If you have a Netflix account, there are ways to change your choices. You can change a few things, like Parental Control settings, email subscriptions, etc. Read on to learn how.
Method 1 of 3: Changing Settings on Computer

Step 1. Use a computer
If you're using a tablet, console, or other device, skip this section. Most of these devices don't have access to full Netflix settings like on a computer.
Some mobile browsers have access to the settings described in this section

Step 2. Visit your account page
Visit https://www.netflix.com/YourAccount and log in. Alternatively, you can log in to the site, hover your mouse cursor over your profile name/icon in the upper right corner of the screen, then select the Your Account button. There are three types of profiles here, all of which have different access permissions:
- The main profile is the first profile on your list. Use this profile to change your membership plan, email address, password, and billing information.
- Additional profiles have access to all the options not listed above. Use your own profile whenever possible, as some changes here will only affect one account.
- Children's profiles do not have access to this setting.

Step 3. Change your membership plan
The two main sections on the account page deal with membership plans and billing. Use these options to change your email address, password, payment method, or plans for DVDs and streaming services.
Most of this is self-explanatory, but you may not know about Email preferences. This page gives you the option to receive emails about new events, updates, or special offers

Step 4. Research your device and DVD settings
Look for the Settings section next to your account page. The options here give you the option to change your DVD delivery address, pay an additional fee to receive Blu-ray discs, or add a new device to your Netflix account. Here are also some not-so-obvious settings:
- Enable Test Participation, which is used to see experimental features before they are opened to the public. These features are usually minor changes or suggestions to the user interface, but sometimes you can get a selection of special features, such as Privacy Mode.
- Connect DVDs to certain profiles if people in your household often fight about DVD queues. You can pay an extra fee to add DVDs, and connect them to each profile so they can order them together.

Step 5. Select the language, playback rules, and subtitles
The last section, My Profile, only affects the profile you are currently using. The available options are as follows:
- Language: select the default language. Be aware that not all languages will be available for all content.
- Subtitle appearance: adjust the color, size, and font of the text.
- Order in my list: useful for telling Netflix to stop adding suggestions to the My List category.
- Playback settings: reduce maximum data usage (recommended if your internet plan is limited), and disable automatic playback of the next episode.

Step 6. Manage your profiles
Visit netflix.com/EditProfiles, or hover over the avatar in the upper right corner of the screen and select "Manage Profiles." Then, you can add a profile, delete it, or set the profile as a Kids profile. Kids profile can't watch adult content.
Deleting a profile will remove all of its viewing history, ratings, and recommendations. You can't undo this

Step 7. Access advanced streaming settings
While a Netflix video is playing, press and hold Shift + alt=""Image" (or Option on a Mac), then left-click on the screen. A pop-up window with advanced settings will appear, including the following useful options:
- Stream Manager → Manual Selection → select a buffer level (how fast Netflix tries to load previous content).
- A/V Sync Compensation → move the slider to solve problems with unsynchronized video and audio.
Method 2 of 3: Changing Settings on Other Devices

Step 1. Use a mobile browser if possible
Many devices lack access to options on Netflix. Sign in to the Netflix site instead of using a computer or browser on your mobile device. Then, you can change the options as described in the computer section above.
Changes may take up to 24 hours before they can sync with other devices

Step 2. Change the text and language on the Android device
Start playing the video in the Netflix app on Android. Tap anywhere on the screen, then tap the Dialogue icon (which is a dialog bubble) at the top right to open these settings.
Some devices may have additional settings. Look for the settings icon in your Netflix app. This setting is usually displayed as three vertical dots

Step 3. Select the option on the Apple device
iOS devices can change subtitles and language options by tapping the screen while a video is playing, then you'll need to tap the Dialogue icon in the top right. To access more options, exit the Netflix app, look under the Settings menu on your device, then scroll down to find Netflix.

Step 4. Access audio and caption settings on other devices
Most consoles, TV add-ons, and smart TVs don't have access to all of their settings. You must be logged on to the computer. The exception applies only to audio and text settings, which are usually available in one of the ways below:
- While the video is playing, press Down (for most console types)
- When the video title is selected but not playing, select the Dialogue icon (which is a dialog bubble) or the "Audio and Subtitles" option (for Wii, Google TV, Roku, most Blu-ray players and smart TVs)
- While the video is playing, select the Dialogue icon (Wii U)
- While the video is playing, press and hold the center button on your controller (Apple TV)
Method 3 of 3: Adjusting the Taste Options
Step 1. Take and complete the Taste Preferences survey
Visit netflix.com/TastePreferences and fill out the survey. Your answers will help Netflix provide more accurate recommendations. Each answer will be saved automatically so you don't have to finish it in one go.
- Look for the words "Select a category type" near the top right corner of the screen. Click the drop-down menu to see a list of all the categories in the survey. To save time, only fill in the categories that are most relevant to your interests.
- You can also find this survey by visiting the Your Account page and selecting Taste Preferences.

Step 2. Rate the movie
Visit netflix.com/MoviewYouveSeen or click Ratings in the account options section. Click the star to rate the movie/episode you've seen, from 1 to 5. The more often you rate, the more accurate Netflix's recommendations will be.
- You can also search all movies and give a rating from the description page. Do this for all your favorite movies, to greatly improve the accuracy of Netflix recommendations.
- Click the "Not Interested" option under the rating if you don't want Netflix to suggest a movie for you.

Step 3. Wait for the changes to take effect
Netflix may take 24 hours to update its recommendations. Once this happens, your recommendations on all the devices you use to access Netflix will change.
- Your settings menu may look different if you're watching Netflix from a television. If you can't find an option, try logging in from your computer. Changes you make on one device will be visible on other devices within 24 hours.
- To browse all content with subtitles in your desired language, visit netflix.com/browse/subtitles.