This article is for people who think that everything in everyday life is too boring and needs to be made a little more fun. Choose your goals and timing wisely, or you'll be seen as having a bad reputation with your coworkers, classmates, or fellow commuters.
Method 1 of 4: Using Subtle Confusion Tactics

Step 1. Use long complex sentences
Prepare beforehand so that you can quickly say these sentences, as if they were all part of a natural conversation. These sentences and words make sense, but many people will have a hard time understanding their meaning. Here are some sample sentences that you can adapt to other subjects:
- "I wouldn't have spoken to you about this if I thought I wasn't the only one with this view." (This sentence involves using an overabundance of negativity, which literally means "It seems we have come to an understanding.").
- "The government's plan to raise taxes has been scrapped." (The word "government" and the word "plan" can be considered as different elements of a sentence, and the listener must really think about their interpretation in the middle of the sentence.)
- "For financial reasons, having money is better than living poor." (This is an obvious truth).

Step 2. Make references to things that are intricately interconnected
For example, say "That reminds me of my dad's ex-roommate's friend's dog." You can make up these relationships, or actually trace the trails to friends or family members you know. If you want to trigger a sense of surprise or laughter, this tactic is a good way to go.

Step 3. Use complex diction
Expand your word knowledge and practice throwing vague words or words that are too long and ineffective in a conversation. This method is more likely to work with people who don't know you well, and those with less knowledge of diction than you do. Here are some sample sentences:
- "Good idea, but can you re-analyze your idea creation?" (Can you think about it more carefully?).
- "Suddenly led me here, but I'm getting euphoric from this experience." (I came spontaneously, but I had fun).

Step 4. Pretend you have a special joke with someone
When conversing in a group, choose someone to talk to and act as if you both know an amazing secret. Every now and then, when someone else is cracking a casual joke, you can turn to the person you've chosen and laugh, wink, or nudge him.
This is most effective if the person you choose already knows your plans, but with practice and a high level of skill, you can still keep the conversation going fairly quickly, so your target doesn't have a chance to deny your particular joke
Method 2 of 4: Using Crazy Confused Tactics

Step 1. Prepare silly or unrelated answers
Unrelated means a response that is unrelated to the conversation or the answers that follow. Here are some examples of common questions or greetings, with confusing responses you can use:
- "Hi, how are you?" - "You're the first to say that to me. What does that mean?"
- "Excuse me, do you have time?" - "No, but I saw that time just flew away a few minutes ago."
- "(any sentence with a technical term or the name of a place, person, organization)" - "Sorry, I don't like Pokémon."
- "Good morning" - (angry) "I can't believe you're going to be arrested tomorrow!" - "What?" - (happy) "Nice talking to you, see you later!"

Step 2. Ask for help that doesn't make sense, then act offended when your request is rejected
For example, ask a stranger to borrow shoes, or ask his permission to let you adopt his dog. or ask for help from him to install electrical installations. When he refuses, looks at himself with a surprised expression, mumbles the words "people of today," and leaves himself.
Instead of "people," you could say "kids these days," but only say this when you're talking to someone who is clearly older than you

Step 3. Continue the confusing physical actions
This method works best if you act and talk as if you were completely normal, but you suddenly startle the other person with one of the actions below:
- Drop yourself on the floor and crawl or walk around like a crab as you leave the room. Graham Chapman of the comedy group Monty Python enjoys crawling at important dinners and rubbing his body against other people's calves.
- Stand alert and pay respects to someone. Even more fun if you do it while playing the national anthem of your country on your mobile phone.

Step 4. Confuse someone by changing their room
Ask someone who lives at your friend's house for permission to let you and your assistant change things when the friend isn't home. Fun with your friends with the confusing adjustments you make to their room. This fun activity is better done with close friends, with a good sense of humor.
- Take a picture of the room, remove all the items, then return it exactly as pictured in the photo… only, upside down like a mirror.
- Wrap everything in the room with newspaper, including the furniture.
Method 3 of 4: Confused Pedestrians in Public

Step 1. Fill the mayonnaise jar with yogurt
Clean the empty mayonnaise jar and leave the label on, then fill it with yogurt. Take these jars to a public park or cafe and eat their contents enthusiastically scooping them out full.

