Feeling insecure and uncomfortable having big breasts is a problem that is commonly experienced by women with large breasts. Some women don't want their breasts to be too big because it makes them feel uncomfortable. Therefore, there are several ways that you can do to reduce your breasts, depending on how much effort and willingness you have. To find out, read on from Step 1 below.
Method 1 of 3: Coping With Physical Appearance

Step 1. Wear a breast reduction bra or sports bra
Breast reduction bras are specially designed bras that do not contain foam. These bras can be helpful if you want your breasts to look small, especially if you want your breasts to look beautiful when you wear certain types of clothing. Similar to breast reduction bras, sports bras can also flatten your chest. This bra initially functions so that the breasts do not move when doing sports, so you avoid the risk of pain. If you don't want your breasts to hurt during movement (including for other reasons), a sports bra is the solution.

Step 2. Try wearing a corset or special underwear to flatten your chest (chest binder)
You may have heard of the "Spanx" brand or other corsets. This product is an underwear product that compresses all forms of bulge on the body, so it is not visible from your outerwear. You can buy them and use them to cover certain parts of your body, including your chest or breasts. The products of these brands are available on the internet, but sometimes you will find corsets and other chest binders, which work the same as these brands.

Step 3. Hide your breasts by using a stagen
If the methods above don't work, you can use this method as a last resort. This method will work for those of you who have bust sizes C to DD (by US size standards), but you can still use it even if your chest size is not in that range. However, keep in mind that this method will be uncomfortable, although it's worth a try if you want your body to look right according to the clothes you want to wear.

Step 4. Be careful when choosing the type of corset or stagen you will use
You can buy a good quality and safe corset or stagen online. Make sure that the corset and stagen are completely safe and will not injure you. Only use a corset that is specifically designed, and not a bandage or other similar product. Bandages will only create pressure and can cause difficulty breathing, bruising, broken ribs, or other problems if used for a long time.

Step 5. Wear appropriate bra and clothing
Wearing loose-fitting clothes will only make you look bigger, which can cause problems. Wear clothes that are not tight, but fit your body and that cover the chest so that it looks beautiful without causing too much attention. Of course, also wear a bra that fits your size. By wearing a bra that fits your size, you will feel different things on your breasts.

Step 6. Avoid clothes that can make your breasts stand out
Do not wear sweaters or tops with cowl-neck models, turtle necks, tops with wrinkles or pleats on the chest, tops with ruffled accents on the front, or other clothing models that add volume to your chest. These clothes only make your breasts look bigger. Therefore, wear a top with a minimal model on the chest.

Step 7. Wear a dark top and light bottom
This way you will accentuate your lower body more, so that other people's eyes will not be on your chest or breasts. For example, wear a black t-shirt that fits your body and a turquoise skirt. Or alternatively, wear a navy blue blouse and pair it with white trousers.

Step 8. Accentuate your hips
If you want your body to look balanced and don't want to accentuate your bust, just highlight your hips. Wear long pants with horizontal stripes or wide skirts to create the illusion that your hips will appear more voluminous. In addition, also wear a plain top that is sized to fit your body. This method will make your breasts look smaller.
Method 2 of 3: Using Natural Ways

Step 1. Stop things that can make your breasts bigger
You should start this effort by stopping things that can naturally increase the size of your breasts. Usually the natural cause for breast enlargement is birth control pills, which can increase breast size by two notches (for example, size A to size C)! You should consult with your doctor about alternative contraceptives that do not contain hormones.
- A good alternative to the contraceptive pill is the IUD.
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding are two factors that cause your breasts to enlarge, but you should not stop pregnancy and breastfeeding because you want your breasts not to grow, because these two factors are natural and temporary.

Step 2. Reduce calorie intake
Calories act as fuel in our bodies, so to burn fat (where fat is the main contributor to breast shape) you must reduce calorie intake. This doesn't mean you have to be calorie deficient, but you just need to balance your activity level with the number of calories you need. Reducing the amount of food you eat and increasing your activity will help reduce your weight.
- Use an online calculator to manage your diet.
- The calorie reduction is only temporary. Once you reach your desired weight, balance your calorie intake with your activity level.

Step 3. Have a healthy diet
Eat healthy foods that can convert calories into useful elements for your body! By reducing unhealthy foods and increasing your intake of foods that are high in nutritional value, you will feel fuller even though you eat less food, thus reducing the number of calories you consume each day.
- Add healthy foods to your diet. Eat healthy foods such as cabbage, spinach, broccoli, whole grains, whole grain oatmeal, potatoes, beans, edamame, white peas, fish, eggs, cream cheese, and other healthy foods. Don't add fruit because it can add sugar to your diet, but add a serving of vegetables and beans because the vegetables and beans mentioned above contain all of the same essential nutrients that fruit (even in higher amounts) big).
- Eliminate unhealthy foods in your diet. Eliminate unhealthy elements such as trans and saturated fats, excess salt, and sugar. All these elements are very instrumental in increasing body weight and forming fat. These elements can be found in foods and beverages such as soda, coffee from cafes, bacon, pork skin, chips, butter, ice cream, and other foods.

