Dying, even though it feels very terrible, is actually a moment that will be faced by everyone. However, you most likely wish those times could be passed easily and painlessly, right? Fortunately, there are things you can do to manage the pain and discomfort that accompanies dying. One of them is to be comfortable and spend more time with the people closest to you. In addition, make sure you also manage your emotional state so that you can feel true peace before you die.
Notes: This article contains tips for living life to the fullest until your last breath. Therefore, if your mind is filled with suicidal thoughts, try reading this article or immediately contact the nearest emergency health service.
Method 1 of 4: Getting Comfortable

Step 1. Spend your last days in the most comfortable place
For example, if possible, spend the moment at home with your loved ones, or somewhere else where you feel more comfortable. Discuss these options with relatives and/or the medical team who treats you. Then, choose the option that works best for you.
If the body is lying in the hospital, ask those closest to you to bring things that can calm you down, such as photos, blankets, and/or pillows from home

Step 2. Do the things you love as often as possible
Take time to do things that align with your interests. Whenever your body feels more energized, use it to do fun activities! If the body is feeling tired, take a break while watching television or reading a favorite book.
For example, invite your closest relatives to play a board game when your body has more energy. Or, take advantage of your free time to take your beloved dog for a walk

Step 3. Listen to music to improve your mood
In particular, music can make you more excited and reduce the pain that arises. Therefore, choose the type of music that you like the most or can remind you of the good times in the past. Then, play the music as often as possible to improve your mood.
Try using a voice-activated music player to make listening to music easier. If you don't know how, ask the people closest to you to teach it

Step 4. Rest as often as possible because chances are, your body will tire easily
Excess fatigue is a very normal condition. If you are stuck in this condition, don't force yourself to do activities that are beyond your limits. Instead, give your body as much time as possible to rest and enjoy the time you have left.
For example, there's nothing wrong with spending most of your day lying in bed

Step 5. Prepare an extra blanket in case it gets too cold around you
If you find it difficult to adjust to the temperature around you, it's a good idea to prepare an extra blanket that can be put on or removed as needed.
- Do not use warm or hot blankets because the wrong temperature can actually burn your skin.
- If you have a nurse or domestic helper, ask them to help you comfort yourself.

Step 6. Ask for help with household chores so you don't end up exhausted
Try not to worry about household responsibilities like cooking or cleaning the house. Instead, hire a domestic helper, or ask for help from those closest to you to sort it out. If possible, divide the responsibilities you have into several people so that all of them can be completed in a timely manner.
If there's some unfinished business, don't worry too much about it. At this time, your comfort and health is the most important thing
Method 2 of 4: Relieve Pain and Discomfort

Step 1. Discuss various palliative care options that can be done to manage your pain with your doctor
If you are currently living it, congratulations! If not, ask your doctor for a referral to do so, especially since palliative care is very useful to help relieve pain and various other symptoms that appear at each stage of treatment.
To make the treatment a success, you must work closely with doctors, nurses, and other expert medical teams

Step 2. Prepare an advance health care directive or living will to ensure all your expectations are met
A living will is a written document that describes your desired method of near-death care. In the document, provide a detailed explanation regarding the treatment method you want, whether or not a rescue method is needed in critical conditions, and the ideal conditions if you have reached a disability condition. Give a copy of the living will to your doctor, the medical team who treats you, and your next of kin.
Ask someone you trust to help type the living will. Then, also ask for their help to certify the document, and if necessary, review it with the help of a lawyer

Step 3. Ask your doctor for help to prescribe painkillers to make your body feel more comfortable
Since you're likely going to need a prescription pain reliever to ease the discomfort, don't hesitate to ask your doctor. Then, follow the recommended usage instructions! Generally, the doctor will ask you to take the medicine at the same time every day to control the occurrence of pain.
- Most likely, painkillers will have to be taken before the pain worsens again. Trust me, it's easier to prevent pain than to treat it!
- If the painkillers you are taking are no longer working effectively, don't forget to tell your doctor. Chances are, they will give you a higher dose of medication, such as morphine.
Do you know?
When the process of managing pain is done towards the end, you don't have to worry about addiction. As long as the dosage is taken according to the doctor's recommendations, there is nothing you need to worry about.

Step 4. Change the position of the body as often as possible to avoid tissue death
Most likely, your body at this time should be rested as often as possible. To prevent tissue death from prolonged low mobility, try changing body positions every half or hour. In addition, also support the body with a pillow or bolster to feel more comfortable when lying down.
Ask for help if the body feels difficult to move. Feeling weak in a dying condition is normal. Don't worry, those closest to you such as housekeepers, personal nurses, friends, and relatives will definitely be willing to help

Step 5. Promote breathing by sitting with a fan or humidifier on
Near death, difficulty breathing is a common disorder. To reduce discomfort, try to ease the process by elevating your upper body. For example, you can sit in a chair with your head higher than your heart. In addition, you can also open the window or turn on the fan to improve air circulation in the room. Alternatively, try turning on a humidifier or humidifier, which can soothe and moisten your airways in an instant.
The medical term for this condition is dyspnea. If you experience this, your doctor will likely offer you painkillers or oxygen to help relieve the discomfort caused by breathing difficulties

