In theater or just for fun, Pocahontas is a wonderful character. Here are some suggestions for making Pocahontas clothes and accessories. This costume is suitable for all ages and can be a quick and inexpensive project you can do yourself one afternoon.
Method 1 of 4: Overalls

Step 1. Look for earth-colored materials
Choose materials made from cotton or young plants, such as flax or linen. Make sure you have enough material to make clothes that suit your body shape and height.
You may also want a lighter or darker brown as an accent color. These will be placed around your waist and as tassels on top and bottom. Don't worry too much about the texture of the accent color – but for clothes, make sure you don't irritate your skin

Step 2. Make a Pocahontas-style outfit (see photo for the shape)
Basic patterns can be found online or at a grocery store. What's more, you can choose the pattern that you think looks best for your body type.
Don't forget to add stripes on the bottom half of the costume and the top half of the costume. To make the tassel, cut the stripes on a wide section of fabric and attach them to the top and bottom seams

Step 3. Attach the cotton belt
Thin straps work too. Anything that's natural and doesn't look like it's factory-made can work.
Method 2 of 4: Two Pieces with Poncho

Step 1. Purchase two faux-velvet strands
Choose whatever brown color you like. If you don't know how much to buy, ask an expert at the grocery store. A medium sized woman will need about 1.8 m.

Step 2. Fold a sheet of material in half
One of the folded edges will be the hole for the head. Fold the corner.
Cut your poncho to the desired size; always pay attention to the gaps that will become tassels. This will depend on your height and the range of material you want to cover your body

Step 3. Cut the neck
Turn the material so that the inside is on the outside before starting to cut. Cut along the previously folded corner.
Sew the exposed edges, so that they are shaped like a poncho. The rest are folded and do not need to be sewn. Come back when you're done

Step 4. Create the tassel accents
If you feel uncomfortable looking at it (or don't have a striped sewing pad), turn the fabric over and mark with a line all the way down the sides with a ruler and pen. You can make tassels of any size, but they should be about 2 inches (5 cm) wide and evenly spaced.
For adult women, a tassel of nearly 30 cm is sufficient if a poncho covers the entire chest

Step 5. Take the second material for your skirt
Use a skirt you already have in your closet as a rough pattern. The amount of material you need will depend on how long you want your skirt to be.

Step 6. Cut the skirt material
The standard Pocahontas look is a skirt with an asymmetrical hem. Cut around mid-thigh and finish around the knee. But again: remember to leave some for the tassel! Pocahontas' butt shouldn't be visible.
Sew about 2/3 of the edges down, depending on the length of your skirt. This is because of you you will definitely throw away that part later to make the tassel. So you don't need to sew the whole thing

Step 7. Create the tassel
The universal tassels look similar to the tassels on your poncho. Draw a line that is similar in length and width. The lines don't have to be perfect – in fact, an imperfect tassel might look better and be less geometric.
- Use additional fabric as a belt to hold the skirt in position, if needed. The poncho should cover the top of the skirt, so if you find it awkward, it can be easily fixed.
- If you have extra material left, cut it into tassels and glue it to your shoes or boots. Footwear? OK!
Method 3 of 4: Two Pieces with Dumbbells

Step 1. Buy a light brown t-shirt that is way too big for you
You also need a long shirt so that you can use it as a skirt. The t-shirt is the entirety of your costume, so choose a shirt that is long as well as bulky.

Step 2. Cut the sleeves from the armpit to the neckline
But you're going to need the collar, so leave it alone! That's how you will wear the shirt. This is easy to do if you lay the t-shirt on a flat surface.
Also cut the bottom 1/3 of the shirt. Make an estimate of how long you want the top and skirt to be. If you want a longer skirt, cut the bottom of the shirt longer. Think about your buttocks and hips – it will make a long skirt look shorter.
Two light brown T-shirts can always be an option. Light brown T-shirts are reasonably priced and can be found at most craft supply stores

Step 3. Cut the bottom seam of the shirt
This will be the belt, so be careful as you will be using it later. Cut it to form a long line.
About 2.5 cm from the edge of the skirt, start cutting a small slit to insert the belt. The distance should be about 2.5-5 cm from each other and only as necessary for the belt to pass through the holes.
Knot the belt through the hole you made earlier. You can start in the middle, side or back depending on where you want your ribbon to be. Knot twice at the end for safety

Step 4. Cut the sleeves into tassels
Take the end about 2.5 cm and cut the fabric into stripes. This will eventually form a gap (which is not the same as the sleeve) when you're done. Cut it all out by forming a number of stripes of brown fabric. When the edges curve inward, don't worry: The point of this outfit is the right imperfections.

Step 5. Make a small double slit at the bottom edge of your skirt
This will balance the tassels. Double small slits are basically two small slits in the fabric that are spaced close to each other with a very narrow line between them. This will tie the tassels you just made into the gaps.
Start about 2.5 cm from the bottom side of your skirt. Each part of the gap should be 2.5 cm apart from each other. Once you've tied all the tassels into the slit, knot them twice, so they're firmly attached to your skirt

Step 6. Make a slit in the back of your shirt
It should be about 7.5 cm long and expand as the material expands. Start about 5 – 7.5 cm from the neckline.
Cut one large pull through the back of the fabric gap so there are several to tie together. Aim to the right through the center so that all of your knots are aligned

Step 7. Add a tassel at the bottom of your shirt
Use the same method as you would for a skirt. If your neckline looks empty, add some tassels as well, by cutting two small slits and using any extra tassels you have from the rest of the sleeves.
- If your neckline looks too t-shirt-like, take two pieces of tassel and tie each of the tassels in a ribbon to the left and right of the front of your neckline. This will create a more square shape and improve the impression of the shirt.
- Ask someone to tie the back of your shirt. They can adjust it according to your body shape.
Method 4 of 4: Accessories

Step 1. Use copper blush on your cheeks to make your skin tone look tan
Don't overdo it – Pocahontas is definitely not orange. If you have pale skin, opt for a sun-kissed look with blush and blush.

Step 2. Use a wooden beaded necklace
If you make the necklace yourself, even better! Look online for pictures of Pocahontas if you want to imitate the Disney character. The necklace that Pocahontas wears is blue with a white pendant.
Necklaces are a great opportunity to add color to your costume. Consider armbands and bracelets too, but don't overdo it. Choose an accessory or two. In this case, less is better

Step 3. Look for long, loose wigs at a costume rental store or similar
If you want to make it more manageable, tie the hair into one or two long braids. Pocahontas don't need to have dark hair, but traditionally it is.
If you have long hair, you may need to stock up on a swim cap to keep the hair from coming out and ruining your final look

Step 4. Braid a headband
Use the same materials you used to make your clothes. Cut three long strands and braid them together, starting at the knot at the end.
Braid it until it's long enough to wrap around your head, but let the ends hang down. Then you can attach beads or feathers to the ends to make your outfit more interesting. Just tie it in the middle of your head and tie it again at the bottom of your hair
- Do not use heavy cosmetics; let your face look natural.
- Your tassels don't have to look symmetrical. Create a style that looks a bit haphazard on purpose. It will look good.