3 Ways to Take a Quick Shower

3 Ways to Take a Quick Shower
3 Ways to Take a Quick Shower

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In fact, there are many benefits that you can get if you don't spend too long in the bathroom. If you're in a hurry or you just want to save water, try the following powerful tips to speed up your shower time!


Method 1 of 3: Take a Quick Shower


Step 1. Take a cold shower

If the water temperature is not warm, chances are you won't be able to stay in the bathroom for long. Therefore, take a shower immediately after the shower is turned on and for a maximum of 2 minutes. In addition to increasing efficiency, cold showers are also effective in increasing alertness, improving blood circulation, promoting weight loss, reducing stress, and speeding up the recovery of your body's muscles.


Step 2. Do other activities while waiting for the hot water temperature

If you want to take a warm bath, turn on the heater first and do other activities while waiting for the hot water temperature. Although it really depends on the efficiency of the available water heaters and the number of people who need to use the heaters, it is likely that the water will heat up within a few minutes. While waiting for the hot water temperature, do other productive activities, such as:

  • Take off the clothes you are wearing and prepare the clothes you will wear after bathing. Quickly, have everything you need ready for the day.
  • Prepare in advance all the necessary toiletries such as shampoo, conditioner, soap, deodorant, towels, etc
  • Brush your teeth while waiting for the hot water to heat up. Once the water temperature is right, finish brushing your teeth under the shower. Doing so will save you water and time in the shower!

Step 3. Measure the duration of your shower

Consider setting the alarm to sound within one, two, or three minutes (depending on how long you want it to last). Train yourself to compete with your allotted time! When the alarm sounds, get out of the bathroom even if you haven't actually finished showering. Under stress, you will find it easier to optimize your daily bathing routine. Challenge yourself to speed up your shower duration by a few seconds each week.


Step 4. Try the bathing technique adopted by the navy

Use the first 30 seconds to wet your entire body. After that, turn off the water and soap all parts of your body. After that, turn the water back on to rinse off the soap for a minute or less. This is a very powerful way to save water and energy while reducing the duration of your shower.

Method 2 of 3: Washing Hair


Step 1. Apply shampoo and conditioner efficiently

Spray the shampoo into the palms of the hands, then apply quickly and evenly to all parts of the hair; After that, let it sit for 30 seconds. While waiting for the shampoo to rinse off, wash your body or do something else. After that, rinse the shampoo with one hand while spraying the conditioner into the other. Apply conditioner and let sit for one minute; While waiting for the conditioner to rinse off, shave, exfoliate, or do other activities. When the time comes, rinse off the conditioner and get out of the shower.

Shower Quickly Step 6
Shower Quickly Step 6

Step 2. Use a shampoo that contains conditioner

Look for products that contain shampoo and conditioner in a 1:3 ratio. By applying it, you can shampoo your hair and moisturize it at the same time. For those of you who don't have much time to shower, this is one powerful method to take a quick shower.

Shower Quickly Step 7
Shower Quickly Step 7

Step 3. Maximize the volume of water to wet hair quickly

Remember, long, thick hair will take longer to wash. If you can adjust the volume of water that comes out of the shower at will, try maximizing the volume so that your hair gets wet faster.

Shower Quickly Step 8
Shower Quickly Step 8

Step 4. Consider not shampooing your hair

If you're in a hurry, try skipping shampoo and just putting on conditioner. Wet hair, but don't need to apply products that take a long time to apply. After all, you really don't need to wash your hair every day.

Feeling dirty but in a hurry? It is better not to need to wet the hair at all. Wear a shower cap or bobby pins to keep the water from getting in the shower

Method 3 of 3: Increasing Effectiveness in Bath

Shower Quickly Step 9
Shower Quickly Step 9

Step 1. Apply soap efficiently

Spray the soap into your palms and rub your palms together until the liquid soap is evenly distributed. After that, quickly apply the soap that sticks to your palms all over your body. Trust me, you'll be surprised when you realize how much area your palms can cover afterwards! For example, you may be able to reach your entire calf immediately if the soap is spread evenly across the palms of your hands.

  • Use a scrubber or loofah that has previously been spiked with soap. Using a scrubber or loofah is effective in saving the amount of soap used while reaching more areas of the body in one scrub.
  • Apply the soap symmetrically on both sides of the body with the palms of your hands. Also apply the soap simultaneously on the chest and torso area, both armpits, and both feet with your palms. This technique is also effective in speeding up the process of shampooing and drying hair.
Shower Quickly Step 10
Shower Quickly Step 10

Step 2. Exfoliate

If you always exfoliate in the shower, try doing it in the shower to make it easier to rinse off afterwards. These tips won't reduce the length of your shower, but they will at least increase the effectiveness of your morning routine.

Shower Quickly Step 11
Shower Quickly Step 11

Step 3. Shave while showering

Generally, you do need to shave the fine hairs on your face while looking in the mirror (which is why you can only do it in front of the sink after showering); but at least, try shaving other body parts while showering. For example, try shaving your chest, leg hair, or other areas where you can shave without having to look in the mirror. Apply shaving lotion or cream on these areas, and shave carefully. After that, rinse the shaved part thoroughly with running water.

This method works best for areas of the body that are less hairy (or regularly shaved before). If you shave too much hair while showering, you're worried that the falling hair will clog your bathroom drain


  • Use liquid soap instead of bar soap.
  • Apply the same bathing routine and procedure every day.
  • Apply conditioner and comb your hair before rinsing it. Rinsing hair after combing it can reduce the duration of the shower significantly because the condition of the hair is no longer tangled.
  • Put all of your toiletries in one location for easier access when needed.
  • Play fast-paced music while showering. Fast-paced and energetic music can keep your shower rhythmic.
  • Measure the duration of your shower. Install a timer or set a clock in the bathroom to measure the time you need to shower. Challenge yourself to reduce that duration by a few seconds each week.
  • Do something productive while waiting for the conditioner to sink into your hair. For example, brush your teeth, body wash, or shave your legs while waiting for the conditioner to be rinsed off.
  • After applying the conditioner, immediately wash your body while waiting for the right time to rinse the conditioner.
  • If you plan to apply liquid soap to a private area of the body (such as the vagina), make sure that this type of soap can indeed be applied to the body part concerned.
  • For those of you who have long hair, wrap your hair in a towel.


  • Check the water temperature before starting to shower.
  • Be careful, you can get injured if you rush in the shower; for example, you could fall and injure yourself (such as if you hit your head on the bathroom floor) if you accidentally spill liquid soap on the bathroom floor in too much of a rush.
  • Don't lock the bathroom door. Make sure that someone else can easily help you if you accidentally fall in the bathroom.