Step 6. Ask for medication to control nausea or constipation, if necessary
Chances are, you will experience various stomach disorders such as nausea or constipation, which are actually common. If you're stuck in this situation, don't feel compelled to eat unless you really want to. In addition, do not hesitate to consult the appropriate treatment options with your doctor, then take the prescribed medicines according to the recommendations given.
Chances are, your doctor will also give you advice on how to avoid nausea and constipation

Step 7. Apply an alcohol-free lotion to prevent dry and irritated skin
In a dying condition, the skin can become irritated and become drier than usual. As a result, pain is difficult to avoid and in some cases, the skin will crack. Fortunately, these side effects can be avoided by using a non-alcoholic lotion at least once a day. Apply the method independently or ask someone else to do it.
Reapply lotion whenever skin feels dry. For example, you can apply lotion after washing your hands
Method 3 of 4: Spending Time with Friends and Relatives

Step 1. Ask your closest relatives and friends to visit as often as possible
Being around the people closest to you can improve your mood in an instant, you know! However, sometimes they resist the urge to visit as often as they can because they're not sure that's what you really want. Therefore, feel free to contact them by phone or text message and ask them to visit. If necessary, indicate the most appropriate visit time for you.
Try saying, “I really want to see my family right now. You can come at dinner time, can't you? In this week, what day do you think you can come here?”
If it turns out that you just want to be alone or think without being disturbed by others, don't hesitate to share it with those closest to you.

Step 2. Don't be afraid to share your feelings with people you care about
Sharing feelings can actually make peace easier for you. In addition, the people closest to them will have pleasant memories to keep for the rest of their lives. To do this, try writing down the names of the people you want to talk to before you die, and then make those wishes come true one by one.
- Tell how much you love your closest friends and relatives.
- Say “Thank you” to people whose behavior or presence you appreciate.
- Forgive those who have hurt you.
- Apologize for the mistakes you've made.

Step 3. Identify the relationships and experiences that make your life meaningful
Try to think of the fun things that have come into your life. Then, tell the experience and its meaning to those closest to you. If possible, review your photos to see what's really important in your life.
Doing so can raise awareness of how complete and meaningful your life is, which will automatically help you feel more at peace

Step 4. Make your wishes come true one by one, if possible
Try to identify activities or experiences that can still be done in your current state. Then, contact the people closest to you to help make it happen! However, don't let that desire stress you out, okay? Instead, just enjoy the time you have left by doing as many things as you like.
For example, take a drive around town, watch the sun go down, or go on a cruise
Method 4 of 4: Managing Emotional Pain

Step 1. Share your feelings with trusted people
Most likely, your mind is currently being weighed down by endless fears and worries. Even though this condition is very normal, keep trying to convey it to your closest friends and relatives. After that, ask them for advice or just be a good listener
You can say, “Who do you think will be able to take care of my dog after I die? You have an idea, don't you?" or “I am afraid that I will have to return to the hospital in the near future. Can I talk to you for a moment?"

Step 2. Talk to a therapist or expert counselor if you find it difficult to accept the situation
Most likely, the process of receiving a medical diagnosis or dying condition will not be easy for you. It's perfectly normal, and expert counselors can always make it feel easier. Therefore, don't hesitate to seek out a therapist who has experience in dealing with dying people, or ask a doctor for a referral to a trusted therapist.
- If you're on palliative care, it's likely that you already have a therapist referred by your doctor. Talk to him if you feel the need to go through the counseling process.
- Some insurance companies are willing to cover the cost of therapy for their members. Try contacting your insurance company to confirm the benefits.
Even if you don't feel the need for therapy right now, understand that your feelings are an important aspect to pay attention to. That's why there's nothing wrong with talking to therapy to make your last moments more peaceful.

Step 3. Ask religious leaders to visit at least once a week
Indeed, questioning beliefs or worrying about post-death conditions is a natural thing to feel at this kind of moment. Therefore, try to contact your religious leaders or religious community to discuss the answers to these big questions and come to terms with your beliefs. Trust me, religious leaders are able to help provide the answers, assistance, and comfort you need.
- Consider contacting more than one religious leader so that the meeting process can be carried out more frequently.
- If you feel you have drifted away from your beliefs, ask for their willingness to help you do repentance and provide penances that are in accordance with your beliefs.
Invite members of the religious community to discuss each other's beliefs and/or to pray with you.

Step 4. Don't end your life prematurely
No matter how much pain you are currently feeling, understand that suicide is not the right solution to end it. Even if you don't seem to have any other options, realize that there will always be hope for those who are willing to seek it. Therefore, try talking to people you can trust, going to the nearest hospital, or contacting the emergency services that accommodate people with suicidal ideation for help.