Since it was first released in November 2011, Skyrim can be considered the game with the largest and most extensive world (game territory). The world in Skyrim is so vast that even traveling by foot or horse from place to place can take a few minutes. Although some players think the world in Skyrim is almost as big as the world in the game Oblivion (Skyrim's predecessor), the landscape and construction of the game are so deep and complex that the world feels wider. Completing the entirety of this game can be said to be very difficult, with an endless number of side missions. However, completing Skyrim is not as difficult as one might think and is, in fact, quite possible.
Part 1 of 3: Complete the Main Mission: Part I

Step 1. Do the mission 'Unbound
' This is the first mission you will encounter at the start of the game. In this mission, you will be a prisoner. In addition, there will be a surprise attack from Alduin to the village of Helgen, where you are.
To complete this mission, all you need to do is run out of the village and into the mountains

Step 2. Do the mission 'Before the Storm
' This is the second mission in the main storyline. All you need to do is walk towards Whiterun and talk to Jarl Balgruuf who lives in a fort behind the village.
Open your map to see where Whiterun is and which roads can be walked from where you are

Step 3. Complete the mission 'Bleak Falls Barrow
' Here you will learn the dragon word for the first time. You must enter the Bleak Falls Barrow, a ruined building north of Whiterun. Go into the ruins and follow the path that leads to a dragon wall. There you will learn to speak your first words in dragon language.

Step 4. Complete the 'Dragon Rising' mission
' In this mission, you will defeat a dragon for the first time. Jarl Bagruuf will ask you to kill the dragon that has been terrorizing Whiterun. After talking to the Jarl, exit Whiterun and head to the watchtower in the west. There you will see dragons flying in the sky.
- Approach the dragon and attack it with arrows or magic like firebolt. After receiving enough attacks, Mirmulnir (the dragon) will descend and start biting or spitting fire at you.
- When Mirmulnir has descended, approach him and attack with melee weapons or magic. After receiving a large enough attack, it will fly again.
- Keep attacking until you beat Mirmulnir. You'll also use a similar method to attack and defeat other dragons throughout the game.

Step 5. Do the mission ‘The Way of the Voice
' After defeating your first dragon and telling everyone that you are a 'Dragonborn,' you will accept the mission 'The Way of the Voice'. In this mission, you must go to High Hrothgar which is on the top of a mountain in the southern part of Whiterun and talk to the Greybeards, an order within Skyrim that speaks the language of a dragon.

Step 6. Complete the mission 'The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller
' After speaking with the Greybeards, they will give you the next mission, which is 'The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller.' In this mission, you are asked to explore Ustengrav, an ancient Nord ruin, and pick up an item called the horn of Jurgen windcaller (trumpet). Jurgen the wind summoner).
The second part of the main mission will start after you complete this mission
Part 2 of 3: Complete the Main Mission: Part II

Step 1. Complete the mission 'A Blade in the Dark
' The first mission in the second part of the game requires you to go to Riverwood, a small village in Whiterun, and enter the 'Sleeping Giant Inn'. Inside you'll see a (unplayable) character named Delphine, the last member of the Blades (a group of warriors who protect the Dragonborn and defeat the dragons).

Step 2. Do the mission ‘A Diplomatic Immunity
' After talking to Delphine and teaming up with the Blades, you will be asked to go to the Thalmor Embassy or Thalmor headquarters (on the map, located at the far north) and look for information about the Thalmors, the troops sent by the kingdom and what they know about them. Dragon.

Step 3. Complete the mission 'A Cornered Rat
' After learning things about dragons and kingdoms, the third mission in the second part of the main story begins. In the mission 'A Cornered Rat,' you must go to Riften (a town located in the southeastern part of the map) and talk to a member of the Blades on the Ratway.
The entrance to the Ratway can be found on the southernmost side of the Riften, on a low ground

Step 4. Complete the 'Alduin's Wall' mission
' The Blades will escort you to the Sky Haven Temple (on the map, located in the west). The Sky Haven Temple is the ancient headquarters of the Blades and is where Alduin's Wall is located (you must read the message on the wall to complete this mission).

