As technology develops in the digital era, more and more companies are realizing the need to recruit employees who work from home. In addition to saving costs because there is no need to provide a work area, employees can work comfortably in their respective homes! If you're interested in this opportunity, find out how to land the job and complete the assignment as best you can. Working from home can be a luxury in itself, but it can be very challenging if you are not disciplined. Therefore, keep the work area tidy, apply a consistent daily schedule, and demonstrate work professionalism. No matter how busy you are, make sure you keep your physical and mental health in order to work well.
Method 1 of 4: Keeping the Work Area Tidy

Step 1. Prepare a work area in the house
When working from home, make sure there are clear boundaries between work and routines at home. For that, prepare a certain area that is used only for work, for example a table in the sitting room or one side of the kitchen table.
- Find a quiet, bright, and comfortable place to work. Prepare a table to put the equipment needed when working.
- Don't work in places where you can relax or sleep, such as sofas or beds, so you don't fall asleep!
- If possible, set up a dedicated space for work. Tell the people who live with you that you don't want to be disturbed at work, unless it's absolutely essential.

Step 2. Tidy up the work area
Move things you don't need while working. You can put souvenirs and family photos in the work area, but anything else that isn't in use should be moved to another room or at least placed some distance from your desk. Set up a distraction-free work area. Every time you finish work, fix your desk and workspace so that all equipment related to work is arranged or stored neatly. That way, you don't have to look at the clutter when you start work in the morning.
If your work area is often messy or messy, take 15 minutes of cleaning every day

Step 3. Place work equipment in an easily accessible place
Prepare "office" equipment in the work area, such as a printing press, computer, HVS paper, and required documents by placing them in a place that is easy to reach or find when you want to use them.
- If you frequently leave your seat to find stationary (such as scissors or a pen), place it in your work area. Get into the habit of putting work equipment in a certain place so that it is easy to find.
- Also prepare the things you need while working, such as a power panel, electronic device charger, HVS paper, stationery, drinking water, and snacks.

Step 4. Create a daily schedule and then stick to it consistently
While you are free to determine your working hours, the success of working from home is influenced by the consistency of your schedule. Decide how long you want to work each day and then use it only for work.
- Determine the most effective working hours for you. If you focus more on work in the morning, start working early so you are still energized when completing tasks that must be prioritized.
- To maintain a balance between work and personal life, schedule time to do other daily routines, such as tidying the house, cooking, and hanging out with family members or friends.
Interruptions are hard to avoid when working from home, especially if you live with your family. Allocate time in your daily schedule to deal with interruptions at work, such as setting aside 20 minutes to prepare an afternoon snack when your child comes home from school and enjoy chatting with them.

Step 5. Set aside 30 minutes to create a daily to-do list
Before work, write down the tasks that must be completed a full day. When creating the list, list the tasks that should be prioritized or most difficult on the first line. Each time a task is completed, put a tick or star on the list to mark the completed task to keep you motivated.
- For example, write the tasks that take up the most time on the first line, such as drafting an article, while the task of ordering stationary may be listed at the bottom.
- Determine the time span to complete each task so that the work is completed by the deadline.
- Break down time-consuming tasks into short activities. For example, instead of listing "Write a blog article" in your to-do list, break it down to, "Searching for supporting information", "Write an article outline", "Write draft article", and "Edit article manuscript".

Step 6. Perform routine activities other than work
You need to schedule a daily routine when creating a daily to-do list. Set up a work schedule that best suits your daily life and allocate time for breakfast, lunch, rest, and other activities that keep you energized so you can work well (eg drinking a cup of coffee every morning or taking a 15-minute break while reading your favorite blog every morning). afternoon).
For example, set aside 30 minutes each morning to eat breakfast and have a cup of coffee and then use the next 30 minutes to create a to-do list. Running a morning routine consistently keeps you energized and focused on work

Step 7. Avoid social media and other distractions
Work productivity is very constrained if there is a diversion in the house. While working, keep your phone away and don't waste time on Facebook or YouTube to stay productive. Make sure there are no other distractions in the work area, such as a TV or radio.
- Use browser apps or browser extensions on your phone or computer so you don't run out of time accessing non-work related websites and apps. For that, download the application StayFocusd and Strict Workflow.
- If you live with someone else, make it clear that you don't want to be disturbed at work. Remind your friends not to call or text often while you're at work.
Method 2 of 4: Showing Professionalism

Step 1. Dress like you want to go to the office
Maybe you want to work in your pajamas every day. However, you are more ready to work if you wear office clothes. Even if you're at home or don't have a video meeting planned with your boss, dress neatly to make the atmosphere more conducive to work.
- You don't need to wear a blazer or tie, although these outfits can boost morale. Instead, wear neat and clean clothes for daily activities.
- Take a shower, brush your teeth, comb your hair, and do other activities like getting ready for work.

