An itchy armpit rash can be very annoying. Fortunately, there are many ways to cure this annoying rash. Distract yourself from the rash by relaxing and gently grooming yourself. Soaking in an oat solution or using a cold compress can also relieve some of the inflammation of the rash. With a little self-care, your underarm rash will heal in no time.
Part 1 of 3: Taking Immediate Action

Step 1. Apply a cold compress
Place an ice pack or damp towel on the underarm rash. You can also put a handful of ice cubes in a plastic bag and then apply it to the rash. This will reduce swelling and inflammation of the skin.
- This technique will be especially helpful for heat rashes and lichen planus, which is an inflammation of the skin.
- Use a cold compress on the armpits as often as you want. However, give a gap of 10-15 minutes between uses. Do not place the ice pack on the skin for more than 20 minutes.
- This technique can be used on any type of rash.

Step 2. Find a cooler place
A hot, humid, and sultry environment can trigger a heat rash on the armpits. However, even rashes that are not related to heat may improve in a cooler environment. Turn on the air conditioner or fan to cool the air, or head to a shopping center or cooler place until the temperature drops in the late afternoon.
Heat rash will appear as small red bumps that feel sore or in the form of clear lumps filled with fluid

Step 3. Drink fluids that can hydrate and cool the body
If your body temperature rises, a rash may form on your armpits. Water and iced tea are some great drink options for hydrating the body. Avoid intake of energy drinks, coffee, or other diuretics that can cause dehydration.
Whatever the cause, getting enough fluids can help your rash heal

Step 4. Use an anti-itch cream or ointment
Whatever the cause of the rash, anti-itch creams containing skin-cooling ingredients such as aloe vera, vitamin E, and menthol can be used to reduce itching and irritation. Although the method of use varies, in general you only need to apply a thin layer of this cream or ointment to the area of the rash.
- Avoid using creams or ointments that contain petroleum or mineral oil, as these can clog skin pores and make the rash worse.
- Always read the instructions for using a cream or ointment before using it.

Step 5. Don't scratch the rash
Scratching the rash can actually exacerbate the irritation in your sensitive armpits. Scratching too often can even cause bacteria from the fingernail to enter the wound in the rash and cause infection.
If you need help preventing this from happening, take an over-the-counter antihistamine such as Claritin or Allegra, which can reduce armpit itching

Step 6. Avoid strenuous physical activity
Exercising vigorously in hot weather can trigger (or worsen) a heat rash on the armpits. While regular exercise is important, getting a rash on your armpits may be a sign that your exercise program is too strenuous.
Relaxing and avoiding physical activity is a wise choice regardless of the cause of your underarm rash. However, if your rash is related to heat, you should avoid physical activity

Step 7. Consult the use of alternative medications or supplements with your doctor
If your armpit rash appears after you take a new medication or supplement, it may be due to the drug or supplement. Talk to your doctor about taking your medication and ask if a rash is a side effect. Your doctor can provide you with an alternative if necessary.
Do not stop using any medications or supplements without consulting your doctor first

Step 8. Stop eating allergenic foods
Certain food allergies can cause itching, eczema, and skin rashes. If you notice a rash on your armpits or other body parts after eating certain foods, stay away from those foods and see a doctor for an allergy diagnosis.
- Foods that commonly cause allergies are milk, eggs, soy, shellfish, nuts, cereals, and fish.
- Rashes caused by allergies can put your safety at risk. If you have symptoms other than a rash (such as swelling of your face or throat, or difficulty breathing), see your doctor immediately.

Step 9. Treat potential exposure to toxic plants
If you develop a rash for 12-72 hours after coming into contact with the leaves, you may have been exposed to nettle, posion oak, or poison sumac. Rashes caused by these plants can only be treated with prescription drugs. Call your doctor for a diagnosis and a cure.

Step 10. See a doctor if your armpit rash doesn't improve or recurs frequently
If your armpit rash recurs frequently, it may be due to a disease such as atopic dermatitis (or eczema). Only a doctor can determine if your rash is indeed caused by the disease, and prescribe the right medicated ointment (or other treatment).
You should also see a doctor if your rash does not improve within a day or two of starting treatment
Part 2 of 3: Trying Home Treatments

Step 1. Soak in a warm (not hot) colloidal oatmeal solution
Puree 6 cups of unflavored oats in a food processor. Fill the tub with warm water, then add 2-3 cups of ground oatmeal. Soak in this solution for 10-15 minutes. Make sure your armpits are submerged in it. Pat your body dry when you're done bathing.
Colloidal oatmeal is oats that have been mashed and dissolved in a liquid. This solution can soothe the skin and help heal rashes on the armpits

Step 2. Try some relaxation techniques
Yoga or meditation can help you relax and distract yourself from the rash. Listening to relaxing music, chatting with friends, or visiting a beautiful place may also help. Any hobbies or activities that interest you can help distract you and make you feel more comfortable.

Step 3. Increase your vitamin C intake
Vitamin C can treat and restore the skin. Oranges, tomatoes, and broccoli are good sources of vitamin C. Look for ways to include these foods in your daily diet, for example by drinking orange juice or eating broccoli salad.
Part 3 of 3: Preventing Rashes in the Future

Step 1. Wear loose clothing made of natural fibers
Clothing made from synthetic fibers such as polyester can irritate the armpits and cause rashes. Try wearing clothes made of cotton or other natural fibers. Tops that are too tight on the armpits can also cause problems. For that, choose clothes that don't feel tight or rub against your armpits.
This step is very important, especially if you live in a warm climate

Step 2. Use a mild detergent and avoid using fabric softener
Avoid all kinds of products that contain dyes or fragrances because they can irritate the skin and make the rash on the armpits worse. Also, rinse your clothes twice to make sure they are clean of detergent residue.

Step 3. Clean your armpits daily with a mild soap
Any area that is moist, warm, and rarely exposed to air on the body is prone to bacterial growth. Since the armpit is one of them, rashes are often found in this area. To inhibit the growth of underarm bacteria, use warm water and fragrance-free soap to clean it every day. Alternatively, simply wipe a soft, damp washcloth over the underarm area, without using soap again.
If you have a heat rash, use cold water instead of warm water to wash your underarms. Then, let your armpits dry on their own

Step 4. Use a different brand of deodorant
Rashes in the armpits are often caused by deodorants that contain irritating ingredients. Deodorant may be the cause of the rash if this problem occurs shortly after you start using the product. However, deodorant you've been using for a long time may also cause rashes if the ingredients change.
If your armpit rash doesn't improve after you use a different brand of deodorant, stop using the deodorant altogether

Step 5. Dab a little talcum powder on the armpits
Talc powder can absorb sweat while reducing friction that can cause and aggravate underarm rashes. Using this powder every day, even if you don't get a rash, can prevent rashes from developing in the future. Just take a small amount of powder with your fingers, and pat it on your underarms.
- You can use cornstarch instead of talcum powder.
- The use of powder may be quite messy and leave white streaks on clothes. So, be careful and don't wear expensive clothes when you apply powder.
- If you've just applied an anti-itch cream, wait until it's fully absorbed into your skin before applying the powder.

Step 6. Use an unscented moisturizer for dry skin and eczema
Moisturizers can help restore moisture to rashes caused by eczema or dry skin. However, moisturizers that contain scented ingredients can actually make the rash worse. So, make sure to choose a moisturizer that doesn't contain fragrance.