7 Ways to Tie a Veil

7 Ways to Tie a Veil
7 Ways to Tie a Veil

Table of contents:


Headscarves have been worn for centuries, as a way of keeping hairdo, keeping the head warm, and showing position or modesty. The veil is also a part of fashion, whose popularity rises and falls according to the trend. The last period of veil fame was in the 1960s, when celebrities such as Grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn wore them in style. Today, although it is not very popular as part of the fashion style, the veil is still used, and can look very glamorous or casual; You just need to know some simple ways to use it well.

Note: The style of wearing the veil given here is considered appropriate for the general style of dress. If you are interested in wearing a headscarf because of a religious imperative, read the articles How to Wear a Hijab or How to Wear a Hijab.


Method 1 of 7: "Windsor" Style Veil

The "Windsor" style veil is often associated with Queen Elizabeth II who wears it in various outdoor events. This style is very simple but neat, which can keep the hair in it.

Tie a Headscarf Step 1
Tie a Headscarf Step 1

Step 1. Use a square scarf

The ideal size is 75 cm.

Tie a Headscarf Step 2
Tie a Headscarf Step 2

Step 2. Fold the scarf diagonally

Make a triangle shape.

Tie a Headscarf Step 3
Tie a Headscarf Step 3

Step 3. Place the folded scarf over your head with the open part around your face

Take both ends of the scarf and tie it under your chin. The pointed end of the triangle should be behind your neck and hair, pointing toward your back (the length will depend on the size of your scarf).

Method 2 of 7: Classic Style Veil

This style is a little complicated, but the result is very elegant. This style is a great choice for keeping your head warm, especially if you're using warm fabrics like bamboo, wool, or cashmere.

Tie a Headscarf Step 4
Tie a Headscarf Step 4

Step 1. Find a scarf that is large enough

Preferably a square about 35 cm.

Tie a Headscarf Step 5
Tie a Headscarf Step 5

Step 2. Fold the scarf into a triangular shape

The top (end) of the scarf should be folded about 1.25 cm above the inside (bottom) of the scarf.

Tie a Headscarf Step 6
Tie a Headscarf Step 6

Step 3. Place the folded scarf over your head

Tie a Headscarf Step 7
Tie a Headscarf Step 7

Step 4. Cross the right end of the scarf over the left under your chin

Tie a Headscarf Step 8
Tie a Headscarf Step 8

Step 5. Bring both ends of the scarf to the back of your neck

Tie behind the neck in a loose double knot.

Tie a Headscarf Step 9
Tie a Headscarf Step 9

Step 6. Wrap the scarf hanging under the knot around it to keep it neat

The final look will be quite elegant.

Method 3 of 7: Headband Scarf

This style is a very simple look, but if you use a pretty scarf, it will look much prettier and more elegant than if you were wearing a headband. In addition, this scarf will not tie too tightly around your head like a regular rubber headband.

Tie a Headscarf Step 10
Tie a Headscarf Step 10

Step 1. Find a suitable rectangular scarf

Ideally a scarf with a length of 120 cm and a width of 25 cm.

Tie a Headscarf Step 11
Tie a Headscarf Step 11

Step 2. Place the scarf on a flat place

Tie a Headscarf Step 12
Tie a Headscarf Step 12

Step 3. Fold the top edge (the edge furthest away from you) 7.5 cm towards the center

Press with your finger.

Tie a Headscarf Step 13
Tie a Headscarf Step 13

Step 4. Fold the bottom edge (the edge closest to you) the same distance as the previous step to the center

This time, place it on top of the folded part. Press with your finger.

Tie a Headscarf Step 14
Tie a Headscarf Step 14

Step 5. Place the scarf in the center of your head

Tuck the ends under your hair at the back and tie a double knot.

Tie a Headscarf Step 15
Tie a Headscarf Step 15

Step 6. Rearrange the length under the knot so that it points towards one of your shoulders, moving it forward


Method 4 of 7: Simple Back Knot Hoods

This method is a simple option and is great for concerts, camping, etc., when you need a quick way to keep your hair from falling forward.