Step 2. Be professional when interacting with colleagues and clients
Even if you are working from home, not in an office building, make sure you are working properly in an office. When communicating with superiors, coworkers, and clients or customers, display the same behavior you would in an office. Be polite, friendly, and respectful to others. Before sending emails or other written communications, avoid grammar and punctuation errors by checking drafts.
Respond to phone calls, text messages, and emails in a timely manner so bosses, coworkers, and clients understand that you're working and take your response seriously

Step 3. Interact with superiors and coworkers on a regular basis
Regular interactions and communicating with each other are important aspects of working from home. If you were hired by an employer instead of running a home business, make regular contact. Tell us about the progress of the work you are doing, ask questions if needed, and find out if there is any latest information you need to know.
- Use a variety of media and communication tools, such as email, messaging programs (such as Slack), cell phones, video calling programs Skype or Zoom.
- You don't feel lonely and isolated if you have regular interactions with others about work while working from home.

Step 4. Don't tackle after-hours work
Don't blur the line between work and rest. Therefore, avoid things related to work at night. Close work chat programs, don't check business e-mail, and set your phone so that work-related phone calls go through your voicemail. Take time to relax, spend time with family, and handle household chores.
On the other hand, don't discuss your personal life at work, such as chatting with friends or doing household chores that take up a lot of time when you should be working
Method 3 of 4: Exercising and Keeping Healthy

Step 1. Do activities outdoors for a few hours if possible
Being at home all day, whether at work or not, can trigger boredom. Make plans to travel outside of work hours, such as eating at a restaurant, watching a movie, shopping at the mall, watching sports, attending concerts, and other activities that take place outside the home.
You are free to leave the house during working hours. If you want to work differently, turn on your laptop at your favorite coffee shop or in a quiet corner of the library
If you have toddlers, working while accompanying them to play on the indoor playground can be a solution. Kids have fun playing while you experience a change of heart!

Step 2. Incorporate an exercise schedule into your daily routine
Exercise is needed to maintain physical and mental health. Sitting for long hours every day can trigger fatigue, loss of motivation, and burnout. Take care of your health by setting aside time for exercise even if it's just a 15-minute walk after lunch.
- Short exercise while going about your daily life makes you feel fresh and more energetic so that work productivity increases.
- If you're so busy that you don't have time to hit the gym or work out intensively every day, take time to walk or jog 4-5 times a week.

Step 3. Move your body while you're resting
Get out of your seat so you can move around at least once an hour, for example by doing some light stretching, walking around the room, or walking outdoors for a few minutes.
- Moving your body once in a while keeps you energized, improves blood circulation, improves mood, and increases work productivity.
- Take breaks to do household chores, such as taking out the trash or checking email.

Step 4. Take time to eat nutritious meals and snacks
Work piled up can make you forget to eat and drink. Remember that adequate nutrition is useful for maintaining health and increasing energy. Get in the habit of eating a nutritious breakfast before work and lunch while resting every day.
- Store nutritious foods and snacks in the refrigerator and kitchen cabinets so you don't get confused looking for food to fill your stomach.
- Do not forget to drink water throughout the day because dehydration makes you tired quickly and it is difficult to concentrate.
Method 4 of 4: Looking for Work from Home Opportunities

Step 1. Be on the lookout for suspicious job openings
Don't be hooked right away if you read an ad that promises, "Making thousands of dollars from a comfortable couch at home", "Want to work in your pajamas?", or "Determine how many hours you want to work at home." An offer that seems unrealistic is most likely a scam. Before submitting a job application, find out various things about the company that advertises to make sure it is correct. Deceptive job advertisements usually:
- Informing that the company does not require specific experience or skills
- Offer big salary for light duty
- Request a down payment to pay for training, certificates, or work equipment

Step 2. Look for work from home opportunities by accessing reputable job vacancies and career development websites
Today, there are many websites that offer work from home opportunities and can be found simply using the regular internet. Avoid job vacancies websites whose names are unheard of.
Find information about work from home opportunities by accessing reputable websites, such as Forbes, FlexJobs, or Glassdoor. The Better Business Bureau helps you find information that is trustworthy or hoax

Step 3. Find out different ways of working from home that suit your skills
When you think about what kind of work you can do from home, you may immediately choose to become a writer or a part-time web designer. However, these job opportunities are very diverse and varied. Take the time to look for job openings that match your knowledge, skills and experience, for example:
- Jobs that involve a lot of typing or editing can be done from home. Consider job opportunities as a medical or legal document transcriptionist. In addition, the task of compiling a schedule that is usually carried out by a private secretary or receptionist simply relies on the internet or telephone. The honors of working from home as a secretary or receptionist vary greatly according to the tasks that need to be done.
- Do you master a foreign language? Many websites that publish multilingual articles are looking for people who can speak foreign languages to edit the content of the article.
- Do you have good interpersonal skills and understand how to travel to various tourist sites? Consider working from home options as a travel agent. Many companies in the tourism sector require employees who work from home to answer phone calls and serve clients via the internet.

Step 4. Demonstrate the specific skills and tools you have for working from home
Determine the skills needed so you can work from home. Like any other job application, write a cover letter emphasizing that you have the skills listed in the ad. Then, determine what is needed so that you can perform at your best. In addition to including the ability to organize and motivate yourself, inform the facilities available at home to support work productivity, for example:
- Work area used only for work
- Telephone and internet connection
- Readiness to work with heavy loads, high targets and tight deadlines
- Ability to work well without supervision