Step 5. Complete the mission 'The Throat of the World
' After reading the message on Alduin's Wall, you should talk to the leader of the Greybeards-a dragon named Paathurnax. You can find it in 'The Throat of the World' (same as the name of this mission), a mountain peak south of Whiterun (where the temple of the Greybeards is located). Paahurnax will teach you how to defeat Alduin.

Step 6. Do the 'Elder Knowledge' mission
' Paarthurnax will tell you that you need an item called 'Elder Scrolls' to defeat Alduin. You must find the item in the Alftand ruins, southwest of Winterhold. Go inside and follow the path until you reach the end of the ruins to get the item you're looking for.

Step 7. Complete the mission 'Alduin's Bane
' After obtaining the 'Elder Scrolls', head back to The Throat of the World and talk to Paarthurnax again. A time hole will open and you'll have to go inside and learn 'Dragonrend,' a cry in the dragon language used to summon a flying dragon to land.
Once you learn the summons, Alduin will appear and you will have to fight against him. Force Alduin to descend using the 'Dragonrend' you just learned and attack him as he lands. After receiving enough attacks, Alduin will fly away and the mission is successfully completed
Part 3 of 3: Complete the Main Mission: Part III

Step 1. Do the 'Season Unending' mission
' In order to defeat Alduin, you must team up with the entire army in Skyrim. Therefore, on the 'Season Unending' mission you are required to make a truce between the Imperial Legion and the Stormcloak Army – the two factions that hold control over the cities of Skyrim.
To make a truce, the Greybeards will prepare a meeting between the two camps. You must attend the meeting

Step 2. Complete the mission 'The Fallen
' To defeat Alduin, you must approach him first. You have to catch a dragon that can take you to Sovngarde-a fictional 'afterlife' in the world of Skyrim.
- Either the Imperial Legion or Stormcloaks will set up traps for you. All you have to do is wait for the dragon to appear and attack it until it is weak enough to catch the trap.
- You will talk to Odahviing (dragon) after you catch him and make a pact with him to take you to Sovrngarde.

Step 3. Complete the mission 'The World-Eater's Eyrie
' After capturing Odahviing, he will take you to Sovrngarde. Get on its back and it will fly, taking you to your destination.

Step 4. Do the mission ‘Sovngarde
' Once you arrive at Sovngarde, head to the Hall of Heroes and talk to Gormlaith Golden-Hilt, Hakon One-Eye and Felldir the Old-the three ancient warriors who defeated Alduin. You will recruit them to join you in the fight against Alduin.

Step 5. Complete the final mission, 'Dragonslayer'
Exit the Halls of Heroes, then follow the path and use your dragon shout to clear the fog. After the fog clears, Alduin will appear and the final battle begins.
To defeat Alduin, just do what you did in the mission 'Alduin's Bane.' This time, this mission will be a little easier to do because there are three heroes who will be fighting alongside you. They can also use dragon shout

Step 6. Continue to the epilogue
After defeating Alduin, talk to Tsun (a character standing near the Hall of Heroes) and he will take you back to Skyrim.
Safe! You have successfully completed Skyrim
- Get good equipment. Weapons and clothing are important in Skyrim. The better your weapons and equipment, the better your chances of surviving against enemies or bosses. Good quality clothes, weapons and shields can be found in treasure boxes in various dungeons. These items can also be obtained after defeating strong enemies. Make sure you search these places for good equipment.
- Master the magic and abilities required by your class and race. Each race in Skyrim has its own advantages, in terms of special abilities (unique skills) and magic (spell tree). The higher the level of mastery of your character's special abilities and magic, the stronger your character will be and the easier it will be for you to defeat powerful enemies in the game. Head to the 'Skills and Spells' menu to find out more about the special abilities and magic you need to master.
- Focus on the main mission. There are about hundreds of side quests in Skyrim, each one varying in duration, from a few minutes to several hours to complete. If you want to finish Skyrim as quickly as possible, focus on the main mission at hand. Completing side missions doesn't necessarily affect the game's main storyline.