Tie a Headscarf Step 16
Tie a Headscarf Step 16

Step 1. Find a suitable scarf

It should be large enough to fit around your head.

Tie a Headscarf Step 17
Tie a Headscarf Step 17

Step 2. Fold the scarf diagonally

The shape will be a triangle.

Tie a Headscarf Step 18
Tie a Headscarf Step 18

Step 3. Place a triangular scarf in the center of your head

Place it in the center of your head so that it is just above the crown of your head.

Tie a Headscarf Step 19
Tie a Headscarf Step 19

Step 4. Tie the ends in a knot behind your head

Be sure to include the hair you want to style. Finished.

Method 5 of 7: Half Turban Veil

Although the full turban is usually used in religious ceremonies, it can also be worn as a fashion style, and was very much found in the 1940s. This half turban is an easy-to-make version of the 1940s style.

Tie a Headscarf Step 20
Tie a Headscarf Step 20

Step 1. Find a suitable scarf

The scarf you need should be flexible but strong - cotton fabric is a good choice. Choose a scarf that is rectangular in shape, of the right length to wrap around your head. You may also need Velcro adhesive to hold the scarf in place, depending on how well you wear it.

Tie a Headscarf Step 21
Tie a Headscarf Step 21

Step 2. Fold the scarf to form a triangle

Tie a Headscarf Step 22
Tie a Headscarf Step 22

Step 3. Place the center of the scarf behind your neck

Tie a Headscarf Step 23
Tie a Headscarf Step 23

Step 4. Hold both ends of the scarf tightly

Pull the ends through the sides of your face, to wrap the scarf up around your head. Hold the ends of the scarf in the air above your head, just above your bangs line.

Tie a Headscarf Step 24
Tie a Headscarf Step 24

Step 5. Tie a knot around your head

Tie a Headscarf Step 25
Tie a Headscarf Step 25

Step 6. Bring the scarf back through the back of your head (and hair)

Thread the ends into the knot you just made.

Tie a Headscarf Step 26
Tie a Headscarf Step 26

Step 7. Pull gently so that it fits on your head

Adjust the vertices if necessary.

Tie a Headscarf Step 27
Tie a Headscarf Step 27

Step 8. Pull the end of the triangle (the part below the knot) through the knot

Put it back under it. Tuck both sides of the scarf into a knot as well, making sure your entire hair is covered.

Use Velcro adhesive to hold loose parts together. But maybe you don't need it

Tie a Headscarf Step 28
Tie a Headscarf Step 28

Step 9. If you like, add a large, light brooch in front of the turban, just above the knot

This decoration is often used by Hollywood celebrities in the early 20th century.

Check pictures of Carmen Miranda online if you want to see a gorgeous turban scarf style

Method 6 of 7: Hermes Scarf As Headband

Tie a Headscarf Step 29
Tie a Headscarf Step 29

Step 1. Turn your Hermes scarf into a headband

Tie a Headscarf Step 30
Tie a Headscarf Step 30

Step 2. Fold the scarf the same way you would braid your hair

Tie a Headscarf Step 31
Tie a Headscarf Step 31

Step 3. Wrap the scarf around your head like a regular headband

Tie a Headscarf Step 32
Tie a Headscarf Step 32

Step 4. Tie it at the nape of your neck, under your hair

Tie a Headscarf Step 33
Tie a Headscarf Step 33

Step 5. Try another Hermes scarf style

Check out the article How to Wear a Hermes Scarf for more ideas.

Method 7 of 7: Other Veil Styles

Tie a Headscarf Step 34
Tie a Headscarf Step 34

Step 1. There are several other ways to wear a veil, namely:

  • For religious reasons, you may want to wear a headscarf, or a nun's or nun's veil.
  • For everyday use, you can use a Bandana as a veil.
