You've certainly seen this kiss in movies and maybe even in public - the French kiss, a passionate and timeless kiss that embodies romantic affection. It doesn't matter if you live in Paris, France or Paris, Texas, you can learn how to kiss like the French do without any embarrassing faux pas!
Method 1 of 3: Taking Necessary Steps

Step 1. Keep your lips soft
A soft, smooth and slightly wet mouth is ideal for kissing. Before you proceed any further, try to ensure that your lips are not chapped and dry by doing the following things:
- Use lip balm. Rub it on your lips and close your lips together. (If you are a woman and have a flavored lip balm, then even better!)
- Drink water. Dry lips are a sign of dehydration, so drink a large glass (or two) of water. Your lips will start to soften within 20 to 30 minutes.
- Lick your lips. If you're in a hurry and don't have time to prepare, quickly lick your tongue against your lips and close your lips together. I This method will slightly moisturize your lips without making them wet or slippery.

Step 2. Freshen your breath
Of course you don't want your mouth to smell bad when you're about to kiss someone, whether it's a French kiss or not. Since your mouth will open in a French kiss, fresh breath is very important. Get in the habit of cleaning your teeth well. If you know you're about to kiss someone, take a moment to brush your teeth or at least rinse your mouth with water.
- Always carry breath mints or mint-flavored gum with you if you think you might kiss someone when you leave the house.
- Avoid foods that leave an unpleasant smell or residue, especially garlic, coffee, onions, milk, and corn. If you're going to have dinner together before, possibly, kissing someone, choose your menu carefully.

Step 3. Find the right moment
A romantic kiss - especially a first kiss or French kiss - is the culmination of the tension and closeness that is growing between you. Choose the right moment to make sure that you and your partner have the same desire to truly unite the two of you in the kiss. When is the right moment? The exact moment really depends on your personal situation, but there are a few signs to keep in mind:
- You really are both. Whether you're enjoying some alone time on the balcony, or sitting on a hidden bench in the garden, you don't have to worry about someone disturbing you.
- Your partner keeps on giving cues, such as not looking away and staring at your lips, or standing or sitting closer to you. It doesn't matter if you're kissing a man or a woman, their body language is sure to give you clues as to when it's time for you to make a move.
- You ended your date going really well. In the car or on the patio are good semi-private locations to kiss goodbye.
- Because the situation feels right. If you really want to kiss someone, don't be too afraid to do it. (Just be prepared to be in an awkward or even disturbing situation if it turns out that your partner doesn't feel the same way.)
- Ask. If you're not sure if he feels it too, try talking to him. It's better to get permission by asking a question that makes you a little awkward and then doing it with confidence, than to risk missing the chance to kiss that special someone (or accidentally kiss someone who isn't interested in kissing).

Step 4. Make eye contact
Look deeply into your partner's eyes. If you want to make your desires more visible, move your gaze to his lips, then back to his eyes.
A woman can even look at a man, then turn his gaze down, then look back into his eyes by playing with eyelashes to seduce him even more

Step 5. Smile
If you're so excited that you have high hopes for kissing someone, just show it! Smiling makes the situation light and pleasant, but it can also help your partner feel safe and relaxed. However, make sure your smile is gentle and genuine, and not a forced, too wide, or scary smile. Create a smile by opening your lips slowly. Show your partner that you are happy with them. Continue to make eye contact when you smile, or stop staring at him for a few seconds before resuming it.
You can smile by keeping your lips closed. Because without showing your teeth, you will look more friendly and less seductive and romantic

Step 6. Touch your partner
Once you're both with your crush, and smiling and looking him in the eye, you can decide whether you're going to kiss him without touching him, or whether you want to touch him first. You can do this by sitting with your feet touching, holding hands, placing your hands on his knees, rubbing his hands, or by showing that you like him. If you've kissed him on the lips before, then it's easier to touch him now, and you should try to touch the person before touching his lips, so both of you will feel more relaxed.
You can also touch your partner when he starts to move to kiss him. If you're standing, you can touch his hand, neck or shoulder as you move closer to him. If you are sitting, you can put your hands on his back

Step 7. Start moving
When the moment seems right, move closer to your partner! In general, you should move slowly so that your partner has time to say no, but not so slowly that the moment loses its spark. When you feel that your partner is ready for the next step, don't put it off. Move your body toward it until your heads are only a few inches apart. This is when you should start to turn your head until you get the kissing position right.
Do it slowly. Slow approaching will build tension, so he'll be expecting you even more. Approach at a pace that will give your partner a chance to approve (or reject you). When he sees you moving closer, he may also move towards you, so moving slowly will prevent your head from accidentally bumping into you

