7 Ways to Make Your Own Root Hormone Powder or Tonic

7 Ways to Make Your Own Root Hormone Powder or Tonic
7 Ways to Make Your Own Root Hormone Powder or Tonic

Table of contents:


Natural root hormone powders, compounds, or tonics can be made in a variety of ways. These methods can save you money or they can be your preferred approach to farming, depending on your taste in gardening (such as organic gardening). This article will provide various suggestions for making your own root hormone in powder, compound, or tonic form.


Method 1 of 7: Understanding the Basics

Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 1
Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 1

Step 1. Cut the stems of the plant at the right time so that the plant grows well

There are four types of stems based on the stage of plant growth: herbaceous, softwood, semihardwood, and hardwood. You will need to know what stage the plant is in to determine whether the stem cuttings will take root or not. So you have to know when is the best month to tune it. Do some research on the plant to find the best cutting time. If you cut at the right growth stage, the roots have a greater chance of growing, especially if you add root hormones and use the right growing media.

Note that ornamental woody plants, herbs, and some flower species tend to take root more easily than tree cuttings

Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 2
Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 2

Step 2. Stick to the adage “less is better”

Root hormone is great, but don't overdo it. Whatever root hormone you use, whether commercial or homemade, use only a small amount. Using too much hormone can cause problems, such as burning stem cuttings, stunted growth, creating a growing medium for fungi and bacteria, and even inhibiting root growth in one way or another.

Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 3
Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 3

Step 3. Prepare a separate container each time you want to use root hormone

To prevent transfer of disease that may be contagious to subsequent stem cuttings, do not dip all the stems in one large container of root hormone. Always pour root hormone into several small containers for each stem, then discard after use. Or, make enough hormones for the setting of the day.

Method 2 of 7: Using Cinnamon as a Root Hormone Powder

Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 4
Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 4

Step 1. Use cinnamon

Cinnamon can prevent mold growth. Although cinnamon is less likely to stimulate root growth, the fact that it inhibits fungal growth will allow the plant to have a greater chance of growing without the need for additional assistance.

Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 5
Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 5

Step 2. Dip or roll the stem cuttings in ground cinnamon

  • For dipping: pour the cinnamon into a glass and dip the tip of the stem cutting into it.
  • If rolling: pour cinnamon on a plate or paper towel. Roll the ends and sides of the stem cuttings over them.
Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 6
Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 6

Step 3. Plant stem cuttings as usual in a suitable growing medium of choice (see description below for help)

Monitor the growth of cuttings into healthy small plants.

Method 3 of 7: Using Apple Cider Vinegar as a Root Hormone Tonic

Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 7
Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 7

Step 1. Use apple cider vinegar as a root hormone tonic

However, don't overuse it as vinegar is acidic and can kill stem cuttings.

Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 8
Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 8

Step 2. Make a root hormone solution from apple cider vinegar

The steps are as follows:

Pour one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into 6 cups of water. Vinegar must be diluted to be safe. Mix well

Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 9
Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 9

Step 3. Use

Dip the stems of the plant in the vinegar solution. Plant stem cuttings as usual in a suitable growing medium of choice (see description below for help).

Method 4 of 7: Using Willow As A Root Hormone Tonic

Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 10
Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 10

Step 1. Find a good willow tree branch

Willow branches should be small, equal to or smaller than a pencil. Young branches contain more indolebutyric acid, a hormone that stimulates root growth. You will need 2 glasses of small branches.

  • Alternatively, use bark from an older willow tree. You will need 3 cups of bark because the hormone content in older trees is much less. You can use bark from the trunk or from tree branches.
  • Do not use branches that have fallen to the ground because they are dead and their hormones are no longer active.
Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 11
Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 11

Step 2. Cut the branches or bark into smaller sizes

If you are using a willow branch, cut it into 7.5 to 15 cm long strips. If you are using bark, cut it into 5 to 10 cm pieces.

Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 12
Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 12

Step 3. Choose a pot or container large enough to hold the willow pieces and 4 liters of water

Add willow pieces.

Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 13
Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 13

Step 4. Bring 4 liters of water to a boil in a separate saucepan

Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 14
Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 14

Step 5. Pour boiling water over the willow pieces in a saucepan or other container

Set aside to brew. Leave it for at least 12 hours, or preferably 24 hours.

Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 15
Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 15

Step 6. Strain the willow mixture into a clean glass jar

Remove all willow pieces. Put the bottle cap, label and date of manufacture on the bottle. Root hormone tonic is ready to use. Tonic lasts up to two months if stored in the refrigerator.

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Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 16

Step 7. Use a tonic

To use it, pour the tonic into a small container that will hold the stem cuttings steady. Place the cuttings in a container with the cuttings root in the solution. Leave it for a few hours for the tonic to work. After that, the stem cuttings are ready for planting in a suitable medium (see description below for help).

Method 5 of 7: Using Honey as a Root Sanitizing Tonic

Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 17
Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 17

Step 1. Use honey

Some planters claim that honey contains enzymes that can stimulate plant root growth. However, honey's greatest use is as a sanitizing agent that will clean the stems so that plants can begin healthy growth and grow roots without the aid of other substances. Honey contains antibacterial as well as antifungal ingredients.

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Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 18

Step 2. Dip the base of the cut stem in honey

Stick to the adage “less is better”. Do not let too much honey because the sugar content in honey can have a counterproductive effect

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Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 19

Step 3. Plant cuttings according to the needs of the plant concerned

Plant stem cuttings as usual in a suitable growing medium of choice (see description below for help).

Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 20
Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 20

Step 4. Keep the cuttings moist by spraying water frequently to prevent the plant from drying out

The honey will help keep the stem moist while also acting as an antiseptic.

Method 6 of 7: Using Aspirin as a Root Hormone Tonic

Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 21
Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 21

Step 1. Purchase uncoated aspirin tablets or capsules

Do not use the type of aspirin coated with plastic because plants do not need these foreign chemicals.

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Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 22

Step 2. Put the tablet or capsule in a glass of water

Allow the aspirin to dissolve before using it. You can stir to make it dissolve quickly, but the aspirin won't take long to dissolve on its own, even without help.

Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 23
Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 23

Step 3. Dip the stem cuttings into a glass of aspirin solution

Leave the stem there for a few hours for the aspirin solution to absorb.

Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 24
Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 24

Step 4. Plant stem cuttings as usual in a suitable growing medium of choice (see description below for help)

Aspirin can stimulate root growth as well as help cut flowers stay fresh longer.

Method 7 of 7: Selecting the Growing Media

Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 25
Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 25

Step 1. Find out a suitable growing medium for stem cuttings

Like root hormones, the medium used to plant stem cuttings has an important role in determining the success or failure of root growth. Planting media must have the following characteristics:

  • The fertility rate is low.
  • Can hold water well without getting muddy. Well drained, but retain water to prevent cuttings and roots from drying out.
  • It supports the growth of stem cuttings well, but is flexible enough to allow room for root growth.
  • Free from harmful bacteria, fungi or disease-causing organisms.
  • Free from insects and weed seeds.
Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 26
Make Homemade Hormone Rooting Powder or Tonic Step 26

Step 2. Choose a suitable planting medium for stem cuttings

Standard planting media include coarse sand, pearlite, vermiculite (but be careful this mixture may become too dense or muddy), sand or pearlite mixed with peat, etc. However, find out what medium works best for the plant you are cutting, as certain media may be better for the plant than others. For example, some types of plants do well in more acidic media, while others do well in more alkaline media.

Water is not an ideal medium for many plants, with the exception of succulents such as min, ivy, philodendron and coleus


  • Note: When breeding plants, often no root hormone is needed at all. For this reason, try growing some stem cuttings without added hormones. You will find that the plant continues to grow well even without any assistance.
  • A solution made from willow bark can also act as a growth stimulant for stem cuttings.
  • Products containing B1 cannot stimulate root growth. The hormones and fertilizers contained in it are what help the roots to grow. So save your money and ignore such marketing claims!
