James Bond - he is probably the most famous best spy in the whole world. Whether you're a fan of the books or have seen all of his movies, you know that this 007 is a cool guy. He gets lots of gadgets and love, has powerful friends, and drives cars like a racing champ. While much of his fictional life is a bit absurd, you can emulate James Bond's style and charisma in life. Whatever your background, being like 007 will make your life more capable of showing its charm and courage.

Step 1. Show your charm
Bond is very liked because he is full of charm. To be like that, you have to interact with people effectively by knowing what they like. You have to show interest in the other person, listen carefully, and impress that you notice them, all the while keeping an eye on their body language and behavior. A good listener is a great seducer, and a great seducer is charming.
- If your social skills are not optimal, improve those skills by learning the art of conversation. In the art of speaking, you will learn about the importance of small talk and the ability to listen actively. Also improve your ability to read body language. Learn to read between the lines and understand that what people don't say is just as important as what they say. You can learn and master all these skills if you are determined.
- Improve your sense of humor. 007 can always turn a bad situation into a funny one. A sense of humor speaks of a skill in itself, so if you haven't mastered it yet, practice speaking Bond's words and improvising yourself when you feel comfortable. The Internet is a good place to find lots of examples of your sense of humor that you can "borrow" until it becomes a natural part of you.
- Learn how to speak some standard phrases in the more popular languages. Knowing another language opens up more opportunities around the world, as well as immersing you in a culture. At the very least, make sure you can say "Hello" and "How are you?" in the world's most important languages: Mandarin, Arabic, Spanish, French, Russian and German.
- Tell interesting stories. Bond is a charismatic storyteller. Storytelling is a skill as important as conversational skills; You must take the listener to a place or situation that is filled with interest, intrigue, dynamism, and passion. Use strong verbs, descriptive language, and forget the boring details that get in the way of the story.

Step 2. Dress well
Bond rarely looks disheveled, because he takes pride in his appearance. Whether formal or casual, the clothes she wears are always of good quality, neat, and according to her size. If you can't make a well-fitting outfit for yourself, don't despair – try different types of clothing and ignore the sizing system – these sizes vary by brand, so try what feels and looks right for you. If a piece of clothing looks right on you, it will make you feel confident and comfortable. If the clothes are too loose, tight, or look old-fashioned, forget about it. You should also always take care of your body, including paying attention to the following:
- Iron your clothes before wearing. Neat clothes always give the impression that a man cares about his appearance.
- Polish your shoes. If the type of shoe is the one that must always be polished, do it regularly. Shoes that cannot be polished should be kept cleaned, tidied, and cared for.
- If you wear a tie, don't overdo it - avoid bright colors, overly or childish patterns, and unusual tie widths. Choose a tie that is simple and matches the outfit: it gives a cool, calm, and charming feel.
- If you wear accessories, such as a watch or handkerchief in a shirt pocket, make sure they are of good quality. People will immediately notice these two things because they are conspicuous. Make sure the impression they make on them makes you look tasteful and timeless.

Step 3. Be brave
As a spy, Bond has plenty of opportunities to be bold. You may not be a spy like him, but you certainly have the opportunity to show courage and take risks in life. Life speaks of a balance of risk and vigilance. Know when to take risks, and when to play it safe. Step out of your comfort zone every now and then and try new challenges on a regular basis so you can learn all that life has to offer.
- Speak to women with clear self-assurance and a charming way. Have you ever seen Bond worried about being rejected? Certainly not. Don't expect anything when you have a conversation. If the woman is interested, your courage will bring rewards. Otherwise, you just need to drink a little alcohol to cheer up the ego.
- Consider asking for a raise. 007 knows how valuable he is. Do you like Bond? If you've been working for more than a year without getting a raise, try talking to your boss. Understand what you are going to do before trying to negotiate a raise; You may not get what you want. But if you never try, you'll never know, right, Mr Bond?
- Do dangerous things (in a safe way). Have you ever skydived or bungee jumping? How about car racing? Take all of this into account by enlisting the help of an experienced professional. For example, Bond is used to quickly dodging obstacles when things get tough. Try imitating it.