Step 8. Tilt your head slightly to one side
Meeting faces perpendicularly will make your noses collide. So, tilt your head slightly to the left or to the right. If he tilts his head to one side, choose the side opposite him. Don't put too much pressure on yourself to do everything perfectly. If you and your partner's head or nose end up bumping into each other, then you'll naturally adjust your head position until you find a more comfortable position where your noses don't block each other.
Unlike what you might imagine in the movies, kissing doesn't always happen in slow motion, you'll be bending your head as you approach your partner, not at a turtle-like pace, so you can't worry too much about whether it's the right time

Step 9. Close your eyes
Just before you touch, close your eyes. Kissing with your eyes open is usually associated with dishonesty and insincerity, and closing your eyes will help you focus and enjoy what your lips are feeling. Also, while you may want to keep your eyes open to see how your partner looks, it can actually put you out of the mood for a kiss. Closing your eyes can also help you focus your mind on your mouth and enjoy it, and not try to observe what's happening at close range.
You can slowly open your eyes after that, when you and your partner have released your kiss

Step 10. Keep your mouth in a comfortable position to kiss
Don't purse your lips stiffly, like when you're about to kiss your grandma - that not only conveys an unromantic feeling, it will also physically make it difficult for your partner to initiate a French kiss. On the other hand, keep your mouth completely loose and still give the impression that you're not interested. Here's how to get into a comfortable position:
- Pinch your lips just a little. Push your lips forward just a little, so that you feel a slight tension in the muscles around your mouth.
- Open your mouth a little. Don't be too aggressive about kissing with your mouth fully open at first, just keep your lips open just enough for your tongue to slip in between.
Method 2 of 3: Kissing Like an Expert

Step 1. Lightly rub your lips against your partner's lips
At first use very light pressure, so that your lips are barely touching each other's lips. This will give you greater passion and pleasure than going straight to a full French kiss.
Keep your movements slow. A kiss that is light and too fast is a kiss that is not sexy because it is difficult to control the tension that is created. Kiss your partner as if you had indefinite time -the kiss will turn fast in the not too distant future

Step 2. Do a test run
If you've already built a solid foundation for French kissing by kissing without using your tongue, you can give your partner some subtle hints that you're ready to take things further. In general, if this is the first time you've kissed someone, you should be careful before starting a French kiss, as it might be considered too soon. But, apart from that, here are a few things to keep in mind when trying to kiss and will give you a sign that you're ready to kiss with your tongue:
- Open your mouth wider. Offering unrestricted access will invite your partner to make temporary first tongue contact.
- Lock your lips, so that your partner's lower lip is between your lips. Then, lightly brush the tip of your tongue on your lower lip. Make one smooth, fast motion so that the contact lasts no more than a second. If he is interested, he will reciprocate your actions.
- Know when to back off. If you've tried both of the techniques above and your partner isn't responding, stop trying and try another time and focus on having a regular kiss. Don't make this a big problem, so he doesn't feel guilty.

Step 3. Explore with your tongue
If your partner seems interested, go ahead and start a real French kiss. Remember to keep moving your tongue with a light touch. First of all, slowly slide your tongue into your partner's mouth. You can start by placing your tongue above or under your partner's tongue, or even moving it around, if you dare. Just make sure your partner's tongue reciprocates your tongue movement so you don't kiss a stiff tongue, or the romance between the two of you will disappear very quickly. Here are a few things to keep in mind when trying French Kiss:
- Keep it fun. Lightly "touch" your partner's tongue and pull your tongue back, allowing him to take the initiative to make the next move.
- The tongue is full of nerve endings, and the mere act of touching your partner's tongue with yours can be very pleasurable.
- Don't stick your tongue too deep - sticking your tongue down your partner's throat can take away the arousal. Stick to shallow, light kisses at first.

Step 4. Breathe
If you kiss for a long time, you will easily forget to take a breath. Believe it or not, panting and blue skin is certainly not very romantic. Below are some ways to avoid this:
- Inhale slightly through your nose as you kiss.
- Feel free to rest. If you do it right, you can still make this moment intimate and sexy. Step back a little so your foreheads are still touching, make eye contact, and smile.
- Once you and your partner are comfortable with your kiss, you can try breathing a little through your mouth: sharing your breath can be romantic too (but not everyone likes it).
Method 3 of 3: Advanced Techniques

Step 1. Combine with various variations
A kiss is like a snowflake: nothing is exactly the same. Once you're comfortable French kissing someone, it can be tempting to try to do the same thing every time, but resist the urge. You should be able to incorporate a certain variation from time to time into a kissing rhythm that is comfortable and enjoyable. Here are some variations you can do:
- Speed: Changing the speed of the kiss is a good way to try something different without potentially intimidating your partner. Once you've mastered the slow kiss, try doing a slightly faster kiss for a few seconds - it will leave you both a little out of breath!
- Depth: Once you're comfortable with someone, try going a little deeper. The key to doing this is to control the speed. Or, if you want something a little more seductive and playful, go back to shallow kissing.
- Pressure: Like a deep kiss, a strong kiss must be prepared for situations where you already know that you and your partner are comfortable. Move your tongue with a little force, but make sure your tongue is still moving.
- Teeth: You may want to try rubbing your partner's front or back teeth with your tongue. This can create a tingling feeling that can enhance your kiss. You can also try biting your partner's lower lip lightly with your teeth. However, you should know that not everyone likes to kiss with teeth - be prepared to pull your face.