Step 2. Fill the spray bottle with a blue sports drink
Attach the label of Windex or other cleaning product. Spray it on a car window or other object and wipe it clean with a cloth. Also spray it in your mouth every now and then while someone is watching.
It is not recommended that you use real Windex bottles unless you are sure they have been thoroughly washed

Step 3. Walk around wearing a hand puppet
Act as if nothing is in your hands. Eat and shake hands, and do other things as if your hands were normal. After one or more people have watched you for a few minutes, pretend to be surprised to see the doll. Shout out loud and run with the doll, which is now "chasing" to you.
This method can also be used with unexpected objects. Try looking for items from flea stores, antique stores, and house sales, such as spooky figurines

Step 4. Post fake signs in public places
Many people like to copy the visual style of signs on subways, telephone poles, or any other place, and replace the words or pictures with silly messages. Be aware that placing these signs on property that is not yours may attract the attention of the police or civil servants. In addition, this action is considered illegal in some areas.

Step 5. Act as if you have a hard-to-cover secret
Pretend to be an incompetent spy, time traveler, or lunatic. For maximum confusion, you must begin to act normally, and give gradual hints about "the real you." Here are some examples of scenarios you can play:
- Put on a futuristic, sci-fi-style suit. Act confused around everyday objects, for example by kissing a cell phone or trying to ride a bicycle upside down.
- Continue the conversation normally, but involve progressively longer pauses before you answer. Start giggling for no apparent reason, then put on a serious expression and say "I need to get back to the mental hospital immediately." and go away.

Step 6. Plan a public performance or flash mob dance
With this, you'll soon get some astonished eyes. However, if you go the extra mile, you can turn those eyes into laughter and applause - while still creating confusion, of course. Here are some suggestions to help you get started this way:
- For a comedic performance in a public place, start with someone wearing a strange costume or doing something unusual, so that the public's attention is drawn. Make sure this person pretends that everything is normal. After a few minutes, bring up one or more other characters to talk to the person aloud.
- Prepare the appearance of the flash mob at a certain location. Dance, sing, or perform other communal activities.
- Visit Improv Everywhere to see events you can participate in in your area of residence.
Method 4 of 4: Confuse People Through Text Messages or Emails

Step 1. Pretend you've transferred a tough task (or disaster) to someone else
Send a text message to your spouse, friends, or family, explaining an important task they have to do. For example:
- "Hi, some of my friends (insert the name of a country far away here) from the internet are in Indonesia, but I want to relax today. I told them you can guide them around to (insert the name of the nearest city here). They I'll be at your house soon."
- (To a friend who just got back from vacation) "Welcome back! Thank you for allowing me to stay at your house. I will continue to borrow your clothes for the next few days, but the stained clothes will be returned this weekend."

Step 2. Speak as if the other party said something completely different from what he or she said
Send a text message, but ignore all replies from the other party. Send a sequence of these messages, waiting at least thirty seconds for the gap between each message.
- Hey, where are you?
- Yes, almost ready.
- I don't think he knows anything. It will happen in a few minutes.
- You said grapefruit juice.
- Susan will bring her assistive device.
- Wait, did you also tell (insert someone's name)? Cancel everything, we'll do this next week.

Step 3. Distract someone with confusing questions
Ask silly questions, or riddles with difficult answers:
- "If a cat always falls and lands on its feet, and toast always lands on its buttered side, what would happen if you tied the toast to a cat's back?"
- "If a plane crashes in Antarctica, where do they bury the survivors?" (Answer: Why do survivors have to be buried?)

Step 4. Send reverse messages
Go to the reverse text service provider's site and type your message. This site will turn your message upside down. Not all chat programs, email applications, and browsers can display these characters, so recipients of your message may only see a line of boxes or question marks.
- For more ideas, you can look up other prank-themed articles on wikiHow.
- Don't try to confuse the same person every time you see them. The best chance is that he'll understand you're having fun and stop being surprised. Worst case scenario, you'll make him feel annoyed and your relationship could be jeopardized.