Cortisol is a stress-causing chemical released by the adrenal glands. Although some cortisol is beneficial for survival, some people produce too much cortisol. If this happens, you may feel anxious, stressed and tend to gain weight. If you notice any or all of these symptoms in yourself, then you must take action. Reducing the amount of cortisol produced in your body can have a positive effect on your overall health and make you feel more relaxed and balanced.
Method 1 of 2: Making Changes To Your Diet

Step 1. Cut back or eliminate all drinks that have a high caffeine content
This includes all types of soda, energy drinks, and coffee. Drinking caffeine causes cortisol levels to spike. The good news, if any, is that the cortisol response is reduced, but not eliminated, in people who drink caffeine regularly.

Step 2. Reduce the amount of processed foods in your diet
Processed foods, especially simple carbohydrates and sugars, cause cortisol spikes. Too many processed foods raise blood sugar levels, which in turn causes you to feel anxious.
- The following refined carbohydrates are foodstuffs that you should avoid:
- White bread
- "regular" pasta (not whole grain)
- White rice
- Candy, cake, chocolate, etc.

Step 3. Make sure you drink enough water
A study has found that even just half a liter of fluid deprivation can increase cortisol levels. Dehydration is bad because dehydration is a vicious cycle: stress can lead to dehydration, and dehydration can cause stress. Make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day to reduce your chances of having unhealthy cortisol levels.
If your urine is darker in color when you pee, it may be a sign that you are not drinking enough water. People who have enough fluids in their bodies excrete light colored urine, which looks almost like water

Step 4. Try drinking rhodiola when your cortisol is high
Rhodiola is an herbal supplement related to ginseng, and is a popular folk remedy for lowering cortisol. This supplement is said to increase your energy, help you burn fat, and lower your cortisol levels.

Step 5. Include more fish oil in your diet
According to doctors, just 2,000 mg of fish oil per day can lower your cortisol levels. If you don't want to take supplements, you can consume the following fish to get a healthy supply of fish oil:
- Salmon
- Sardines
- mackerel
- Sea bass
Method 2 of 2: Making Changes to Your Lifestyle

Step 1. Prepare a pot of hot black tea
Scientists have found that drinking black tea can lower overall cortisol levels in a group of people who perform stressful tasks. So the next time you feel your cortisol bubbling up and urging to escape in a rush of stress, have a cup of English breakfast tea (a variant of black tea) and let go.

Step 2. Try meditation techniques
Among its many other benefits, one of the benefits of meditation is that it activates the Vagus nerve, which triggers a response in your body to lower cortisol levels. Meditation techniques can do everything from taking deep breaths to letting your mind wander to a peaceful place. For best results, meditate for 30 minutes a day, three to four times a week. After the first session, you will notice a significant difference in how your body feels.
- Sit in a quiet, dark room. Let your mind meditate. If you need help relaxing, imagine somewhere quiet and peaceful. Imagine how your body feels when your body is relaxed. Try to recreate this feeling in your body. It is very helpful to relieve muscle tension in the body.
- Close your eyes. Take deep breaths and exhale until you notice your heart rate slowing down. Pay attention to your heart rate and its sound when you relax. Imagine all the tension radiating out of your body through the tips of your fingers and toes. Feel the release of tension throughout your body.

Step 3. Watch a funny movie or listen to a funny story
Laughter happily can actually limit your body's production of cortisol, according to FASEB. So feel free to joke with a funny friend or remind yourself of a happy memory to get your cortisol down.

Step 4. Try adaptive exercise to target your cortisol drop
Exercise is a stress buster, right? So wouldn't all exercise be beneficial for lowering cortisol? Not always. The problem is that running and other cardio exercises increase your heart rate, which in turn increases cortisol.
- Try yoga or Pilates for adaptive exercises that burn calories, work your muscles, and also lower cortisol.
- Try other adaptive exercises using the Wii console, for example, to increase your heart rate without making unhealthy cortisol spikes.

Step 5. Listen to some songs
Music therapy has been shown to reduce cortisol levels in patients undergoing screening colonoscopy. So the next time you're feeling stressed or feeling down, put on some relaxing music and let it ease your cortisol.