Step 4. Maintain an uncomplicated mindset
Bond is never complicated. Whether at work, in a relationship, or in life in general, he tries to get things done in a fairly simple way – without being overly simplistic. If you don't want to be in a long-term relationship, be open about your thoughts from the start - don't leave other people hanging because your relationship will only get more complicated if you're not clear. When it comes to work life, avoid office politics as much as possible as this will only create chaos and distract you from what's really important.
- Look classy while remaining uncomplicated. Choose the best and ignore the rest - you don't have to buy discount desks or items from cheap stores. It's better to fill your wardrobe with a coat than to fill it with sale clothes. A bottle of French champagne is also much better than a dozen sparkling wines from the discount drink section of the supermarket.
- Familiarize yourself with the best brands. You don't have to have a lot of money to be able to experience a luxurious lifestyle. Treat yourself once in a while to try all the best things in life. Save money so you can buy a Johnny Walker Blue Label or wear a Patek Philippe watch.
- If you can afford expensive cars and devices, go for the less complicated ones. A beautiful car is enough - if you fill a garage with luxury cars, this means you just want to show off and pass the time. It's the same with gadgets - how many gadgets can you play in a day? Be reasonable.

Step 5. Go on vacations to beautiful places
You may not be able to fly to Monte Carlo or stay in Rio during carnival times, but you can visit the nearby scenic spots. Choose locations with beautiful nature, such as beaches, local forests, or mountains; take time to relax in nature with your loved ones. Whether you're camping or staying in a five-star inn, you can take advantage of the beauty of the world by appreciating it and using it as a backdrop for your vacation, just as Bond usually does.

Step 6. Learn self-defense
Martial arts is the art of abandoning the fight as much as possible and only fighting when you have to. When a dangerous situation does occur, good defensive skills will enable you to knock out your opponent, not only through strength, but also by using anticipation and focus. Martial arts are highly recommended as you will learn how to read people, stay alert, avoid combat, and fight effectively when necessary. Martial arts also help increase self-confidence and maintain flexibility in body and mind.
- Keep fit. Your main defenses are fitness, the ability to move swiftly, run fast, or react quickly, etc. Bond is always in shape because he works out and trains every day. This is a good habit that you can also practice in life.
- Increase intelligence on the streets. Be more aware of your surroundings - look around and think so you can see things that other people don't. Make sure you're always thinking a few steps ahead of others around you, asking yourself questions like "When this happens, I'll…" to yourself. Look for unusual things and be aware of their meaning. Again, paying attention to people and the world around you is a skill you can hone.
- Swim. Bond is an excellent swimmer, both in terms of distance and diving. Swimming is a total body fitness exercise. Besides, who knows if you'll need to swim for a long time to escape from the enemy?

Step 7. Treat women with respect
Bond knows that women are his balance partner and they are capable of defending themselves in everything. Treat women with respect wherever you go; this mantra is useful both for developing solid and loyal relationships, but also for maintaining healthy self-esteem. A man with a healthy sense of self-worth doesn't need a woman to make him feel better.
Be a real man at all times. Open the door for a woman when she is near you. Avoid cursing and being rude. Be warm and open towards her mother - you won't regret any of these things

Step 8. Keep up with the times
Bond frequently updates himself by keeping up with all the latest developments. He doesn't feel threatened by change, but he welcomes it openly. The world is not a troublesome place if you are ready to welcome the changes in your life and try to do new things for yourself.
- Read the newspaper every day. Look for international newspapers so you can learn about the latest developments around the world. Prioritize politics and world news over hobbies and lifestyle.
- Get to know new people in power. These people will not only benefit careers and lives, but they can share certain information that does not appear in newspapers and other news sources. And while you probably won't need classified information about the government, these stories can still be a source of interesting gossip.

