Breasts grow naturally during puberty and can change throughout the course of your life. Breasts usually begin to grow when you are between the ages of 8 and 13, but can continue to grow into your early twenties. Although breast size is largely determined by DNA, several other factors, such as weight, muscle mass, and age, can affect how it looks. While the best solution is to wait and give your breasts time to grow, you can also try different ways to increase their size naturally, including eating certain foods and doing certain exercises.
Method 1 of 3: Eat and Drink

Step 1. Eat healthy fats
Breasts are made of adipose fat tissue, so they don't appear until you have body fat. Monounsaturated fat is the best choice for increasing breast size. Healthy fats include olive oil, nuts, cheese, avocado, yogurt, and granola (a snack made from nuts, oats, dried fruit and honey).
- Women who have less than 17 percent body fat may stop ovulating and menstruating. If you have gone through puberty, but your periods are irregular, then increasing body fat in a healthy way will help you to grow your breasts and get your periods and ovulation back to normal.
- Avoid other unhealthy fats, such as trans fats and saturated fats. This fat will usually accumulate in body parts that women want to avoid so as not to get fat, such as thighs, hips, and stomach. This type of fat can also cause other health problems, including high cholesterol.
- Refrain from consuming processed foods, sugar, and soda, which can cause weight gain but will obviously lead to other unhealthy conditions.

Step 2. Eat estrogen-rich foods
Estrogen is a strong female sex hormone, which at the right levels can help breast growth. Good sources of natural estrogen include pumpkin, garlic, kidney beans, lima beans, peas, eggplant, flax seeds, and squash.
Increase consumption of soy products. Soy products are high in isoflavones, which can help the body increase estrogen levels and promote breast growth. Soy is also rich in protein and can help build and repair damaged tissue in the body. Try soy milk, soy butter, etc., to see the results

Step 3. Avoid foods that are high in testosterone
Testosterone is a hormone similar to estrogen but for men it decreases breast growth. Avoid foods that contain lots of carbohydrates such as chips, crackers, white rice and baked goods to minimize the production of testosterone in your body.

Step 4. Eat protein
Protein is one of the best ways to make your breasts grow bigger. Try to eat more milk, eggs, peanut butter, lean fish and chicken and nuts. Under no circumstances should you eat a balanced diet whether you are trying to enlarge your breasts or not.
If you eat more protein, your curves will be softer and more shapeable

Step 5. Eat more fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables help regulate testosterone levels in the body, while the anthocyanins and antioxidants in them help build healthy tissues and protect the body against free radical damage. Make sure you eat at least four servings of fruits and vegetables a day.
- Berries, such as blueberries, are good choices because they are high in antioxidants.
- Dates, cherries, apples and prunes should be included in your diet as they have more estrogen than other foods.

Step 6. Drink a mixture of papaya juice and milk every day
Research shows that one of the best ways to increase breast growth is to drink a mixture of papaya juice and milk. The nutrients and vitamins present in these two ingredients help to enlarge breasts as long as you drink this mixture regularly.
Or you can also consume fresh papaya instead of juice
Method 2 of 3: Exercise

Step 1. Do yoga or pilates
This exercise program strengthens the midsection and in turn requires significant strength in your chest. You often use the pectoral muscles, which are the chest muscles under the breasts. When these muscles are strengthened, through body poses such as chaturanga in classical yoga, the size and shape of the breasts will increase.

Step 2. Do a chest press
Hold a weight of 2.2 kg in each hand. Place them next to the exercise mat when you lie on your back facing up. You can also use a weight bench for this exercise.
- Bend your knees and contract your abdominal muscles deeply.
- Hold a weight in each hand. Raise your hands just above your shoulders. Your palms should be facing each other when they are in the air.
- Slowly lower your arms until your elbows touch the floor next to your waist.
- Pause and lift the weight slowly. Repeat 12 times. Do 3 sets of 12 reps resting for 30 seconds between each set.
- Change the position of your hands so that your palms are facing your feet and repeat the exercise. You can also use a 4.5 kg weight for this version of the exercise.

Step 3. Perform chest contractions (chest contraction)
Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Hold each end of the towel with your hands. Hold your arms straight in front of your body. Contract your abdominal muscles and try to pull the towel in the opposite direction with each hand. Act as if you are playing tug of war. Hold the contraction for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Repeat 3 times.
Increase the amount of time you contract your muscles every few days

Step 4. Do a chest fly
Look for a weight bench that you can adjust to an incline. You can also use an incline chair, as long as the chair is strong enough to support you. Take a weight of 2.2 kg. Lie down on the incline bench.
- With a weight in each hand, extend your arms out to the sides in line with your shoulders. Your palms should be facing your lower body, not facing each other.
- Lift the weight until it almost touches your chest. Pause and lower the weight slowly to the starting position.
- Do 3 sets of 12 reps.

