place. When people in the halo are looking for something, they cannot control their eyesight when the place they are trying to see is bright.
- If you're trying to sneak, keep sneaking in the direction the wind is blowing. There are some people and animals that have an excellent sense of smell.
- If you can't wear tight clothing, try to walk without rubbing the clothing against your skin as it will make a recognizable sound in quiet situations. Wool clothing is the quietest material.
- Stretch your thighs. Stretching your thighs can not only reduce the sound of your feet rubbing against each other, but also help you walk more lightly.
- Don't move if someone sees you while you're hiding. Every move can alert them to your presence. If they don't see anymore, count to 30 before moving back because they might be able to check again. Your eye movements can even get you caught. The saying, "If you can't see them, then they can't see you" doesn't really apply, but if you think they're not really seeing you, your mind and body will be less likely to rest or move and you'll be caught.
- Avoid shifting your weight until your front foot lands on the ground quietly and firmly. It requires balance and adequate practice.
- Likewise, when you open a door that squeaks, press the door forward when opening it. If the door continues to squeak, then open the door quickly to minimize the duration of the squeaking sound.
- When you walk, you don't just walk with your feet; your entire body must be involved, from your arms to your head in balance, to your thighs and torso to control leg movement, to your feet to step. Make moves quietly so you can see what you can do with what you can't.
- When using stairs, it's better to take a few steps while walking, but don't take too many steps as this will create more pressure or sound than usual.
- Before you start to walk, twist your ankles a few times. This can prevent you from 'sounding' your ankle. The 'sound' is produced by synovial fluid moving in the joint, similar to the sound produced by the sound of a knuckle. If you don't ring your joints first, you'll make a sound when you need silence.
- If your clothes make uncontrollable noises, pause before walking, take advantage of other sounds. Move when another sound sounds so that the sound you produce can be masked.
- Do not laugh, giggling, as if choking or laughing between breaths; You have to be serious! Be a sneaking snake; move like the wind, not like the storm.
- When walking wear long pants that make a sound when they rub against the other leg, walk with your legs outstretched so that your feet cannot touch each other.
- Wear shoes that have rubber soles because they don't make any noise. Choose the most common sole pattern so that when you leave footprints, they don't do much damage.
- If you have trouble moving your feet, then make it a habit to walk slowly with untied and dangling shoelaces, which make noise when you don't lift and lower your feet. Caution: Do not try to do this quickly or carelessly, as you may trip and fall. Keep going slowly, steadily and measured.
- When on stairs or corridors, slide your foot on the other end so you can maintain balance and walk quietly. Also, if a person wears high heels, then he may need to take his shoes off.
- Walk in a bent position with your knees bent depending on the situation you are in.
- If you have to make noise, perhaps because of loose clothing, try to make it as "natural" as possible. Short, sharp, repetitive sounds that indicate human movement can be broken down into unrecognizable segments by changing the rhythm or holding back the sound, making the sound appear more fluid and less human-made. This method is more suitable in urban areas because there are various kinds of sounds that can protect your movement. It allows you to hide in the "shadow" of the sound around you.
- If you sneak inside a house or building, pay attention to the age of the building. In older houses, you can make a lot of noise when you bend over the walls, as most old houses have floors that are about one meter long. (Walking a meter away from a wall might be useful.) For a new home, walking on a wall shouldn't be a problem.
- Try a zigzag motion as you walk: step on one foot, then step forward and sideways. Stepping in the other direction. This method can help you maintain balance by balancing your body weight. Keep calm:
- When indoors, try to lean on something sturdy and not squeaky to avoid putting heavy pressure on the floor causing it to squeak.
- If you're trying to sneak inside your own house or a place you often go, try this method during the day. You don't have to take it too seriously, but watch for what makes a lot of noise. Like certain steps that always squeak on the stairs.
- Wear lightweight shoes to reduce the amount of noise.
- Don't use slippers to walk quietly as you'll be more likely to trip and touch your skin when you're walking quietly a little faster.
- Avoid dry surfaces such as: gravel, twigs, stones, squeaky floors, etc.
- Never sneak inside someone else's house, especially at night. Even if they are your friends. At night, you will appear intimidating so you can be attacked or killed.
- Pay attention to the clothes you wear; rattling chains and locks can get you caught.
- Watch out for snow as it will make a distinctive 'cracking' sound, and your footprints can be tracked so you can be caught.
- Don't try to do it in public at night because if you're seen by someone who doesn't know what you're doing, they may think you have bad intentions.
- Be careful with sand and other small particles, as they can stick to your shoes when walking due to dew or moisture. If you step on a hard surface, the grains can make a pretty loud sound as they rub against the ground. These grains don't pose a problem when you're walking on smoother surfaces, but it's better to avoid them altogether if possible.
- Never use this method to follow someone in the dark, especially if they don't really know you. Because when you get caught, they can make physical contact or report you to the police.
- If you follow a person or animal, they will get scared and may attack you suddenly before they realize that you are not really dangerous.
- Having the sneak ability, one might want to test his abilities. Do not use this ability to do things that are illegal and dangerous.
- If you need to store items that can jingle or make noise, such as cashback, keep them in a tight purse so they don't make a sound. You can minimize any noise by using tape to hold the items together in an effort to prevent them from moving apart from one another.
- The sound of coins and keys being stored in the wallet can also be reduced by keeping a coin or other object in a separate pocket or storing it in another safe place.