Step 9. Practice good taste in food and drink
Bond loves quality food - fast food is not his lifestyle. Healthy and free-processed foods are a good source of energy, brain power, and youth. When it comes to drinking, be an alcoholic, not an addict. Bond likes to drink alcohol occasionally (especially the James Bond-style Vesper Martini). However, he never consumed it in excess. Staying alert and healthy requires him to limit alcohol consumption.
- Drink cocktails that suit your taste. You don't have to drink martinis as if they were off limits, but find out what you like and what drinks will suit you. This way, you can make special requests to the bartender and start preparing plans for your villains or enemies, just like Bond.
- If you don't know how to cook, start learning. Cooking is another skill that is easy to learn as long as you are committed. Cooking frees you from having to rely on others to produce your own meals. Plus, cooking keeps you healthy and able to eat wherever you are.
- Eat with proper etiquette. Know how to hold cutlery, chopsticks, etc. and how to deal with slippery foods to keep your mealtimes from falling apart. Chew food with your mouth closed and avoid eating while making noise. Don't put your elbows on the table.
- Be friendly. Make sure you're always ready to de-escalate and run events to entertain friends. Whether you're rich or not, always make time to share food and chat with friends.

Step 10. Prepare a backup plan
Bond always has a backup plan, whether it's on his spy missions, confrontations with bosses, or when he's on a date. You don't have to voice your change intentions––Bond doesn't. He just does what it takes to get out of a bad situation and turn it back into a good one. Also, use common sense in everything you do, just like Bond.

Step 11. Increase your memory power
Good memories make the world feel simple, as Bond has proven. Sharp memory enables you to remember all the small details about people, conversations and intimate experiences you have had. Knowledge is power and memory is a way to maintain that knowledge and power. A good memory is something that Bond values, because in this way, he is able to speak multiple languages, mark the people he meets again in his life, and is able to solve difficult puzzles.
- Play memory games whenever possible. Use the mnemonic system to help strengthen your memory: limericks, acrostices, and acronyms are all useful ways to make you a memory expert.
- Make sure you get enough sleep, eat healthily, and are low in stress. Sleep helps improve memory, as do some foods that contain omega 3s and antioxidants. Stress destroys brain cells and negatively affects the hippocampus. The hippocampus is an area of the brain involved in forming and remembering memories. Sleep well if you can; eat oily salmon fillet with spinach; and don't think too much about the Russian oligarchs' attempts to upset the balance of power in the world.

Step 12. Appreciate what is important in life
While Bond may seem reckless and self-absorbed in love, he is actually capable of developing love (as Vesper Lynd proves). Appreciate the people you love and care about. Realize that these people are the ones who make life what it is - all the fast cars, cool gadgets and modern lifestyles can't replace the love and friendship of those who trust and will always be there for you.
- If you want to "look" and move like Bond, watch some of his films. Of course, you have to choose the Bond you like the most out of all the actors who played him. Choose the one that best suits you.
- Consider learning to play poker or other casino games. However, just like Bond, you have to know when you need to quit and stay in control of your finances. Ordinary gambling is generally uncontrolled.
- Read the Bond books to learn as much of its history as you can. In these books, there may be hidden style clues in Bond. Adapt instead of turning yourself into a Bond caricature.
- Learn some code. This way, you can have a conversation with someone you trust without being overheard by others.
- If espionage really grabs your attention and you're still quite young, consider joining a spy agency in your country. However, before doing so, make sure you read a lot about the agency and its work. Oftentimes, this task is not as glamorous as the Bond films portray. You may have to sit behind a desk analyzing country reports when you actually dream of traveling the world and stabbing other spies with poisoned umbrellas. Be realistic about the job, including understanding the dangers you may encounter if you go out into the field.
- If you're under the legal age to drink alcohol, make mocktails instead of cocktails. If you're tempted, remember that alcohol is a disinhibitor, which means it takes over control and shows an overly risk-taking side. He will make you lose your logic maybe even poison you with an overdose. Bond certainly wouldn't be this reckless and neither would you; In addition, too much alcohol makes you old quickly and causes bad breath.
- Make sure you are always ready, make plans early, and are able to take advantage of the surrounding environment for your own benefit.
- If someone asks a question, answer him or her with a question as well.
- Love is not a toy. Show your desire not to commit from the outside.
- Smoking is no longer a sign of coolness in this day and age. Quit smoking, and avoid it if you haven't already.