Step 5. Do a chair lift
This will tone and strengthen your arms, chest and shoulders as well as increase the size and appearance of your breasts.
- Lean back into a stable chair. Squat with your feet slightly in front of your knees and bring your arms back to grip the armrests.
- Lower your body slowly but don't let your elbows bend more than 90 degrees. Then lift your body back up.
- Repeat 10 times, then rest, and do two more sets of 10 reps.

Step 6. Do push ups
Push ups will help strengthen your pectoral muscles, the muscles under your breasts, which in turn will make your breasts firmer. Push ups are also a good exercise for overall physical fitness and strength.
- Lie on your stomach with your stomach against the mat. Place your arms directly under your shoulders.
- Press your body into a plank position. Your weight should be on your hands and feet, with your body in a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles.
- If your upper body isn't strong enough, change the push-up position so that you're using your knees to form a plank.
- Lower your body as low as you can by bending your elbows. Stop before you hit the floor.
- Lift your body back up. Do it slowly, within 2 to 3 seconds of each movement.
- Do 2 sets of 10 reps and increase the number of reps you do each week.

Step 7. Do a palm pushing
This is a simple exercise that can be done anywhere and anytime. Place your palms facing each other and press each other to a count of 5 then release. Do as many as 10 repetitions.
Method 3 of 3: Taking an Alternative Approach

Step 1. Massage your breasts
Although it has not been scientifically confirmed, there are rumors that daily breast massage helps stimulate blood flow to the breasts and allows natural hormones extracted from food to reach the breast tissue more effectively. In turn, your breasts will grow bigger.

Step 2. Stop wearing bras
A French study spanning 15 years recently reported that bras cause women's breasts to sag over time. Researchers found that not wearing a bra increased the elasticity of the breasts which made them more beautiful. This study contradicts previous reports that bras support women's breasts and prevent sagging.
The study found that women who never wore a bra had, on average, seven millimeters taller nipples (relative to their shoulders) than women who wore a bra regularly

Step 3. Try herbs for breast enlargement
Consult a health food professional or naturopath in your city about natural herbal health supplements for women. This will help your breasts look fuller and fuller. Even so, try to stick to natural products.
Marshmallow root, for example, is one of the natural herbs that can help breast growth. However, be sure to consult a doctor, as certain herbs can interfere with other medications you are taking

Step 4. Talk to your doctor about birth control pills
Birth control pills contain hormones - the most important of which is estrogen - that will affect breast size. However, hormones should be used as a last resort.
- There are several reasons to start taking birth control pills besides reducing the risk of pregnancy during sex. The hormones in birth control pills can regulate your period, make your period less painful, and reduce PMS (premenstrual syndrome) symptoms. Many birth control pills also cause slight weight gain, which can increase breast size.
- If you are a teenager who has not taken birth control pills, consult your parents and doctor for monitoring hormone levels. However, note that gaining weight should not be the only reason for you to start taking birth control pills. This is a form of medicine and will cause other side effects in your body, so think carefully if you want to take it.

Step 5. Try a breast enlarger that doesn't change the size of your breasts
If you want your breasts to look bigger but don't really want to try any of the methods above, try wearing a padded bra or another bra with stuffing in it. Your breasts will look bigger but are not actually bigger.

Step 6. Be patient
If you are currently going through puberty, there are some clues you can use to predict whether your breasts will grow naturally or not.
- Look at the size of your mother's and grandmother's breasts. If most of the women in your family have large breasts, your breasts will get bigger when you go through puberty.
- Examine your breasts in the mirror. Notice if the areola, which is the area around the nipple, is slightly "bulged," meaning it looks like a small mound above your breast. If so, then your breasts are still in the growth phase.
- Keep in mind that you may not reach your full breast size until you are in your late teens or even in your early 20s.
- Try to love your current body. You can't always get the body you want, but it's still YOUR BODY and it's here. Instead of focusing on appearance, try to focus on living a healthy and happy life!
- Remember that there is no fixed bust size. Breasts come in many different sizes and shapes and there are no "right" or "wrong" breasts.