If you are still confused about how to survive a power outage, whether caused by natural disasters or rotating blackouts, this article is perfect for you! Follow these steps to prepare for a power outage.
Method 1 of 1: Prepare for Power Outages

Step 1. Buy items that emit light, such as flashlights, candles, glowsticks, and so on
Place these items in an easily accessible place.
- Put a glow in the dark sticker on the flashlight, so you can find the flashlight in the dark.
- Place the glowstick in the freezer. The temperature in the freezer will decrease the glowstick reaction time, so glowsticks can last 4-5 days instead of the usual 1-2 days.
- Place the candle in the jar that is deeper than the length of the candle, so that the candle's light will come out of the rim of the jar. In this way, the candle light will be brighter, and the risk of fire is reduced.

Step 2. Prepare the first aid kits
You may have an emergency when the power goes out, so it is recommended that you have emergency medicine ready for a few days.
- In a first aid kit, prepare plasters of various sizes, gauze, masking tape, scissors, antiseptic liquid such as hydrogen peroxide, antibiotic ointment, and painkillers. You can find a ready-to-buy first aid kit at the nearest drugstore, or collect the contents yourself.
- Get the batteries ready, and make a list of the batteries your device requires, instead of assuming that all devices are compatible with AA or AAA batteries. Purchase batteries in wholesale sizes, as many as possible, so they are ready for use in the event of a power outage.

Step 3. Save the PLN telephone number
When a blackout occurs, contact PLN to find out when the electricity will be back on.

Step 4. Buy a radio and a crank flashlight
Crank radios and flashlights use a hand dial as a power source, so they can be alternative light, information, and entertainment when you're running low on battery.
- The radio will keep you up to date. Be aware of emergency information when a storm occurs, as the government may radio evacuation information or other important information.
- Radio can also be good entertainment when nothing else is on. When your TV and computer are off, you can still tune in to the radio. Ayu Ting Ting's "Geboy Mujair" can certainly be a fun friend to shake his thumbs up, right?

Step 5. Set up a car charger for the phone
Even if the power goes out, you can still use the car as a power source, but don't kill the battery while charging your phone. A car breaking down is certainly worse than a dead cell phone.

Step 6. Prepare canned food and bottled water in the kitchen, just in case the food stock runs out
- Generally, it is recommended that you prepare meals for a week. Soups, vegetables, fish or corned beef, and canned fruit are all great storage. Make sure you have a can opener around the kitchen.
- Prepare water equivalent to three weeks of family water needs. Humans can live without food for a long time, but water is needed by the body. In an emergency, the water from the faucet may be dirty, and you should use bottled water.

Step 7. Buy a gas stove for camping
If the stove in your home relies on electricity, of course it won't work in the event of a power outage, so you'll need to rely on other ways to cook.
- Prepare gas cylinders and/or charcoal in the warehouse. In humid situations, it is recommended that you store the gas cylinder. Learn how to attach a gas cylinder to the stove, so you know it before an emergency occurs.
- Do not use the barbecue burner in an enclosed area, as the barbecue burner may cause carbon monoxide or dioxide poisoning.

Step 8. Fill the empty space in the refrigerator with a water bottle
The frozen water bottles in the freezer can be used as ice cubes, and will last longer in the event of a power outage. When the ice melts, you can drink the clean water.

Step 9. Set up an interesting offline game
In the past, people lived without the internet, and having non-internet entertainment sources such as board games or cards can be a good way to stay optimistic during a power outage.
- Prepare several decks of cards. Some card games require multiple decks of cards, and often times, some cards are missing from the pile.
- If you or your family are brave, you can even sing, dance, or tell a story instead of playing.

Step 10. Use a landline instead of a cell phone
- Generally, landline services can still be used even if the power goes out. Cellular masts may stop working during a power outage, and landline phones or landlines running through a router won't work, especially in winter.
- If you don't have a battery clock, you'll most likely have to get up and go to sleep relying on the sun. Remember that days are longer and hotter in summer, and short and cold in winter.
- Do not use candles if you smell gas or notice a gas leak.
- If you rely on a pump for water, the pump will not work if there is no electricity. Fill the tub with water if you expect a power outage. The water in the tub can be flushed down the toilet.