Step 4. Eat better portions of food
Most people eat large amounts of food in one meal. The portion served in restaurants is too much. Try to eat smaller plates rather than regular plates, then increase your portions if you're still hungry 15 minutes after you've finished your first serving. Eat half of the first serving on the "second" portion.
Another good way to control your portions is to eat small portions but with frequent intensity. This method can also make you feel full throughout the day

Step 5. Activate yourself throughout the day
There are many ways to keep you active throughout the day. Do activities that won't take up much of your normal time.
- The easiest way is to walk often. Don't use the elevator, but use the stairs, and park your vehicle further away so that your step count increases.
- Also, instead of a chair, use a standing desk or table with a treadmill, or use an exercise ball to sit on. With those changes, you'll be doing sports!

Step 6. Exercise efficiently
Most people think that push ups and pull ups are the most efficient exercises, but there are actually many more efficient exercises that you can do on a daily basis. Examples are squats, planks, and burpees, or other types of exercise you can learn about on wikiHow in the exercise and fitness category. Try to choose one or two exercise activities and do them for 15 to 30 minutes each day.
Squats and planks are the two main types of exercise. If you do both, it would be great if you also compensate by walking more often. Try to walk for 30 minutes every day plus climbing stairs and walking in nature

Step 7. Stay motivated
To get the desired results, it takes commitment and endurance in doing sports. You have to change your lifestyle if you want to really maintain your weight. That's why you have to stay passionate about doing it. To stay energized and motivated, do some exercise with a friend, coach, or someone who can motivate you.
Listening to music can also make exercise more enjoyable. You can also listen to audio book applications or podcasts
Method 3 of 3: Performing Surgery

Step 1. Talk to your doctor
Make sure that you discuss with your doctor before thinking about breast reduction surgery and before seeing a plastic surgeon (who may just want to use you for money). Sometimes, there are several factors that can affect your breast size, such as health factors that can harm surgery, and some solutions other than surgery are easier and less dangerous.
- Surgery is not recommended for young patients. Just be patient, because your body shape can still change.
- Surgery shouldn't be done just for cosmetic reasons or just to fit your body into the clothes you like. Remember that surgery is a dangerous procedure and think that your life is more important than the clothes you wear.

Step 2. Do your research
Find information about plastic surgery places that have the best facilities in your area. If you don't have a reputable plastic surgeon in your area, keep looking in another area or country with a good plastic surgery reputation. Once again, plastic surgery is a risky procedure, so look for a plastic surgery place with the best treatment.

Step 3. Consult
Consult your needs with several different plastic surgeons. By consulting several different surgeons, you will get many different views on how to reduce your breasts, so you can get the best results. In addition, you can also choose the price offered and other considerations. Do not choose a surgeon who seems unconvincing and offers a very low price. An inexperienced surgeon will only make your breasts look bad or even have serious problems.

Step 4. Know the risks
There are many risks that can occur if you perform breast reduction surgery, and some of them are also the same risks that arise with other surgeries: the most basic risk is when using anesthesia, which can cause a bad reaction in the patient to the drug that can result in death. You may also develop an infection or blood clot. Here are some other risks:
- Scars and even keloids
- Weird or unequal nipple shape
- Losing the ability to breastfeed, making it very difficult if you are planning to have children.

Step 5. The results of the operation are permanent
Breast reduction surgery cannot be repeated. It will be a problem if the surgical procedure is not carried out/done correctly, but keep in mind that what is a fashion trend today or what you like today may not necessarily be a trend in the future. Love your body shape, and if you have surgery on your breasts, know that you won't be able to get your original shape back.

Step 6. Make sure that you have enough money to perform the operation
In some countries, breast reduction surgery is not a serious operation so the cost of this type of surgery is not covered by health insurance. This operation can be very expensive. Set your priorities to ensure that this surgery is the right move for you, and remember that spending money on education will pay off much more in the long run.

Step 7. Perform the operation
Once you are absolutely sure that surgery is the right choice, perform the operation with the surgeon you have carefully selected. Usually the surgery is done in a hospital or plastic surgery center, involves general anesthesia, and takes a long time to do. In most cases, you will be allowed to go home the same day after your surgery, and so ask someone to pick you up.

Step 8. Perform the necessary care after surgery
You must really have high courage both during the operation and during the process after surgery. During this process, a tube will be placed in your chest to drain fluids and blood. In addition there will be stitches and bandages on your chest. During this process, you must be completely clean and not move much so that your body recovers quickly and to prevent infection. This process may be a bit painful and your body will be bruised and bruised. The stitches in your chest will usually be removed after 1-2 weeks.