Norovirus is a contagious virus that affects many people every year. You can get norovirus by interacting with an infected person, eating contaminated food, touching contaminated surfaces, or drinking contaminated water. However, there are ways you can kill norovirus before you become infected. For that, you must maintain personal hygiene and keep the house free from contamination.
Method 1 of 3: Killing Norovirus by Keeping Clean

Step 1. Wash your hands thoroughly
If you think you have been exposed to the virus, wash your hands thoroughly to avoid spreading the infection. Use soap and hot water to wash your hands and avoid contamination. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are generally considered ineffective against certain types of viruses. You should wash your hands if:
- You come into contact with someone who has norovirus.
- You interact with someone who has norovirus, before and after.
- You've recently visited the hospital, even if you don't think you've interacted with a person with norovirus.
- You just came from the bathroom.
- You eat, both before and after.
- If you are a nurse or doctor, wash your hands before and after coming into contact with an infected patient, even if you wear gloves.

Step 2. Avoid cooking for others if you are sick
If you are infected and sick, do not handle food or cook for others in your family. If you do, they will almost certainly get the infection too.
If family members are contaminated, do not let them cook for others. Limit the time healthy family members gather with sick family members

Step 3. Wash food before eating or cooking it
Wash all foodstuffs such as meat, fruits and vegetables thoroughly before consuming or for cooking use. This is important because norovirus tends to survive even at temperatures above 60 degrees Celsius.
Always wash vegetables or fruit carefully before consumption, whether served fresh or cooked

Step 4. Cook food thoroughly before consumption
Seafood should be thoroughly cooked before consumption. Steaming food quickly generally won't kill the virus, as the virus can survive the steaming process. Instead, grill or boil food at a temperature higher than 760 degrees Celsius if you're in doubt.
If you think the food served is contaminated, throw it away immediately. For example, if a contaminated family member handles food, it's best to dispose of the food or isolate it and make sure that only people who have been exposed to the virus eat it
Method 2 of 3: Killing Norovirus at Home

Step 1. Use bleach to clean the surface
Chlorine bleach is an effective cleaning solution to kill norovirus. Purchase a bottle of chlorine bleach if your existing bleach has been opened for more than a month. Bleach becomes less effective the longer it stays open. Before applying bleach to a visible surface, test it in an inconspicuous area to make sure the bleach won't damage the surface. However, if the surface becomes damaged, use a phenolic solution such as Pine-Sol to clean the surface. Each type of surface uses chlorine bleach with a certain concentration that is different.
- For stainless surfaces and items used for food consumption: Dissolve one tablespoon of bleach in 4 liters of water and clean the stainless steel.
- For non-porous surfaces such as countertops, sinks, or tiled floors: Dissolve one-third of a cup of bleach in four quarts of water.
- For porous surfaces, such as hardwood floors: Dissolve one and two-thirds of a cup of bleach in four liters of water.

Step 2. Rinse the surface with clean water after using bleach
After cleaning the surface, let the solution work for 10 to 20 minutes. After that, rinse the surface with clean water. Cover the surface, and let it sit for an hour.
Leave the windows open, as breathing while using bleach can be hazardous to your health

Step 3. Clean the area affected by feces or vomit
Areas that are contaminated with feces or vomit have their own special cleaning procedures. This is because the vomit or feces of a person contaminated with norovirus can easily cause you to become infected. To clean up vomit or faeces:
- Wear disposable gloves. You should also wear a mask that covers your mouth and nose.
- Use a tissue to clean up vomit and feces. Be careful not to get splashed or dripped while cleaning.
- Use a single-use cloth to clean and disinfect the entire area with chlorine bleach.
- Use a sealed plastic bag to dispose of all waste materials.

Step 4. Clean the carpet
If feces or vomit is on the carpet, take special steps to ensure that the area is clean and sterile from infection. To clean carpeted areas:
- Wear disposable gloves while cleaning the carpet, if possible. You should also wear a mask that covers your mouth and nose.
- Use an absorbent material to wash away any visible stool or vomit. Put all contaminated materials in a plastic bag to prevent aerosols from forming. The bag must be sealed and put in a trash can.
- The carpet should then be steam cleaned at 76 degrees Celsius for about five minutes, or if you want to save time, clean the carpet for one minute with steam at 100 degrees Celsius.

Step 5. Sterilize clothes
If your clothes or those of your family members are contaminated, or suspected to have been contaminated, be careful when washing them. To clean clothes and linen:.
- Remove any traces of vomit or stool by wiping it down with a tissue or disposable absorbent material.
- Place the contaminated clothing in the washing machine in the prewash cycle. After this step is complete, wash the clothes using a regular wash cycle and detergent. Clothing should be dried separately from uncontaminated clothing. The drying temperature is recommended to exceed 76 degrees Celsius.
- Do not wash contaminated clothing with an uncontaminated cleaner.
Method 3 of 3: Treating Norovirus

Step 1. Recognize the symptoms
If you think you have been infected with norovirus, recognize the symptoms. If you are exposed to a virus, the following steps will help you to cope with the disease when you are exposed. The symptoms include:
- Fever. Just like any other infection, norovirus infection causes fever. Fever is the body's way of fighting infection. The body temperature will increase, making the virus more vulnerable to the immune system. Your body temperature will most likely rise above 38 degrees Celsius while infected with Norovirus.
- Headache. High body temperature will cause blood vessels to dilate throughout the body, including the head. The high amount of blood in the head causes pressure to build up, and the protective membrane covering the brain becomes inflamed and causes pain.
- Stomach cramps. Norovirus infection usually persists in the stomach. Your stomach may become inflamed, causing pain.
- Diarrhea. Diarrhea is a common symptom of Norovirus contamination. This happens as a defense mechanism of the body, as the body tries to expel the virus.
- Gag. Vomiting is another common symptom of infection with Norovirus. As with diarrhea, the body tries to eliminate the virus from the body by vomiting.

Step 2. Understand that even if there is no treatment, there are ways you can manage the symptoms
Unfortunately, there is no specific drug that can fight this virus. However, you can combat the symptoms that norovirus causes. Remember that viruses are self-limiting, which means they generally go away on their own.
The virus generally lasts for a few days to a week

Step 3. Drink plenty of fluids
Consuming plenty of water and other fluids will help to keep you hydrated. This can help relieve fever and headaches, including if you are vomiting a lot or have diarrhea. When these symptoms appear, you are very likely to be dehydrated.
If you are tired of having to drink water, you can drink ginger tea which can help relieve stomach pain and hydrate the body

Step 4. You can take anti-emetics
Anti-emetics (prevents vomiting) such as Ondansetron and Domperidone can be given to relieve if you are vomiting frequently.
But keep in mind that this drug can only be obtained with a doctor's prescription

Step 5. Visit a doctor in case of severe infection
As mentioned above, most infections will subside after a few days. If the virus lasts for more than a week, go to the doctor immediately, especially if the people who are sick are children or the elderly, or people who have low immunity.
- During the recovery period, watch for signs of dehydration. If your urine is dark in color, or your tears don't come out, seek medical attention immediately.
- If you care for children who are infected with norovirus, they may become dehydrated if they cry without shedding tears, are very sleepy, and are very fussy.
- Remember that this virus can be passed on to you if you touch a surface that is contaminated with the virus and then put your finger in your mouth.
- A person is most contagious when symptoms of the disease are clearly visible.