This wikiHow teaches you how to install the Simple Poll app on Slack and vote on chat channels via a desktop internet browser.

Step 1. Open the Simple Poll page via an internet browser
Type into the address bar and press Enter or Return on your keyboard.

Step 2. Click the Add to Slack button
It's in the middle of the page. You will then be asked to authorize a Simple Poll on the Slack workspace.
If you're not automatically logged into your Slack account in your browser, you'll be prompted to type in your workspace address and sign in using your email address and password

Step 3. Click the green Authorize button
With this option, you can create and share voting forms in selected workspaces.
If you want to use Simple Poll in another workspace, click the icon
in the upper-right corner of the page and select the desired workspace.

Step 4. Open Slack on the computer
You can use the Slack desktop app or sign in to your workspace via the site.

Step 5. Select a channel from the left pane
Find the channel you want to send a message to in the workspace's channel list (“Channel”), then open the channel.

Step 6. Type /poll "Question" "1" "2" into the message field
With this command, you can make a vote using the Simple Poll application and share it with contacts in the chat window.

Step 7. Replace "Question" with the question you want (in quotes)
Delete the Question text inside the quotation marks and enter the desired question for the voting form.

Step 8. Replace "1" and "2" with answer options
Remove the numbers in the quotes and enter the answer options for voting.
You can add more options on the command line

Step 9. Send the message to the chat window
Press Enter or Return on the keyboard to send a command line to the chat. After that, the voting form will automatically be generated.