Step 2. Use your hands
While you should keep your hands polite, especially during the first kiss, you shouldn't always hang your hands at your sides. Using your hands and touching your partner's body (maintaining your own modesty) can enhance the romantic feeling of the kiss and make you and your partner feel more connected. After you touch your partner's body, you can move your hand around his body from time to time without disturbing him. Here are things you need to pay attention to when using your hands during:
- As a general rule, start by placing your hands on your partner's hips and then slowly move your hands down his back or over his face and hair.
- Another exciting way for a first kiss is to gently caress your partner's shoulder. This shows that you are comfortable with him.
- Caress your partner's face with your hands on his cheeks and neck.
- Or, do an old-fashioned position: wrap your arms around your partner's body in an embrace.

Step 3. Read your partner's body language
Everyone has a slightly different way of kissing, and everyone enjoys different things in kissing - there's no "right" way to kiss. A good kiss requires a give and take, so read your partner's body language and watch for signs that tell you that you're actually doing something he likes.
- Not everyone likes to be kissed the same way, so while your ex might like one method of kissing, your new partner might not like it. You have to learn to read the signals and adapt to a style that is comfortable for both of you.
- If your partner is tugging at him or seems uncomfortable all the time, understand that you need to slow down the kiss.
- Let your partner kiss you back, and move with him as long as you feel comfortable with what he's doing.
- Listen for signs that tell you how much your partner enjoys a certain maneuver. If you hear a sigh or moan, or he starts kissing you back with increasing intensity, you're on the right track.

Step 4. Practice
A good French kiss, like any good kiss, takes practice. You will get better if you do it more often. Plus, the more practice you do with one person, the more comfortable you'll feel when you kiss him and you can develop a style that works for both of you. Just because you might not get a passionate first kiss doesn't mean your love relationship with your partner won't work out, just be patient and keep kissing slowly and gently until you find the rhythm that's right for you.
- Don't take it too seriously. If you try something and fail, it's okay to laugh, to apologize casually. If you seem depressed after a disappointing kiss, you'll only make it worse for your partner, and you don't have to.
- Most of the first kiss, just like the first time making love, is not something to be proud of. Part of the fun is getting better at it -- together.

Step 5. Communicate
If you really like the way your partner kisses you, tell him. If you don't like something, tell your partner that too, but approach it with caution and at the same time give him credit for something he has done and you like. If your partner is honest and open with you, try not to overreact or feel hurt, or this will make them hesitant to communicate with you in the future.
- Even if your kiss doesn't go well, you can still make it a more intimate event if you can both laugh it off together! Make sure when you do the kiss you can have fun with what you are doing.
- You should also be able to communicate by telling your partner how attractive he looks and how much you like him. Show that you are happy with him, and the French Kiss will start more naturally.
- There are no rules about how long you should kiss. If you feel uncomfortable at any time, stop kissing; or, just enjoy the kiss until one or both of you slowly pull away, usually at the same time. Some people find it very romantic if you lightly suck on your partner's upper or lower lip as you tug on your body. You'll probably find yourself kissing again, once you've both caught your breath.
- Be an active partner. If someone French kisses you and you really want that person to do it, don't just sit still, but kiss them actively again. Respond to the movement, and replace the lead by moving your tongue and lips. If you feel uncomfortable with any part of the kiss, feel free to pull away or gently close your lips. This will signal your partner.
- Excessive saliva can form when you French kiss, and this can interfere with your romantic moment. So, periodically swallow your saliva without having to stop the kiss. If you find it difficult to do so, feel free to take a break for a moment. Give a smile when you pull away so your partner is sure that you just want to rest for a moment, not reject your partner's affection.
- If you feel uncomfortable or don't want to reciprocate the movements your partner is making, pull yourself up and tell your partner that you want to stop. You have to be firm. It's okay to say no.
- Understand that French kissing can transmit infectious diseases such as herpes and infectious mononucleosis (also known as mono).
- You can still French kiss even if one or both of you wear braces, just be careful not to touch your braces. Also avoid touching the braces with your tongue (because your tongue could be injured accidentally). Also read the article How to Kiss If Using Braces.